Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2090 Tightening the Noose (Part 1)

The heavy and huge IS6 heavy tank smashed into the gate of the concentration camp like a mad bull. The weak SS guards at the entrance had never seen such a terrifying formation. They were not mounted on the top of the turret. Deshka, who kept chugging, was broken into pieces and scattered, as if there was no effective resistance at all.

Many of these second- and third-line SS scumbags have never even seen what the battlefield looks like. They are pure trash who only know how to brutally kill people in the rear. Any elite German army like the leader's division will feel numb when they see it. The terrifying existence, such a reaction is completely expected.

The IS6 heavy tanks violently blasted into the gate of the concentration camp, opening the path for attack. Immediately following, those BMP43 infantry fighting vehicles modified based on the chassis of the T43 medium tank, stepped on the accelerator and rushed in.

"Cars 112 and 113 follow me. Other cars disperse and block the main entrances and exits as planned! Up, up, up!"

Alsim, holding a radio transmitter in his hand, issued orders to the commandos he personally led in the infantry fighting vehicle. Just like any battle in the past, the combat engineers once again served as the most elite force in Malashenko's hands. The heavy infantry combat power was invested in this assault operation with the main theme of infantry clearance and occupation.

The task of sealing, surrounding and controlling the concentration camp will be completed by the elite combat engineers. First of all, Alsim's first thing to do is to seize the main traffic arteries in the concentration camp, control the intersections, and completely cut off the Germans. After the possibility of running away, slowly clean up, close the door and beat the dog. This is the primary task that Malashenko personally assigned to him and must be completed without compromise.

Dong dong dong dong——

As the IS6 heavy tank broke through the gate and galloped through the open spaces and roads in the concentration camp area, the 25mm cannon mounted on the BMP43's small turret burst out with full firepower as soon as it entered the scene.

The newly arrived SS soldiers who had been mobilized from all directions in the camp did not even have time to rush to the gate to support the defense. They were still running halfway when they were already looking at the huge and terrifying Russian steel monster. Rushing in, the smaller Russian tank immediately completed the turret rotation and began to fire violently.

The ferocious machine gun flames that hit the head and face were sweeping around, like a crimson fire dragon, rushing left and right in the ranks of the SS troops. Any physical body that comes into contact with this fire dragon, even for just a short moment, will be torn into pieces and pieces of flesh on the spot, exploding like a balloon filled with water.

"Fall back! We need support! The Russians' firepower is too strong, we need to get out of here!!!"

Before he could finish his words, a 25mm tracer armor-piercing incendiary bomb hit him directly in the chest.

He forcibly interrupted his speech.

Relying on the extremely strong kinetic energy of the projectile that can even penetrate steel plates, the ribs, skin, and chest viscera were directly torn into pieces. Amidst the crashing sound of landing, only a pile of bloody and bloody slurry fragments were scattered on the ground. The entire upper body above the abdomen was The half-broken corpse fell to the ground, lifeless.

Scenes like this did not happen by chance, but were actually happening everywhere in the concentration camp at all times as the Red Army infantry fighting vehicles advanced rapidly in depth.

Just as Malashenko requested, the task of the combat engineers is not to get off the car as soon as they rush into the concentration camp and cause huge casualties to those SS scum. Such garbage cleaning tasks should be done by elite combat engineers. It's too low-level.

The infantry tank kept pressing the accelerator all the way. Alsim encountered no effective and tenacious resistance at all. He only had one goal: to take the Germans' back road and leave these bastards with no way to escape. The infantry tank commander The loud reminder indicates that this moment has arrived.

"The last hundred meters! Get to the intersection now! Get ready!"

"I heard you. Hold your gun! Keep your eyes open and prepare to fight! Follow me!"

As soon as the speeding tracks came to a stop and the swaying car body had not yet completely braked and stabilized, Alsim, who was sitting at the very edge of the rear end of the infantry cabin, kicked the car door open with his big foot and picked up the AK in his hand without saying a word. He took the lead and rushed out.

The scene in front of me is not a paradise. The desolate roads are lined with rows of cabins on both sides. There are no even any evergreen ornamental green vegetation. There are no tree branches with fallen leaves, only the white snow. White snow is piled on both sides of the main roads and roads, and the whole painting is indescribably desolate and bitter.

What surprised Alsim was that several thin prisoners holding cleaning tools in their hands who seemed to be clearing snow were not scared away. They were standing in the middle of the road not far away, looking blankly at him. Here, the absent-minded and empty eyes make it impossible to guess what is going on in these people's heads.

Alsim, who knew that these people were probably imprisoned, certainly had no time to waste with them.

"Get out of here! Don't stay in the middle of the road. Get out of here! If you don't want to be beaten to death, get out of here!"

Alsim, who was holding an AK in one hand and waving signals to disperse with the other hand, was shouting loudly. He didn’t know what nationality those people wearing rag prison uniforms were from, and he didn’t know whether these people could understand Russian. He just hoped that They can quickly disappear from their eyes and don't stand in the middle of the road waiting for bullets.

Due to the command of the division commander to "no killing unless necessary", Alsim, who admired Malashenko so much that he was almost a fan, did not want to shoot at these illegal Hiss concentration camp prisoners. He could kill them in time. Of course driving away is the best option.

But everything seemed a bit too late. An unexpected hail of bullets struck, and Alsim's efforts were in vain.

Da da da da——

"Damn it!"

The relentless rain of bullets fired from behind instantly killed those prisoners.

The prisoners who were shot in the back didn't even know who killed them until they died. They just saw the man shouting at them at the intersection not too far away. He didn't look like a German, but they didn't know who he was. The soldier with his identity quickly hid to the side like lightning, followed by complete darkness that fell his vision.

"The Germans are coming! Everyone is here, guard the intersection! Keep the Germans here!"

"Shukayev, call for reinforcements! Get the transmitter in the car and call the tank to me. We need heavy firepower here, quick!"

The IS6, which is a step slower and far less maneuverable than an infantry fighting vehicle, is still lagging behind for the time being. Alsim only has three infantry fighting vehicles and three combat engineer squads on hand.

The heavy firepower is there, but it may still not be enough. Three 25mm cannons make Alsim somewhat lacking in confidence.

Alsim, who was instructing to call for reinforcements, was also directing the soldiers to enter the battle. Relying on the three infantry fighting vehicle bodies that were connected in a line across the road and formed a temporary bunker in the middle of the road as a cover, Alsim immediately began to set up. The gun fired back at the SS men who were rushing towards them like crazy.

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