Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2089 Ending the Demon

Those SS soldiers who had the day off or simply asked for leave were almost without exception arranged by Malashenko to use the "152 wake-up alarm" service. Most of them did not even have time to get out of their warm beds. , was pinned down in the barracks by a terrifying 152mm high-explosive grenade and sent to the sky.

The Germans didn't like living with lowly prisoners, Jews, and Poles. The scumbags of the SS built the troop barracks next to the concentration camp area, slightly separated by barbed wire and walls. This actually makes it easier for Malashenko to do his job. It is much more convenient to cover you with heavy firepower than to rush in and have a gunfight.

Take a high-speed light vehicle to conduct reconnaissance and determine the situation before the arrival of large forces, and use the vehicle-mounted radio to transmit back the bombardment coordinates. The elite Scouts of the Leader's Division had already reported the precise artillery coordinates before the self-propelled artillery troops entered the firing position and sent them back to the target. They used this as a medium to attract a meal of steel broth to the Germans.

The terrifying intensive shelling of the 152 heavy artillery group came and went quickly. According to Malashenko's request, it died down after just two minutes. The shelling was stopped and there was no further extension of firepower.

At this moment, Malashenko is no longer at the command truck, where he is using the long-range radio to command his troops. Instead, he has entered the turret call sign 177, painted with the Guards logo, the leader division emblem, and the Among the "Avenger" IS7 heavy tank prototypes with the slogan "Avenge the hero Kirill", he is leading the first wave of heavy armored combined forces of the Leader's Division to rush forward to attack.

"Attention, all infantry squads! After entering, quickly block all major entrances and exits and control intersections according to the established plan, and then the German gathering places in the concentration camp, office buildings, armories and other suspected gathering targets are all for me to capture! Don't let go Run for a German! Also, be careful to control your firepower and do not shoot at the prisoners in the concentration camp unless necessary. The specific actions can be decided by each squad leader based on the situation on the spot."

The deployment of infantry fighting vehicles has brought Malashenko an additional benefit. The command flexibility of mechanized coordinated infantry can be greatly enhanced.

At least before the infantrymen leave the belly of the infantry fighting vehicle, Malashenko can use the vehicle-mounted radio throughout the entire process to contact any infantry squad he wants to command. He can even directly talk to the infantry squad leader in the vehicle and issue orders beyond the level. .

One vehicle is one squad, which means that the infantry squad can be used as the basic unit to arrange more detailed and specific infantry tactical action plans, and orders can be updated in real time according to the ever-changing battlefield changes, greatly improving the timeliness of command.

Real-time communication and specific command down to the infantry squad level may not be a big deal in later modern wars where even individual soldiers can communicate and command in real time, but you must know that this is World War II in 1944.

Not only can he be on the front line and learn the latest situation on the battlefield first-hand in real time, but Malashenko can also give specific instructions to the infantry squad level. The combination of the two is equivalent to cheating. It's just as outrageous as if your opponent is playing a green game and you're playing CSGO with perspective.

Others commanding infantrymen at the battalion level have to put out telephone lines to make calls or send telegrams. It's better here. Real-time radios are used for one-to-one command at the squad level. Isn't this ridiculous and ridiculous?

After breaking out of Warsaw, the leading division headed south to attack fiercely. In the fierce battles for many days, it had relied on increasingly skilled synthetic tactics to stop waves of Germans who were either retreating or simply running away. After pressing five and two to death and crushing them, they continued to advance quickly, trying to find the next target or the main force of the German army.

In this process, the leader's division, which had 100% complete mechanization, showed an extremely terrifying attack speed.

In just one day, all the leading troops of the 1st Ukrainian Front rushed forward and faster than Konev's men, who had just received the temporary command of the leader division. The offensive energy and assault speed are far from the same level, it can even be said that they are not in the same dimension.

If you simply look at the battle report, you may even have the illusion that "the leadership division and other troops are probably not from the same country", because the gap is really outrageous and not too big.

After several consecutive days of interspersed assaults like autumn wind sweeping fallen leaves, almost cutting the already messy German retreat route into two sections and making it even more chaotic, Malashenko immediately appeared on the map. He saw a name that he could never forget after reading it, but he had overlooked it before: Auschwitz.

"It's right here, the next target is right here! Auschwitz! The Germans on the front line are now so chaotic that if they see any movement, they can think that it is a large army of the Red Army surrounding them. The whole front is in chaos with suspicion! And most of them are in chaos! By being caught up by the main force of the front army, our initial combat goal has been achieved, and the task of delaying or disrupting the enemy's retreat has been completed. "

"And here, right here, in this sinful Polish town, harbors the most craziest group of fascist demons in the world! We cannot let them escape, we must let these evil beasts accept justice and trial! "

"My dear comrades and comrades, in the name of the great leader Comrade Stalin, we conquered and captured this sinful place. This is a supremely glorious mission that belongs only to our division! The hands of these fascist beasts have been stained with countless crimes. The blood of the Red Army and our comrades. In the past few years, thousands of Red Army prisoners of war were imprisoned here and tortured to death!”

"They are our compatriots, our comrades, our relatives, and our brothers and sisters. We must avenge them! We must make those fascist evil spirits pay the price for this! We will personally execute it!"

"The great motherland is looking forward to our revenge for her. We cannot let her or Comrade Stalin down! Let the dirty and smelly blood of those fascist bastards fill the ground under their feet. This is my only request to you! Don’t be merciful to them. Any sympathy and pity used on them is a crime against the motherland, the comrades, and the millions of people who silently support us in this great Patriotic War!”

"Tonight I will personally lead the team, and we will crush these crazy fascist demons before they run away! In the past few days, our division has traveled more than 200 kilometers of cross-country and defeated countless enemies. Qing's enemies have eliminated countless Fascist fools who dared to resist the leader's division! Now there is only one final step left to complete the final one hundred kilometer assault in one night, and firmly nail the tombstone of these Fascist demons to them! above the heart!”

The meeting camp of the division headquarters mobilization meeting was packed with seats. All the commanders and deputy commanders at battalion level and above, including the logistics and supply troops, all turned their eyes to their comrade, the division commander, and forcibly held down their words. The manic fighting spirit is just waiting for an order.

"Now I give the order! The first heavy-duty composite division of the Stalin Guards, go out! Use the blood of those Fascist demons to prove our honor!"




Ula! ! !

After just one night, the red dawn that happened early the next morning was actually destined at this time, in the war cry that resounded throughout the dark night camp.

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