Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2098 The Redeemer (Part 1)

"Damn, these are women? They're just a bunch of skeletal monkeys with no hair. What happened to make them look like this?"

We are all senior men in charge, so there is no need to hide some things and we can just talk straight to the point. This is the case with Malashenko and Iushkin at the moment. Google search reading

To be honest, if a group of tough men who spend all day fighting in the battlefield and don't care about the affairs of men and women suddenly see hundreds of young women in naked uniforms appearing in front of them, they should feel a little bit uncomfortable physically. It's the reaction. As long as you are an old man with normal physiological functions, the term "you are anxious after holding it in for a long time" is applicable to any era.

But at the moment, not only did Malashenko, who had seen too many beauties in the future, and whose resistance and immunity to women are far beyond what the big men these days can match, have no reaction, even Iushkin on the side did not react at all. There was no need to talk about "the desire to lust", but the sight in front of me was shocking and unbelievable.

Rather than saying that the people in front of you are half-dressed women, you might as well say that as Iushkin described in shock, they are simply a group of skeletal monkeys with no hair, the kind that can barely be recognized as females.

There is no hair on the head and body. A few shabby and shabby pieces of cloth can barely cover the body. Skeleton-like arms that are as thin as skin and bones tightly hug the same skeleton-like body. Many of them It was even difficult for people to walk, and they had to be supported by someone close to them to prevent them from falling in the bitterly cold snow.

Eyes that were horrified and frightened, but all mixed with more or less numbness, focused on the surrounding Red Army soldiers who were responsible for maintaining order and on-site security.

Just like Malashenko and Iushkin, it was difficult for the Red Army soldiers with guns and live ammunition standing in a row around them to deal with such a group of hairless, bald people, most of whom were dirty and smelly. "Women" produce the same physiological reactions that men should have, even if they are naked.

If we really want to say what kind of male creature can still have physiological reactions in this situation, I am afraid that only primitive humans who have not yet come down from the trees, or primates such as chimpanzees, can do it. Humans really can't do it anyway.

"Hey, do all of these people still look like human beings? What a crime."

Malashenko sighed in his heart and took the initiative to step forward. It is worth mentioning that today Comrade Ma specially put on the tank corps major general uniform that he had not worn for a long time. They were all covered in the biting cold wind.

A tall man of 1.93 meters came over wearing such a handsome outfit and a big-brimmed hat. Malashenko didn't know whether these female prisoners, who were hesitant about their admiration for the opposite sex, would do it. They will feel relieved and relaxed because of this, just ask yourself not to scare them.

"Ladies and young ladies, here I would first like to congratulate each of you. Today is the first snow in the winter in Auschwitz, but for you, it is the end of the harsh winter."

“As you can see, we are not the bandit army of Fascism. We are the Soviet Red Army that followed the orders of the great Soviet leader Comrade Stalin and came here to liberate and save all the innocent people imprisoned here and escape from despair and darkness. "

"Maybe some of you know my name, maybe you don't know, my name is Malashenko, Dimitri Drukovich Malashenko. If any of you have heard of my name and know my story , understand my deeds, no matter what way or means, then here today, I can promise you that I swear here in the name of Malashenko.”

"The days of despair are over. From this moment on, you are free. The Red Army will provide you with clothes, food, water, necessary medicine and treatment, as well as all other necessary means and supplies for survival. This anti-French The Hiss War is about to usher in the final victory, and you will witness the arrival of this and enjoy the fruits of victory in advance. "

Just stop here and stop talking. Malashenko doesn't want to waste too much time with too much nonsense.

I don’t know how many people can understand the speech delivered in Russian. Malashenko is not sure. The composition of the people imprisoned in Auschwitz is too complex. It is no exaggeration to say that it is even larger than a large part of the world. The country has many more ethnic groups, and it is hard to say how many Russian-speaking people there are among this group of female prisoners.

However, what Malashenko did not expect was.

As soon as he finished speaking, there was a commotion in the crowd in front of him, and then a voice that sounded weak, but could still be heard as shouting with all his strength came into his ears.

"General, Comrade General, I recognize you! I know you! Please save me, save us all."

It was a little girl who was as naked as every female prisoner here, and looked much thinner, giving people a feeling that she was on the verge of death. She was shaking her arms with all her strength. while trying to squeeze out from the back row of the crowd.

Obviously, not only can she speak authentic Russian, but she even knows Malashenko and calls him "Comrade General". These details alone are enough to explain a lot of problems.

But Comrade Ma didn't have time to think about these details at the moment. He kicked his legs back with his long cotton-padded riding boots and lunged forward. He quickly hugged the little girl who had just squeezed out of the crowd.

It is obvious that Comrade Ma, who has Natalia at home and Anya on the front line, would not be attracted to such a female prisoner who has no sense of beauty at all.

To put it bluntly, as long as we, Comrade Ma, think about it, there will be two streets lined up for lesbians who are willing to have sex with their comrade. What card does a dirty female prisoner have? It's better to step aside for now.

Seeing that this frail and ridiculously light body finally didn't fall into the snow, Malashenko, who hugged him in time, didn't waste much time and went straight to the point.

"Lesbian, what's your name? Do you recognize me?"

If possible, Malashenko would like to ask more questions.

However, considering the current situation of the other party, his ability to accept and answer questions is obviously limited. It is not too late to ask two main questions first and listen to the answers before deciding whether to continue asking.

"I, I, I know you, Comrade General, and I will always remember you."


Malashenko felt that something was not right about the situation. The origin of this girl was probably not ordinary, and the answer that followed just confirmed Malashenko's guess.

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