Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2105 The judgment is coming

Varosha is an outstanding soldier, a glorious and brave Red Army soldier. It is true that a soldier's bounden duty is to obey orders, but Varosha really didn't expect that the order from the division commander would come so well. It can be said that it was beyond expectations. .

"Yes, Comrade Commander, I will pay more attention to rest when I go down, I promise you."

After all, the topic that interrupted midway was not the main topic. Varosha, who had made a promise to Malashenko, of course knew what he should say next. After all, he was a brigade commander. If it were such a simple thing, If you want someone to remind you, that would be too incompetent.

"The preliminary statistics are not very good. We have only found about three to four hundred Red Army prisoners of war so far."

"Judging from the results of simple inquiries, most of them have been detained for a long time. The earliest one was even arrested in 41 years and has been detained until now. However,"

Varosha seemed to be hesitant to speak, but he couldn't bear to see Malashenko, who was so nagging, answering directly.

"But what? Keep talking, I'm listening."

Seeing Malashenko's repeated questioning, Varosha, knowing that it was okay to hide it, continued to speak.

“However, the real number, that is, the cumulative number of detainees over a long period of time, is definitely more than this, and this can be confirmed.

"We learned through questioning the imprisoned comrades that in the past few years, at least 20,000 to 30,000 Red Army prisoners of war were imprisoned here in the No. 3 Camp where we are now."

"But most of them are gone. Some died of diseases caused by long-term malnutrition, some died of hard and high-risk labor, but more of them were used by the Germans to make room for organized organizations. Sexual massacre.”

"The imprisoned comrades told me that unless they are prisoners of war who have special skills or certain expertise and are more valuable than ordinary people, otherwise, ordinary prisoners of war will become more and more inefficient after a period of high-intensity physical labor. It refers to labor. Then the Germans will use this as an excuse to get rid of them. The newly captured strong prisoners of war are more efficient than the weak and sick ones. "

"This situation lasted until the second half of 1943. From then on, the Germans rarely brought in new Red Army prisoners of war, or in other words, they did not bring in new Red Army prisoners of war for a long time. On the contrary, the Germans had already been imprisoned here. There are fewer and fewer Red Army prisoners of war, no new prisoners of war are being brought in, and existing prisoners of war are still dying for various reasons.”

"If things continue like this, this is what we are seeing now. There are only a few hundred Red Army prisoners of war left in Camp No. 3. At the most, I heard that more than two thousand Red Army prisoners of war were held here at the same time. Camp No. 1 and No. 2 The number over there is said to be much greater than this, but now we can no longer save these comrades, Comrade Division Commander."


The preliminary investigation situation described by Varosha is as expected. It is not much different from the existing historical situation in the past life memory brought by Malashenko. Generally speaking, it can be said to be expected.

But this does not mean that Malashenko can accept all this without any disturbance in his heart, especially when Malashenko stands in front of all this reality, the burning anger in his heart is even more... unstoppable.

"Tens of thousands of lives, at least tens of thousands of living Red Army soldiers, and far more civilian lives were systematically and organizedly massacred. Countless people died, and these two groups were full of evil. How ironic that the legged bastard is still alive today, Varosha, what do you think we should do with these scum?”

Malashenko is not a person who likes to kill prisoners. On the contrary, under the influence of his political commissar comrades, Malashenko has always maintained considerable restraint in this regard. Even if the bastards of the Waffen SS are fighting each other on the battlefield, as long as you are willing to lay down your weapons and surrender, and keep your life as a bitch and temporarily protect you as the most basic guarantee, Malashenko can still defeat him. Did it.

Of course, except for committing suicide after surrendering, whether it is verbally or physically, if you don't value this dog's life, don't expect others to give you face.

But this time, Malashenko really had serious murderous intentions, or he didn't intend to spare the lives of these turtle bastards at all.

People, I won’t kill them randomly.

The executioner can also spare your life temporarily.

But for a walking bipedal demon like this whose hands are stained with the blood of countless people, Malashenko feels that allowing this kind of thing to continue to live is a kind of blasphemy and crime against humanity.

If those who oppose humanity deserve to live, then what does humanity itself mean? Is there no need to live anymore?

He also saw the intense murderous intent emanating from Malashenko's eyes. He also hated Varosha to the point of gritting his teeth against this group of crazy and inhumane Fascist scum. Straightforwardly blurted out.

"The Leader Division never kills cruelly. We fight for this sacred Patriotic War, but this time is an exception. These ugly and cruel Fascist villains are no longer worthy of being called human beings. Therefore, please give the order. Come on, Comrade Commander! I will lead the soldiers to execute it unconditionally and without compromise!"

Varosha skillfully kicked the ball back to Malashenko. This was of course not a shirk of responsibility, but that Varosha, who could no longer hold himself back, was now just waiting for an order from his comrade, the division commander, to get to know his old subordinate. The temperamental Malashenko certainly understands this.

He took out a cigarette case from his pocket and slowly put one into his mouth and lit it on fire. The smoke-filled scene between his lips and teeth seemed to indicate Malashenko's state of mind at the moment. A word that didn't take too long to wait for was quickly blurted out.

"The evil followers of Fascism will never see the sun tomorrow. I will keep my word."

"But first, we must pry out everything of value from their mouths, all the testimonies that can support their crimes. We must nail the evidence of these fascist gangsters, even if someone with ulterior motives wants to do it in the future. They will never be able to turn over.”

"Leave this matter to you, Varosha. Find a way to pry useful things out of the mouths of all the Fascist bastards captured alive in Camp No. 3. You must give me a report before tonight. I trust you, As always, so don’t let me down.”


The speechless Varosha said nothing more, and only responded with a solemn military salute to his respected comrade, the division commander.

Those Fascist evildoers who have been enjoying impunity throughout history and have not received any justice are about to face their end.

The funeral knell was already tolling slowly. Malashenko, who raised his head and looked at the sky, felt calm and without any distracting thoughts. The final judgment was about to come.

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