Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2091 This road is blocked

"Hold here! We must not let the Germans pass. All fire! Reinforcements will be here soon!"

Malashenko also emphasized just now that he did not want to see any of the Germans in the concentration camp escape successfully. The infantry fighting vehicle that was sent to cut the rear and block the door was also for this purpose. Google search reading

Alsim, who knew this well, was not sure whether the troops he had on hand were enough. Three infantry squads and three infantry fighting vehicles were a bit shabby anyway. If a small group of Germans rushed over, it would be okay, as the line of fire organized by small arms would be able to withstand it.

But if a large group of Germans rush over, then the battle will be a bit Muggle-like. And we don’t know if the SS defenders in the concentration camp have any heavy weapons. The thin-skinned BMP43 is not the thick-skinned IS6. The most basic iron fist in the hands of the Germans can penetrate the armor from the front.

Thinking about the worst, if these SS troops had stockpiled armored vehicles in advance for riot control, even a shabby No. 4 rumbling over would be quite annoying.

In the infantry compartment of the infantry fighting vehicle were several Iron Fists that had been needed from time to time. The number of Iron Fists captured by the leader division, which was constantly winning battles along the way, was even greater than that of any elite German field division on the front line. There are so many, it is completely guaranteed that there will be a surplus when distributed to every infantry squad. Combat engineers who have long been accustomed to using this kind of handy gadgets always have iron fists around them.

However, the Iron Fist is, after all, a weapon with a very short range, and its accuracy is not very good, and the ballistic drop is very serious. It has to be fired at a close distance to ensure effective damage and accuracy.

If the Germans on the opposite side really have tanks, even the No. 4 can stop outside the effective range of the Panzerfaust and use the main gun to destroy the thin-skinned and large BMP43 one by one, while only installing a 25mm anti-aircraft gun as the main gun. The BMP43 weapon cannot pose a threat to any German main tank.

The main armor of the car body, which is based on the modified chassis of the T43 medium tank, can indeed withstand the direct bombardment of the 75mm small gun like the No. 4. However, the newly designed small-headed turret does not have strong armor protection. At most, it can only defend against 25mm direct-aimed attacks of its own level. It is still too much to expect that the turret armor of an infantry fighting vehicle can block armor-piercing projectiles from the tank's main gun.

There were too many uncertain factors. Considering every bad situation, Alsim prepared for the worst. There were indeed more and more SS bastards rushing toward the intersection. As the situation continues, the situation seems to be getting worse.

"Comrade Company Commander! There are more and more of these SS bastards. Didn't we blow up all their camps? Why are there still so many of them!?"

In order to make the follow-up clearing operation smoother, Malashenko used the 152 Shenjiao of the division's self-propelled artillery unit to seize the opportunity early in the morning when there were probably many German soldiers lying in bed and lay in bed, and launched a series of crackling bombardments. Even the people and their houses were all raised to the sky by him.

Logically speaking, Malashenko's artillery preparations should be quite effective. After all, the Germans did not notice the Red Army scouts who came out to conduct reconnaissance, nor did they sound the alarm, nor did they see any SS troops in the camp. As the offenders fled in large numbers, it stands to reason that many of them should have been trapped in the camp and blown up.

But now Alsim is clearly in some trouble.

More and more SS gangsters are pouring in from the intersection ahead. At first, there were only a dozen, but soon they grew to dozens, and now there are hundreds of them at a glance. Al Sim looked at the posture and guessed that there might be an SS camp.

"Damn, something's not right! Are these SS soldiers like potatoes? They came out of the ground on their own!?"

I was complaining in my heart, but I didn't dare to stop the action at hand.

With one magazine empty, Alsim pulled out a new fully-filled magazine from the chest strap. Holding the gun in his right hand and the new magazine in his left hand, he swiped forward horizontally and knocked out the empty magazine. The magazine was inserted The follow-up movements followed by backhand loading were done smoothly and smoothly. Alsim, who had gotten the new gun for a long time, had already developed a more efficient way to change ammunition.

The only bad news was that he broke the magazine jams of two AKs due to excessive force during repeated practice. For this, he was scolded by the battalion commander, saying that he was a prodigal who wasted his new guns. , As a company commander, he failed to take the lead.

But, this is a matter of code. The one-handed reloading method developed by Alsim himself is indeed very fast. It is very important for assault rifles with extremely fast firing speed, frequent reloading, and continuous fire suppression. Generally speaking, it is indeed very useful in many situations. After all, in a small-arms firefight, changing bullets half a second earlier may be the difference between life and death.

Therefore, the battalion commander didn't stop it much in the end. He didn't advocate it, but he didn't oppose it either. Those who wanted to learn could just go to Alsim and learn from him.

Alsim, who had reloaded his bullet, poked his head out of the bunker again, raised his gun over the body of the BMP43 infantry fighting vehicle and continued to fire at the oncoming SS soldiers.

With three 25mm cannons and three 62mm coaxial machine guns on three infantry fighting vehicles, the firepower of the Red Army is obviously higher than that of the SS.

There are quite a lot of SS scum that are constantly charging towards them, but these bastards are all infantry with only light weapons. Their tactical skills and marksmanship are not very good either. They charge very messily from a long distance and their accuracy is very poor. The table tennis pong shoots randomly, but there are not a few serious shots that can make people shout "beautiful shooting" after watching it.

So when the three 25mm cannons on the three BMP43 infantry tanks were fully opened, the three dark red tracer fire dragons were like tigers and sheep, rushing left and right in the ranks of the SS troops, sweeping across repeatedly. , wherever the line of fire swept through, patches of SS scum were beaten to pieces or cut in half on the spot, and some were even directly shot in the head by 25mm projectiles.

It stands to reason that a group of light infantry faced such ferocious harvester-like massacre firepower, and their comrades around them were being mopped down piece by piece like wheat. At first glance, these SS guards looked like rookies with little actual combat experience. The troops should have collapsed and surrendered long ago.

But for some reason, these rubbish SS soldiers kept rushing forward, pushing forward like wild pigs.

I don’t know if they are stupid or if they are so fanatical that they are not afraid of death at all. The scum of the SS do often appear in situations that are incomprehensible. Alsim, who was only slightly surprised by this, did not think it was so surprising. What is surprising is that the only option is to continue to invite these Germans who came to die to eat bullets.

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