Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2106 There are orders from above and countermeasures from below.

In the blink of an eye, it was already evening. In addition to the scheduled work of immediately interrogating the prisoners of war on the spot, there were many things that Malashenko needed to worry about personally, such as collecting criminal evidence.

"Those, be careful! Keep all the direct evidence used in Fasis' experiments, including the scalpel and operating table, and just take photos on site to collect evidence."

"Collect all these documents. These are test records, report sheets, and data. These are all evidence of Fascism's evil crimes!"

"And all these, telegrams and letters are also packaged! I don't know how much valuable information there is in it. It needs to be reserved for future analysis. Act quickly, hurry up!"

Malashenko, who was running around with his guards in the No. 3 Battalion, ran back and forth between the office building and the laboratory, fearing that the soldiers under his hands who were free and ignorant of academic precision would break something or break it. What the hell.

If we want to completely crush the evil atrocities of this fascist gang and never be able to recover from it, then all these evidences are indispensable and must be properly preserved.

As a division commander, Malashenko obviously has more to do than that.

The political commissar comrade who led the field division headquarters to Camp No. 3 earlier and began to set up the division command structure also needs him. A very difficult matter is waiting for Malashenko to handle it personally.

"Are you here? I was planning to send someone to find you, and this is the right time."

The political commissar who was busy sorting out documents behind the desk took out a telegram, held it in his hand and waved it. The place where he was staying now was a communication center of the former No. 3 Battalion. There were ready-made equipment and power sources for the division headquarters to access. , but it also saved some troubles and trivialities, and the telegram in his hand was a top priority that must be handled by Malashenko himself.

"I just received a telegram from the Front Army Headquarters. Commander Konev asked about our battle situation and current location. He also asked us to move closer to the main force group of the Front Army as soon as possible, and strive to penetrate the remaining north-south land connections of the defeated German army group as soon as possible. Achieve re-division, so as to maximize the annihilation of the enemy's effective forces and complete the mission of this annihilation war."

"What do you think? We have to prepare a reply to the message. What should I say?"

Comrade Political Commissar went straight to the point and made no reservations at all: the combat order this time was entirely under the instruction of Malashenko and was decided and executed by the division organization leading the division without asking for instructions.

Now that the superior's inquiry message has come down, Konev obviously doesn't know about it yet, otherwise it wouldn't be as simple as a combat inquiry plus instructions on the general direction of the war.

A heavy armored group of the main force of the front army with a high degree of independent combat capability acted without permission and without orders. The division organization changed the combat direction without following the instructions of its superiors, and mobilized such a large-scale main force of the front army to penetrate at high speed overnight. More than 100 kilometers away, there is still no proactive situation report from the front army headquarters until now.

Is this pot big?

To be honest, it's so big that if this pot is really exposed because of the incident, it can cover all the senior commanders of the entire leadership division organization, including Malashenko, isn't it? Malashenko took the initiative to stand up and said, "I will take the blame." He was able to carry the blame alone.

To put it bluntly, if all the truth of the matter was truthfully found out by the superiors and the ins and outs were understood clearly, then the seriousness of this problem would undoubtedly be unprecedented.

If this matter is found out and confirmed, what will it mean?

It shows that the entire leadership division has formed a core with Malashenko as the core. It can block the implementation of orders from superiors at will, and it can't push the needle or pour water. The huge division organization keeps informing the superiors. There is no such thing as a "malignant organization group" that can explain the situation of hooliganism.

This shows that Malashenko's will can replace the orders of his superiors, turning the leader division into a war machine for him to command. He can command this powerful heavy armored field group to do whatever he wants, and he can do whatever he wants. Acting recklessly, disobeying orders and disrespecting orders.

Don't take this matter seriously. How long has it been since the Great Purge?

Pushing forward the time, even if it is not the period of the Great Purge, let’s say the last few years before the outbreak of the Great Patriotic War. Such a big crime would be enough for Malashenko to kill his head ten times and eat peanuts until he is full.

As Zhukov said, the development of the Leader's Division no longer only has pure military significance. The political significance of this elite division, which is named the leader and has won many battles, is far higher than any other. A Red Army field unit like no other you can think of.

Malashenko dares to command the division and lead the troops in this way. If the matter is exposed, he may not be able to live with it. If the matter gets too big, even Zhukov may not be able to settle it. This matter must be decided by a loving comrade. Words count.

You must know that his old man always thinks about the army named after him and always asks about it. No one can disobey his loving father's will in this matter.

It cannot be said that the final result of the development of things will definitely be like this, but the worst case scenario must be like this.

Malashenko, who dared to do this, had of course thought of this a long time ago, and was deeply moved by the fact that the political commissar comrades and all the comrades in the division organization trusted him and were willing to follow him. What more could be said about the relationship between comrades at this point? ? All I can say is that everything is gone.

Now, when the expected situation came, Comrade Political Commissar promptly informed Malashenko for his opinion.

Malashenko, who had been prepared for this for a long time, didn't seem to care that much. As soon as he entered the division headquarters, he picked up the jar on the table and filled it with tons of water. After quenching his thirst and listening to the words of the political commissar, he He put down the bottle that he had already drank in one gulp and spoke without even glancing at the telegram.

"When I called back, I said that our unit is still in the process of maneuvering and taking a temporary rest. It will resume its journey soon. The instructions from the Front Army Headquarters have been received and will be implemented as soon as possible according to the current location. As for the current location Position, please move the coordinates a few kilometers to the right before we set off last night."

"In addition, it must be added that the equipment wear and tear of the leader division is not optimistic. The motorized hours of a considerable part of the heavy equipment have almost been exhausted. It has spent more time on equipment maintenance and refurbishment to ensure the combat effectiveness of the troops, and a lot of time has been wasted."

"There's nothing else to say. We'll just answer whatever he asks. If you think there's no problem, just ask. We won't be here for long. We can set off early tomorrow morning. After departure, we will follow the requirements It’s a general direction, and there will be follow-up explanations, so it’s not a big problem.”

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