Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2111 Endless Abyss (Part 1)

Malashenko does not like to attack women, except for the Nazi female scum. Attacking such a dehumanized female scum will not make Malashenko feel the slightest sense of guilt.

On the contrary, hitting hard can be worthy of the innocent people who died tragically under her vicious hands. Malashenko has always believed this.

"Drink hahaha"

I don’t know if it’s because the body of this free prostitute is too strong, or if this girl’s endurance is really too damn weak.

All in all, this **** female devil couldn't answer our Comrade Ma's question well. Even if her head was slipped into Malashenkoti's hand, she could only gasp out of breath. If someone who didn't know heard this, they would probably think that this bitch was addicted.

As for talking about addiction? All I can say is that I understand everything.

"Okay, then you might as well listen to what I have to say first and you can talk about it later."

He released his right hand holding his hair and stood up slowly. The first thing Malashenko did was to bend down and pick up the table knife that had just fallen to the ground. He turned the knife around with ease in his hand and played with it. Then he spoke quietly.

"There must be a lot of things that you German fascists can't figure out or understand. Maybe you don't even realize what these things are, and you just feel that you are passive and do not have an advantage. But I know The reason for this.

"It doesn't matter. I can tell you the truth. After all, some secrets have been kept in my heart for a long time. Even the people closest to me in this world have never mentioned them, let alone know about them. It’s hard for a person to keep such a big secret in his heart for a long time, you know?”

The female devil who collapsed on the ground still couldn't regain her composure. The uncontrollable saliva just kept flowing down her mouth that was opening and closing and gasping for air. She couldn't even say a decent word. come out.

The uppercut that hit Malashenko's lower abdomen had already caused him to convulse. It would take a long time to completely recover from this state. After all, a woman's body is not as strong as a man's in taking a beating. this is the truth.

"Actually, I am not a Soviet person at all. I am not even a person from this world."

Malashenko, who was holding a table knife in his hand, had squatted down again, squatting next to the head of the evil female devil and whispering in a low voice. This is German that can only be heard clearly by two people who are extremely close to each other. Even people in the corridor behind a door panel cannot hear clearly if they put their ears against the door panel.

"I know this is unbelievable, but this is the fact. Even this body does not originally belong to me, but belongs to the soul of the previous one who has died long ago. Before he died, he entrusted everything to me and asked me to work hard to replace him. He lives and fights.”

"In exchange for me being able to continue living in this world and replacing everything that belongs to him, I agreed, and then I fought bloody battles with you evil German fascists to the end. This is what happened in the first place."

It was as if Malashenko was telling a fantastic folk tale that no one could easily believe upon hearing it for the first time, and the same was certainly true of the pure devil who was knocked to the ground by a single blow.

"What the hell are you talking about? Are you fucking kidding me???"

The false interest has long been torn to pieces by Tu Qiong Dian's murderous intention. Even the first attack and close assassination failed to kill Malashenko. Knowing that she was completely defeated, the pure devil simply refused to act. , the contempt, discrimination and hatred flashing in those angry and hateful eyes are so clearly visible now.

"Are you kidding? No, I have no intention of doing this and I am not interested in it. I know this is very, very outrageous, but I have more secrets that I can let you know."

Malashenko became a little excited as he talked more and more enthusiastically. This kind of secret that has been suppressed in his heart for a long time but that no one can tell is really annoying. This is like a dark cloud that has been lingering in Malashenko's mind. It is too tiring to bear the shocking secret alone.

Now, Malashenko, who had seized the opportunity to talk things over, naturally could not miss the opportunity.

"As I said just now, you German Fascists must have many things about me that you cannot understand."

"Who is this Malashenko? Why can he defeat us again and again? If your rotten intelligence system can still work, you will know even more how much I have contributed to the development of the Soviet military industry. Huge influence and help, why can I be involved in tanks and firearms? I can just beat the shit out of any of your elites on the battlefield. Why is this that you must have thought about in distress more than once? , I can guarantee it.”

"The answer is that you bunch of scumbag German fascists know nothing about power! You have no idea what kind of opponent you are facing! What a powerful enemy you are!"

"I came here through time and space, abandoned all the beautiful and prosperous future life, and was willing to throw myself into this purgatory-like battlefield with flesh and blood flying and roaring artillery fire for one thing only. From the beginning to the end, I have one and only one purpose: to kill you all. These German fascists are doing nothing!”


Malashenko, who closed his eyes slightly, just let out a long breath.

"It has been more than three years since I came to this world that does not belong to me, almost four years! I have never told this secret to anyone, my lover, my political commissar, my comrade My comrades-in-arms, all the people who are closest to me and trust me don’t know this secret. I have no way to tell them and let them finally trust me and keep this secret for me until today.”

"Do you know how it feels?! It's been more than three years, and I've been carrying this damn secret for nearly four years! When you know that you are the only one in the world who knows this shocking secret, and you Do you know what it feels like when you can’t tell anyone? Huh! ? I’m afraid that I’ll let it slip when I’m drunk. When I feel happy, I really have to thank you a lot, Miss Vera."

Malashenko's state is a bit abnormal. He seems crazy but has clear logic, seems to be nonsense but has coherent sentences. He does not hit even the slightest stumbling block and keeps pouring out words like a machine gun.

You can't say this man is crazy, let alone stupid. A stupid and crazy fool can't beat up so many elite German troops one by one. It is even more impossible to flirt with a femme fatale woman with a very high emotional intelligence on the spot, while still keeping a vigilant attitude at all times and subdue the assassin by yourself.

Anyone with a normal mind would be able to think of such an obvious fact, including of course the evil female devil who was knocked to the ground and still couldn't get up.

But sometimes, reality often means fear. The more real it is, the more it can make a soul feel the fear of falling into the abyss. Even the eyes are filled with increasingly frightening despair.

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