Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2110 A Game (Part 2)


The sound of the metal table knife falling to the ground was not too loud. It was not even loud enough to pass through the door panel and reach the corridor outside the room. Malashenko did not want the show that had just entered the second half to Being disturbed.

"Don't you think the arrangement of this table knife and that one is too coincidental? My dear."

The thick right arm, which was helping his brothers in the crew load and unload 130-point ammunition without any problems, was firmly holding the wrist of the slender arm and never let go. The force just a few seconds ago was so strong that even a slight exertion was enough to make the table knife held in his hand fall to the ground.

"Perhaps we should discuss something else now? What do you think?"

One hand has been firmly grasped by Malashenko, who has a crushing advantage in strength. Unfortunately, this snake-hearted devil is not willing to let it go. She is far from giving up that easily.


The other left hand that had not been caught almost instantly grasped the wine glass on the table, and without any words, he smashed it towards Malashenko's face.

"Heh, that's what makes it interesting."

The action of striking directly at the door can be predicted. The speed of the Fascist female devil is not fast enough to be captured by a high-speed camera. She has fought all the way to this day, stepping on countless German sticks. Of course Malashenko, whose corpse came to life, could react.



It almost whizzed past the bridge of his nose, and Malashenko could feel that the force of the glass being thrown away must have been considerable, especially for a woman.

The cup, like a missed cannonball, did not hit the wall or the window, but hit Major General Malashenko's coat hanging on the hanger beside the window sill.

The flexible material instantly absorbed most of the impact kinetic energy, and the final sound was only a soft sound of the cup falling on the wooden floor. This was not enough to be called too abnormal.

"Comrade Commander, there is something going on inside! Should we, Comrade Commander, division commander, he won't?"

The commander of the security company directly under the division headquarters in charge of security looked anxious. Protecting the safety of the division commander was an order personally given to him by the political commissar. He couldn't help but be nervous about the abnormal noise coming from the room without a single guard. He looked like A cat whose tail has been stepped on generally appears to have its hair standing on end.

Of course, Varosha, who was standing in the corridor with his guards, was not deaf. He also heard the subtle and strange noise coming from the room.

He wanted to move, but he thought of Malashenko's special order. Varosha, who already has a boy and a girl at home, certainly understands the trouble that can happen if a boy and a girl live together in the same room.

Even though the target is a bit special, Comrade Bao Buqi just wants a change of taste. On top of conquering women, conquering enemies might also give him a double pleasure?

What should I do if I rush in at this time and encounter some indescribable scene? Moreover, there are two whole squads of guards standing in the corridor outside the door. Why don't they push the comrade division commander's face into a latrine and rub it with excrement? Are you going to let your comrade, the teacher, lose face in front of everyone?

"Wait a minute, wait a minute, listen carefully. No one is allowed to move without my order!"

In the corridor outside the door, Officer Varosha is the biggest, and naturally he has the final say. He doesn’t know what is going on inside, nor does he know Comrade Malashenko, the captain and company commander, who only gave Varosha a special order. , no matter how much he wanted to move, he could only hold back his temper and endure it. The wooden handle of the AK gun in his hand was already covered with beads of sweat.

"Don't worry, Comrade Commander"




The reaction speed of this female devil is indeed fast enough. It can be seen that she must have received necessary military training, especially in close combat.

Perhaps this would be more helpful for her to use her perverted abilities on female prisoners and at the same time defend herself. After all, prisoners may also jump over the wall in a hurry.

Malashenko, who had already relied on dodging to dodge three swords in a row, guessed in his mind that there is really no technical content in this knife-cutting technique. Raising his hand downwards will not change the direction at all. If you use enough strength to swing and poke hard, dodging such an attack is not much more difficult than dodging the collision of a six-year-old child.

"Kill me and get rid of a serious enemy of your head of state. Is this your plan?"

The female devil who brandished the knife said nothing, but raised her hand again, aimed at Malashenko's face, and stabbed Malashenko in the face again. The knife fell on the ground and she didn't stop at all since she picked it up again. .

Malashenko, who knew that he might not be able to communicate without using some skills, twisted his lips, saw the opportunity and squatted down to avoid the damage before the tip of the knife poked his face, and followed closely. It was an uppercut that had been prepared for a long time, and of course it was the only one shot, and it went straight to the lower abdomen.



Malashenko still remembers being punched in the lower abdomen by a similar punch and vomiting out the rice he had eaten for lunch along with seaweed and egg drop soup on the spot. That was before I traveled through time and came to this different world. I was punched by the master coach of the martial arts school who had won the national Sanda runner-up. I lay down on the ground and vomited acid water and couldn't even get up. Even now, I still can't get up. The memory is still fresh in my mind.

"Comrade leader, there is movement again! There is a woman's voice humming inside, I heard it."


Varosha, who had a dark look on his face, didn't want to say anything more. He just hated Suka, who had a weak head, and shouted out the description of "a woman's humming voice", and thought he was a captain. Why is the company commander so cold-blooded? ?

"Wait, I said it again! Shut your mouth now!"


The people outside the door still had no intention of coming in, but the situation on Malashenko's side had changed.

Holding the waterfall-like blond hair in his hand, he directly lifted the head of the woman who had collapsed on the ground and curled up into a ball, just like holding a dog's legs to lift a puppy, and placed it in front of her to watch carefully, half-crouching Malashenko, who was looking at the still extremely painful expression on the ground, couldn't help but be speechless.

"Tsk, if I push it harder, I might even vomit out my stomach. This guy's body is still strong, so it's really different."

The strength after changing the body is really not easy to control according to the previous feel and standards. At this moment, Malashenko is also lucky that he saved a hand and did not faint with a punch on the spot, otherwise the next step will be... There is no way to play.

"How could a senior tank officer who rarely gets out of his car on the battlefield do this? I guess you must be thinking so now or just now, right?"

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