Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2087 Death Factory (7)

Waste that cannot be used has no use. The Germans will ruthlessly dispose of the waste that has lost its use value. Throwing it into the crematorium and being burned into a puff of black smoke with a crackling sound is the only end. Google search reading

Roskov knew the virtues of the Germans very well, so he couldn't leave little Ivan here after being severely beaten, and let the Germans dispose of him after they judged that he had no use value. Even if he had to carry him, he would have to carry him to the end. Let’s talk about the construction site.

"You don't have to take me away, brother. I'm just a burden now. If I drag you down, you will be dragged down too. Just leave me behind and leave me to those Germans. I've already come to my senses."

"Shut up! Who encouraged me not to give up last night? Are you going to die now? Cheer up, we all have to survive!"

The role of the person giving encouragement and the person being encouraged are completely reversed.

Little Ivan felt as if his ankles had been broken. He was in terrible pain. In addition to his ankles, the dozens of sticks he received all over his body also left him covered in bruises.

Little Ivan doesn't know how long he can last like this, but he knows very well that even if he goes to the construction site now, he can't do the work. He has to take care of himself as well as his comrades and comrades who are working. How can he not be affected by these things? Targeted by fascist lackeys? Even if I am alive now, I am guilty and a complete burden. 6⃞ 9⃞ s⃞ h⃞ u⃞ x⃞ .⃞ c⃞ o⃞ m⃞

"No, you don't understand. This is meaningless. If you take me with you, all of us will be dead. Besides, ahem, I won't live much longer. I'm afraid, ahem, cough, cough."

Little Ivan coughed violently and coughed up blood. Bright red blood overflowed from the corners of his mouth, dripping down his chin and onto his feet. No one knew what the vicious black dog had beaten out of Little Ivan. What kind of internal injuries.

"Don't worry about so much for now. Let's take it one step at a time! We'll talk about the rest when we get to the construction site. At least the German guy doesn't think you are trash that can be thrown away immediately. Don't give up on yourself. Ivan and I will always be a couple!"

Big Ivan is the oldest among the dozen remaining Red Army prisoners of war. Before being captured, he was also a veteran platoon leader of the infantry platoon. He was the top one among them both in terms of age and position. of that.

In addition, Big Ivan is a bold person with a chin-shaped beard who likes to speak his mind directly. To put it simply, he has the standard image of a rough guy with a strong and fierce attitude, but he can also be said to be both coarse and fine. . Therefore, the remaining Red Army prisoners of war are willing to listen to him and take him as the core. In this small and united group, Big Ivan basically has the final say.

Now even Big Ivan was coming over to persuade him in a low voice. Little Ivan, who was being limped forward by Roskov, could only smile helplessly when he heard this. I wanted to say something, but when I saw the firm and encouraging eyes of my comrades, I had no choice but to swallow the words back in my stomach.

"Stop thinking about those things. Comrades believe in you. That black dog can't break us up. Hold on!"

Under the advice of the comrades around him, little Ivan gradually regained his confidence in living. Instead of giving up like this, he should really try to hold on and see what happens next.

At least he survived the beating, defeated the black dog, and let the broken-hearted, bereaved dog run away in hysterics.

The Fascists could easily take the lives of Red Army prisoners of war.

But on the other hand, it doesn't mean that you win if you kill this person at any time. Even if the black dog shot little Ivan to death, the ultimate loser will still be himself. Killing someone as a way to end things only makes him more incompetent.

The captured Red Army also had dignity, and there was still a contest between the prisoners and the Fascists in the prison camp.

Little Ivan, who overcame the difficulties and won the final victory, deserves everyone's admiration. Even Big Ivan, who usually doesn't often admire others, now truly admires this little carrot head with the same name as himself. "The Red Army will surely defeat" Fasis's belief became even stronger. Countless brave and determined Red Army soldiers like little Ivan will surely win the final victory.

Maybe the black dog lied, or maybe he didn't lie at first, but later became angry and changed his mind because of little Ivan's victory.

In short, the work assigned to the Red Army prisoners of war today is still not satisfactory. Unloading a train of coal just brought by the Germans on the platform is a fatal job.

Baskets and iron poles are the only work tools that can be obtained. The Germans will not issue any construction site armor to Red Army prisoners of war. In other words, compared to the safety gear, the prisoners of war were wearing rag-like and unbelievably rotten autumn clothes, which seemed even more ironic on this already cold and snowy day.

"Are you okay? Can you hold on? If not, go to the coal car to rest for a while, and we will cover you."

The entire ankle had been beaten to pieces and was covered in blood. Roskov guessed that little Ivan's ankle must have been broken, or maybe it was a comminuted fracture. He really didn't want his brother to do such heavy physical work under such circumstances, and it was even questionable whether he could even move.

"It's okay, I can do it, trust me"

He sat on the ground with his back against the basket full of coal and took a short rest. Little Ivan, who was still feeling severe pain, remained calm. He just answered with a smile and told the concerned brothers and comrades around him that it was okay.

"I was caught by the Germans for being lazy, and everyone had to work overtime and do more work. I thank my comrades for saving me and not abandoning me, but I can't drag you down with my own problems, absolutely not."

Firmly grasping the basket straps on his shoulders, little Ivan exerted force on his lower back and tried to stand up.

But I didn't expect that the baskets of coal that I could usually carry with just a straight back seemed to be heavier than the mountains today. I lost my footing and stumbled. I fell to the ground with the coals in the basket. The full amount of coal was instantly scattered all over the floor.

"Little Ivan!"


"What's going on? What happened? Why don't you work hard!?"

Several station monitors and SS soldiers with whistles in their mouths and nicknamed "whistle dogs" ran over quickly. The loaded guns in their hands were aimed at Roscoe who was about to help little Ivan almost at the same time. Husband, a bad and stiff Russian question came out immediately.

"What's wrong with him? Why isn't he working!?"

The grief-stricken Roskov was still carrying a basket full of coal on his back, and he had no time to unload it. He squatted on the ground and held little Ivan in his arms, who had fallen to the ground and was already very weak from internal and external injuries. He didn't care about his own situation. In the same state of illness, he shouted sadly at the several armed SS soldiers in front of him.

"Still working? Look what has become of people??? Even animals are not used like this. Will it cost anyone's life to let him rest for a day?!"

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