Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2118 After Revenge

What can revenge bring? Most of the time this is something many people have never done but are thinking about.

But thinking and practice are two completely different things after all. There is often no necessary connection between what you think and what you do and what you get after doing it.

Looking at the corpses lying strewn about on the very familiar playground not far in front of him, Roskov felt an indescribable feeling in his heart.

He was convinced that he hated the Nazis. He had always hated the Nazis. These murderous bastards were just as General Malashenko scolded them. They were a group of fascists walking around the world, wearing human skin and growing two legs. Evil demons, not killing them is the greatest irony of the human species living in this world.

But after the killing and revenge, Roskov did not feel the slightest pleasure in his heart as expected, as if something he had been waiting for for a long time was finally completed as he wished, but he did not reap the joy of success. .

It's hard to say that I am empty, but there is always an indescribable taste and feeling of emptiness in my heart.

Roskov didn't know how to describe this feeling, let alone what it was, until a tall figure walked down the podium and came to the crowd.

"Killing is not the final result, and using violence to fight violence is not the method we want.

"But we have no choice, comrades. There is no reason to argue with these fascist demons. Your bullets and anger are the only things they fear."

"Today we have completed our revenge, but at the same time, we should always remember that this is all for a better future. We should never kill just for the sake of killing like these fascist bastards. Always remember that we are The heroic Red Army soldiers are not these fascist bastards who enjoy killing people.”

Malashenko stopped talking and did not say any more. In fact, it is hard to say that Malashenko and this group of prisoners of war who had just been rescued from the concentration camp could talk to each other heart to heart.

To put it bluntly, how everyone who was imprisoned here and still alive today was originally imprisoned, how they were captured on the battlefield, and whether they had done anything untoward. All these situations are unknown in the absence of files. Hard to say. There is only so much that Malashenko can do, and the rest will naturally be taken over by those who should be responsible for it.

Now, Malashenko, who is pressed for time, has no intention of staying here any longer.

The rising sun has slowly risen from the distant horizon and crossed the horizon. Malashenko, who is responsible for the command, needs to lead the troops to take action as soon as possible and complete the strategic mobilization across the theater as soon as possible.

Regarding the situation here in Auschwitz, Malashenko had already found an excuse to temporarily evade the past, drafted a telegram, informed Konev, and came to Auschwitz to take over the defense and aftermath. The friendly forces will arrive soon, and Malashenko only needs to leave a small part of the leadership division's aftermath forces to take care of the temporary care and handover.

It can be expected that Konev was very puzzled as to why Malashenko's troops were "disoriented" for more than 100 kilometers in just one day. If they really wanted to say they were lost, This is a bit too outrageous.

But at this point, Malashenko is about to leave, and the unit's affiliation has returned to the 3rd Belarusian Front instead of his 1st Ukrainian Front. The command is now in the hands of Vatutin, not the 1st Ukrainian Front. In Konev's hands, this was clearly mentioned in the message Zhukov personally drafted, so the leading division is now a real "guest army."

At this time, Konev found that even if he wanted to track down something now, it was already too late and even more powerless.

The battle on the front line was still raging. Although the German army cluster in southern Poland was already in disarray and defeated on all fronts, it was surrounded by the leader's division led by Malashenko, and was attacked from the front and back.

It has become so difficult to escape quickly after a defeat, let alone the organization and discipline. The huge battlefield is almost full of German battle groups of various sizes, scattered everywhere.

Under such premise, it was too late for Konev to expand the results of the victory, take advantage of this good situation to maximize the annihilation of the enemy's effective forces, and complete the strategic goals. How could he conduct a battlefield investigation on a guest army that was about to leave at this time? ? He obviously doesn't have the skills, let alone the conditions.

More importantly, another telegram from the General Staff Headquarters has already named him secretly. It is best not to get too entangled in issues related to the leadership division. Comrade Stalin has stepped up his efforts to deal with the issue. The focus on the real-time news of the leader division has changed from the original reading of the leader division battle report once a week to the current situation where a briefing is attached to the battle summary every day, and it is also required that it must be detailed and verifiable, and there must be no mistakes.

If you are so stupid as to be a marshal with your senses and can't even figure out some very simple things, then I really have to wonder how you, a marshal, managed to get into this position. Do you have the IQ and EQ to be a marshal? Konev obviously does not fall into this situation, so it is not difficult to guess the rational choice he will make.

"We made a lot of efforts and attempts, Comrade Commander, but the leader division was eventually transferred away. Maybe there were some unexpected situations that we didn't expect before."

The Chief of Staff of the Front Army, who was holding the copy of the telegram that had just been sent from the General Staff Headquarters, was a little annoyed. After all, he had put in hard work but had no reward, and it was indeed disappointing to feel that everything was in vain. But Konev, who was standing by the window sill, was disappointed. He doesn't seem to care about it, at least on the surface.

"But at least we tried. As long as we try hard, there will be no regrets, I think so."

"As for the leadership division's belonging to East Prussia, they are indeed needed more. It is reasonable to do so. In the final analysis, there are too few experimental combined forces like this, and there is only one in the entire Red Army. If such a unit has If there are several teams, this won’t be the case. Maybe it’s time for us to apply to our superiors to form our own synthetic pilot force, and it’s time to spread some successful experience, isn’t it?”

Malashenko didn't know what Konev was planning at this moment, let alone what the boss was thinking, and of course he wasn't interested.

There was just one thing that made Malashenko feel a little surprised. There was no such surprise as he had expected in advance.

Just when Malashenko finished taking care of the last bit of matters on the platform and was about to leave on the train that existed in the hellish place of Auschwitz, a hurried figure stopped Malashenko in his tracks.

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