Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2097 Hated

The Germans surrendered, just as Malashenko expected. You can’t say that there are no people who can still be daring under the threat of hundreds of direct-aimed artillery of different calibers that are visible to the naked eye, but at least this time Didn't appear among this group of German sticks.

"I knew there must be no explosives. I don't know where these German guys learned their deceptive skills. To put it bluntly, they are afraid that we will attack the building."

After the surrender, the German soldiers who walked out of the building quickly revealed the truth, including that there were actually no explosives in the building at all. It was just a trick made up to scare people, in order to scare the Red Army soldiers downstairs. To prevent the Red Army, which has an absolute advantage in strength, from forcibly attacking the building.

There is a saying that this trick of lying and deceiving did have some effect on Malashenko.

Unlike some other Red Army commanders, Malashenko has never advocated basing victory on the massive casualties of soldiers.

The Leader Division is an elite division that is victorious in every battle. In order to achieve and maintain such a record, Malashenko needs to keep his soldiers alive after winning every battle, instead of being buried in the ground. Became a dead hero. After death, there will be no combat power bonus for the so-called elite division. This is not the result Malashenko wants.

Therefore, as long as conditions permit, Malashenko requires his commanders at all levels to win the victory with as few casualties as possible, maximize the advantages of the leader's division's powerful technical equipment, and use their strengths to avoid weaknesses. Fight against the enemy.

Leaving aside the casualties that would occur in close combat indoors like attacking a building, if the Germans really blew up the building with a "bang", it would be great fun for Malashenko. At least he could rush in. Not a single one of the dozens or hundreds of soldiers in the building could make it out alive. What they got in exchange was a bunch of SS garbage and perished together. We, Comrade Ma, would not do this loss-making business.

Although there were some twists and turns in the process, Malashenko finally won the dilapidated building without much effort. This was enough for Malashenko.

The "slanderous" Iushkin stood at the door and watched as the SS soldiers with their hands raised rolled out of the building one after another in a gesture of surrender. While muttering about the German's deceitful tricks, he also did not forget to ask questions to Malashenko who was also beside him.

"What's next? What do we do with these SS bastards?"

Almost all the SS units that have fought against the Leader Division so far have ended badly.

The bastards of the Viking Division, one of the four elites of the SS, have been blocked by Malashenko in Cherkasy, including their men and equipment. The remaining three were the Empire, the Skeletons, and the Standard Guard. During the Battle of Prokhorovka, these three were also dragged by Malashenko to roll around in a puddle of blood until they finally fell. In this battle, both sides suffered losses.

Although Malashenko's side was almost completely wiped out, fortunately, the Red Army reinforcements finally arrived in time to relieve the siege, turning this battle involving three elite SS troops into a battle that was unwinnable and failed in terms of damage. The "Stalin Guards" were completely annihilated, and the tactics were a complete mess. It was a complete botched battle that was incompatible with achieving the set tactical goals.

Even the four leading SS men were taught a lesson one by one, and the worst one among them was even wiped out.

Down to ordinary local hooligans, second- and third-rate dregs of the SS security forces, once caught by the leader's division, they would be shot immediately with blood on their hands. They would not even have the chance to dig potatoes in Siberia and repair the earth.

Considering this reality that has happened many times before, Iushkin, who knew that the leadership division and the SS were absolutely irreconcilable enemies, was naturally interested in how Malashenko would deal with the garbage in front of him. .

After all, this is the first time that the leader division has broken through a Nazi concentration camp, defeated the SS garrison in the concentration camp and captured them. This is different from the various situations it has experienced before, and it is worthy of Iushkin Get curious about it and ask.

"The vast majority of this bunch of fascist trash will never survive today, I can guarantee you that. The blood debt they owe is greater than any scumbag SS unit you have ever seen in the past. Even if we add all the second- and third-line SS rubbish we killed in the past, the total amount of blood on our hands is probably far less than what these bastards have on their hands."


Malashenko's tone of voice was chilly and biting, as if he wanted to eat these fascist bastards alive right away.

Iushkin knew that the commander of the train hated the fascists. In fact, everyone was the same. Who among all the commanders and fighters of the leadership division did not hate these bastards who broke into their motherland, burned, killed, looted and committed all kinds of evil and carried out the three-guang policy? ?

What Iushkin really finds puzzling is that Malashenko hates Malashenko even more now than in the past, just like in the past he "wanted to be killed immediately", but now he "can't wait to be cut into pieces immediately" , Eaten alive." This unusually clear and different situation suddenly made Iushkin have some doubts.

"You seem to be eager to peel off the skins of these fascist bastards, and immediately. Why is that?"

Iushkin, who still doesn't know the truth, doesn't know what outrageous things these bastards have done, but Malashenko, as a future traveler, does.

As for how to let Iushkin know and figure out what is going on, Malashenko certainly has a corresponding solution in mind.

"I'll take you to see a few places and you'll know. It's not too far from here. Come with me."

The fighting in the No. 3 Battalion has subsided. Lavrinenko and Comrade Political Commissar are in charge of the No. 1 and No. 2 Battalions. Malashenko is not worried about any problems. If there is the latest situation, someone will report it to him in time. You can rest assured of this.

Malashenko still clearly remembers the last time he came to Auschwitz, and he is still familiar with the hellish place of Camp 3. But that memory is not in the past, but seventy years in the future.

The closest place to where we are now should be the female prisoner detention area in Camp No. 3. If Malashenko remembers correctly, this place should hold a considerable number of female prisoners. The composition is very complex, including female soldiers, There are also people who are not welcome because of their race, and there are countless ordinary civilians from occupied countries.

For the moment, Malashenko only hopes that it is not too late for him to come and that it is not too late to liberate Auschwitz. If he can save one more person, it will count as one. I hope to see you later. The scenes you see can be better-looking than those in existing history.

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