Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2112 Endless Abyss (Part 2)

This naughty female devil named Vera is not stupid. On the contrary, she is an extremely difficult-to-deal with snake-hearted woman with an IQ and EQ that are equal to or even greater than her delicate figure. . Google search reading

It's a pity that she never used her body and this intelligence on the right path, but all this is not important to Malashenko. This man who vents his long-suppressed negative emotions is not interested, Don't care either.

"To be precise, I was born in a world more than forty years ago. It was a future world that was far more beautiful than today."

"The vast majority of people in the world can live their own beautiful life in peace and ease, and they don't have to be poisoned by you dirty and evil Nazi fascists. It is a beautiful era that belongs to us, but without you It’s for this bunch of fascists!”

Malashenko, who never stops doing anything, is still going on, completely destroying a person's soul and will. This is just the beginning.

"Everything you fascists have worked hard for and so-called "struggle" will be turned into the dust of history, and will be crushed into powder amidst the roar of cannons and the violent surge of the torrent of steel!"

"No one will dare to openly mention your names, your consciousness, your symbols or any symbols on the streets of Berlin. Violators will be punished by the harshest laws!"

"Look, how sad this is, isn't it? So pitiful that it's worse than a slug~ You think that for all you have paid, not even a scum will be left, and even your descendants will be cursed and spitted. You deserve the infamy! I’ve never liked this word so much!”

"You bunch of scum that are worse than animals will be nailed to that most filthy and ugly pillar of shame forever, forever! Forever and ever! And my arrival will make it even more impossible for you to stand up. I will make you Fascist scum go to suffer in the oil pan of hell!”

"Go to hell with your damn head of state and this evil black empire! Countless souls who died unjustly and the undead warriors who fought against Fascism will be waiting for you in hell! Even after you die, trash like you will To suffer forever!”

It's hard to tell whether Malashenko's words were listened to by this devilish devil, but there was still more or less hope of her own on her incredibly frightened face. Her twisted and morbid faith was cracked but not completely destroyed.

Malashenko smiled, with a weird and unpredictable smile, caressing the knife in his hand that looked more like a boning knife, which looked particularly eye-catching under the dim light of the fire behind him.

If there is really an executioner in hell who is responsible for giving Nasuga's head, then this is probably it.

"Then all this can be easily explained. Why did you bunch of bastards lose so miserably at my hands? Why can't you try every means to get rid of me, this big thorn in your side? Haha~heheheha~"

"Because, I know all your plans and everything. Those things really happened in history and were completely recorded in the history books."

"Where is the next target of your fascist action? I know. What kind of combat plan are your generals planning in their heads? I also know. I also know what new weapons and equipment you will invest in the next step. I know its performance, know its weaknesses, and know how to counterattack and guide our Soviet military industry to develop and manufacture weapons that target your weaknesses."

"Do you think your Germans are building war machines that they are proud of? Are you building world-famous German tanks? You are just fucking producing piles of industrial garbage, do you know that?"

"Your so-called new weapons are already obsolete before they leave the factory. Isn't this sad? Huh? After working for a long time, in the end nothing can be done to stop it or change it. On the contrary, it will die faster."

"I like reading books. In the future world, I am not a Russian, and of course you don't need to know who I am. Before I came to this world, I had already given everything you fascists have. The weaknesses are all engraved in my mind. It's just a matter of transferring the words in the book to my memory. What are you trying to do with me? Are you going to risk your life?"

"I know the future, and I can predict time. Even if the gears of time are slightly adjusted, I still know the general direction in which it should turn. What kind of divine ability is this! Don't you think you dare to fight against the Chosen One? Is this ridiculous? Pigs are smarter than you fascists! You fascist scum can never escape from my hands!"

If the twisted and sick faith had already been riddled with cracks, then this faith was already shattered and collapsed.

You can choose not to believe it, but please think about it rationally.

Everything this man said was consistent with what actually happened. Everything that seemed unreasonable and puzzling before was interpreted by him in the most perfect and truest terms. the truth.

You can't convince yourself that what he said is a lie, precisely because you can't find the truth that has been bothering you for a long time, and even more because the truth of what you hope is a lie is more shocking, devastating, and unstoppable than ever before. , enough to destroy all cognitions and beliefs, whether normal or pathological.

Looking at that empty and numb expression, I am afraid that the entire thinking and consciousness may not have been completely washed away by the violent flow of information pouring in like a flood, but for Malashenko, who is about to end the game, it is still not the end. end.

"There's something that might interest you, I'm sure of it."

"When will Fascism be destroyed? There has to be a time, right? This is inevitable."

"In the future world I live in, next year will be May 8, 1945. That will be the day when your scumbag German fascists will be completely destroyed! The red flag will be planted in the Reichstag earlier. The spire and the streets will be filled with a sea of ​​cheering Red Army soldiers, leaving no trace of the struggle of you fascist scum in Berlin.”

"But there is a premise. There is no me in the world of that timeline. Malashenko was a martyr who died in a T34 tank in 1941."

"The door of destiny is slowly opening, and the gears of time have been sped up. Even I cannot accurately predict the precise time of that day. But the only thing I can guarantee is that you fascist scum will be in my You will die faster in the palm of your hand! The apocalypse will hit you on the top of your head in advance! I will personally tear away everything you are proud of, and then trample you hard with the iron hoof of the Red Army! These bastards will never stand up again!"

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