Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2113 Evildoers will be punished by stupidity

The girl lying on the ground was stunned, as if her head was squeezed by the door. She changed from a normal person with no problem to a silly person. The drool that couldn't be stopped fell from the corner of her mouth and flowed to the ground, gathering into a small piece. , still giggling "hehe, hehe", but Malashenko has obviously lost interest in continuing to play the game.

"Take her down, but remember to send someone to keep an eye on her. Find a cell that can be monitored at any time and hold her alone. Send at least two smart soldiers to watch her at the same time. I will keep her until tomorrow morning."

The person who is waiting for Malashenko's order is naturally our brigade commander comrade Varosha. He was called in by Malashenko's order instead of leading people in. In fact, Varosha, who has always been afraid that Malashenko will publicly make a fool of himself, really does not dare to bring people in openly when the teacher comrade is doing "that thing". This would require more people than two classes. What to do if you see that?

But now, the truth of the matter seems to be different from what Varosha imagined.

The imagined messy and disheveled clothes on the floor, or the "after-the-fact" situation in which Malashenko was still wearing buttons and wearing an armed belt when he came in, did not appear. The devil girl was also neatly dressed. He fell to the ground.

I just don’t know what happened to make this female devil look like this. It was as if her head was electrified by high-voltage electricity. She just fell to the ground and laughed stupidly, and kept talking from time to time. Muttering something in complicated German that he didn't understand, Varosha guessed that his comrade, who didn't show any surprise, must know something.

But if the comrade division commander wanted to talk to him, Varosha was sure that the comrade division commander would take the initiative to tell him what happened just now. If the comrade division commander didn't take the initiative to say it, then there was no need for him to ask so abruptly. Of course, Varosha, who was already a brigade commander, knew very well what he should do and what he shouldn't do.

For now, all we need to do is carry out the orders of comrade division commander, just like in the past.

"Understood, Comrade Commander."

"Both of you, you have heard the order. Take her down. Go to Major Vadrov and tell him to keep this person under my watch. Then repeat to him the order just given by Comrade Division Commander. If there is any problem, I will take it with you. He is asking, let him handle the matter for me personally.”

As he turned around, Varosha gave an order to the guards and soldiers accompanying him. Immediately, two soldiers who were tall and as strong as cattle stepped forward and followed the instructions of the comrade division commander and comrade brigade commander without saying a word. With the command, the Nazi female devil who was lying on the ground and still giggling non-stop was picked up, left and right, and forced out on the spot like a dead dog.

"He is a ghost, haha, he is a devil! Everyone here will be killed by him. He came back from the dead. I saw it with my own eyes. Die! Everyone must die, hahahaha."

Malashenko didn’t know how many of the soldiers present could understand this crazy German who was shouting in a low voice all the way, but he thought that no soldier with firm faith would listen to a madman, not to mention that she was still an enemy. Identity of the pure female devil.

Any slander against comrade division commander based on this premise is empty talk.

Even if there are people who can completely understand this crazy talk, at most they will just laugh it off and treat it as a joke, without taking it seriously at all. After all, the story told from her mouth will inevitably be too shocking and sensational. As the initiator of this story, Malashenko certainly understands and is more assured of this.

Waving to the guards and soldiers who were pouring into the room, he went down to the corridor to wait. Malashenko only left Varosha behind.

He took out two high-end cigarettes specially provided for general officers from his pocket. You and I put the cigarettes on ourselves and Varosha one by one, and then Varosha quickly took out a lighter to wait on us. Malashenko, who was getting angry and had a fairy-like air in his mouth, then leaned on the corner of his desk and spoke.

"How are the preparations going? We will start before dawn tomorrow morning. Are you ready?"

After hearing this, Varosha nodded. Of course, he would put the orders of Comrade Division Commander first and handle them as a top priority, but he still had to explain some details to Comrade Division Commander.

"Most of it is fine, just a few minor issues."

"Although there are quite a few Red Army prisoners of war in the 1, 2 and 3 camps combined, we have carefully screened and questioned them. Indeed, there are no disguises. They are all captured comrades. However, the physical condition of many of them is not good. , that meal in the evening left many people with a bad stomach. They had not had a full meal for a long time and they ate desperately. Even if it was expected and prepared in advance that they would eat mostly liquid food and not much meat, they would still eat all their stomachs. It’s bad, many people are still recovering from it and are very weak.”

"I'm worried that I might not have enough manpower tomorrow morning. After all, that's more than five hundred SS troops. The whole process may take longer than expected, Comrade Division Commander."

After hearing this, Malashenko shook the ashes of the cigarette in his hand, with a fairy spirit still in his mouth, and just smiled at Varosha.

"Don't worry, if we don't have enough people, we will use automatic weapons. No one says we have to use rifles. There are always more ways than difficulties."

"Also, remember to keep an eye on those big fish. The scum on the list I gave you must be packed away. They are not ordinary scum. They are the most criminal and full of evil in the entire Auschwitz. Directly... It’s too cheap if the gun is broken. These disgusting bastards must be brought back to the motherland for trial, and they must be punished by justice and die.”

Malashenko has made complete arrangements for the entire plan, and every detail has been considered. At the moment, he is just emphasizing to Varosha the details that have already been explained.

"I understand. I will take care of it. Please rest assured, Comrade Commander."


Malashenko, who had smoked half of the cigarette, was about to say something more. Unexpectedly, at this moment, the phone on his desk suddenly rang, making Malashenko want to say something. He hesitated and could only answer the phone for now.

"Hello, I'm Malashenko."

"Oh, really? Yeah, I got it. Wait for me, I'll go downstairs. Well, okay, wait until I get there, then let's do this first."


While hanging up the phone, he put out his cigarette butt in the luxurious glass ashtray left by the commander of the No. 3 Battalion on the table. Malashenko stood up from the corner of the desk and straightened his back, then spoke.

"Comrade Political Commissar asked me to go to the communications room. There is something urgent there. Let's deal with other things first. Everything will be carried out as planned. If you have any questions, you can come to me at any time. If I need anything, I will call you again."

??Brothers, I am not feeling well today. I have vomiting and diarrhea. It seems that I have a bad stomach. I am late for an update. I will give you another update on Sunday.



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