Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2119 Welcome to join the leadership division

"Comrade General, I apply to join the Leader's Division. My army of origin was completely wiped out in the Battle of Moscow, and I am the only one left alive that I know of. I can still continue to fight for the motherland. I have I have firm faith and the courage to fight the enemy to the end. I am still a veteran with combat experience. Please accept me, I will not let you down!"


Looking at the man of medium height in front of him, both his figure and face were full of "malnutrition caused by long-term hunger", Malashenko knew his identity through the brand-new military uniform and crimson armband he was wearing, and paused. The words of questioning quickly came out of my mouth after boarding the car.

"Are you a newly liberated prisoner? What's your name? Why did you suddenly think of joining my army?"

Malashenko's answer was somewhat noncommittal. He did not directly answer the question of the soldier in front of him. Instead, he chose to answer the question with a question. This was not inappropriate for a senior commander whose status was much higher than the opponent.

"My name is Roskov, Ivan Donskoy Roskov, former deputy platoon commander of the 1st Platoon, 2nd Battalion, 3rd Company, 337th Regiment, Moscow Garrison."

"I am indeed a prisoner in custody who was just rescued by you and your troops. I have been detained here since 1942 until today."

"I have wanted to follow you for a long time, Comrade General, I have always wanted to. And I don't want to just go home in frustration. I know that my family must have thought that they had died long ago. I hope that I will bring my military exploits and Returning to my hometown as a glorious leader and soldier brings pride to them, instead of being censored and imprisoned to shame the people who love me!”


To be honest, just by the excited tone and the anxious expression on his face, Malashenko knew that Comrade Roskov was not joking with him, he was serious.

Just when Malashenko was thinking about what to say next, the political commissar who was also witnessing all this took a step forward in time and whispered into Malashenko's ear.

"It should be a newly formed reserve regiment during the Battle of Moscow. The fact that he became the platoon leader at this time shows that he was already a veteran."


After hearing this, Malashenko thought silently for a while, and then asked the political commissar comrades in the same low voice.

"Then what do you think I should do, accept him? Or refuse?"

"I can't make the decision. The military chief decides, and it's up to you."

This time, Malashenko failed to get direct advice from the political commissar, and the political commissar chose to let Malashenko make his own decision on this small matter.


Malashenko can probably guess the intention of the political commissar in doing this, but he can guess that it is completely different from Malashenko's current confusion.

Malashenko, who had not yet made a complete decision, glanced at Roskov in front of him again. At this moment, the other person was looking at him with an expectant expression, and the words he blurted out after thinking for a while.

"It's not that you can't join the leadership division. In principle, that's the case, but there is another objective condition that you must face."

"Your body does not allow you to engage in high-intensity combat right now. Look at you, comrade. The physical fitness of the soldiers in the Leader Division is excellent. We are a heavily armored field group, and even our infantry are not. It is indeed difficult to reach the level of a heavy tank among the elite infantry with your current physical fitness. "

If there is any objective factor that prevents Roskov from joining the leadership division, then Malashenko feels that this should be it.

I dare not say that this will definitely make Roskov retreat, but Malashenko feels that the conditions should at least be made clear, and then we can talk about the next thing. It is as simple as that.


Obviously, Malashenko's words hit a key point, which can be said to be a sore point.

Of course, Roskov knew what his body was like. In fact, the scene where he vomited out most of the food he ate because he was too full last night is still vivid in his mind. The long-term relationship between hunger and nutrition is still vivid in his mind. The body after illness is so weak. This is indeed a fact that must be faced and cannot be disputed.

A soldier cannot fight without a good body. Malashenko was just speaking matter-of-factly and truthfully.

But just when Roskov was anxious and stammering, not knowing what to say, several figures following from behind quietly appeared behind Roskov and appeared on the horse. In front of Rashenko.

"Please let him join, Comrade General. This rough Chechen guy has a bad temper, a tough temper and is so stubborn that even my best comrade-in-arms can hardly persuade him."

The people following Roskov were none other than Little Ivan and his party, who were supported by Big Ivan. Roskov's comrades and comrades who shared hardships and spent the most difficult years together in the concentration camp.

Malashenko really didn't expect that someone would come to intercede with Roskov, and Roskov himself obviously didn't expect the arrival of his comrades. The moment he looked back, his face was full of surprise. .

"You went for me, Roskov! My rotten leg may never be able to run like a normal person in this life, but you are different. You still have a chance. Don't embarrass you Chechens! Think about your past But he is stronger than a bear, and a German would have to be timid to fight with you on a bayonet, but you can definitely do it!"

Little Ivan, who had the best relationship with Roskov, was the most active one, waving his hands to encourage him as if he were a cheerleader.

Although other comrades present were not as positive as the lively and optimistic little Ivan, they all without exception cast encouraging glances at Roskov, who had made a brave decision, and tried to encourage him to not give up and persevere. The courage to go down silently supported him in the most silent but firmest way.



Malashenko, who said nothing but saw the whole process, sighed, seemingly helpless, but also seemed to have made some kind of concession.

Malashenko asked himself that he was not a heartless person, especially when everyone's hopes were pinned on a certain person, and this person was a comrade who had the same beliefs and reasons for fighting as him, Malashenko felt even more It’s hard for me to get up ruthlessly.

"That's all, I'll just open the back door once, sit on the donkey and read the songbook and see. We'll talk about the rest later."

When Roskov turned around again with a determined expression, he saw a similar expression of General Malashenko, whom he respected, which was also full of determination and encouragement, just like the expression behind him. Same thing, comrades.

"No matter what, you and your comrades convinced me."

"Welcome to the Leadership Division, Comrade Roskov."

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