Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2122 Goodbye Commander

The long and bumpy train journey was far from pleasant. Malashenko was not in the mood to engage in the formal "appreciating the scenery along the way" like the sick young people of the 21st century. All Malashenko now only wanted to do was End this battlefield quickly and send those fascist bastards to hell as soon as possible.

"What are your plans after arriving at the station? Report to the front army headquarters first? Or are you busy with other things?"

The final destination of the trip was not far away. Comrade political commissar asked Malashenko what his plans were after getting off the bus at the station. After thinking for a moment, Malashenko also answered casually.

"Only part of the army has arrived, and most of the rest are still on the way. I have nothing to command if I stay, so I have to leave most of the things to you."

"As for me, as you said, I'll go to the Front Army Headquarters first. I haven't seen Commander Vatutin in a few days, and I just happened to catch up with him. I don't know how he has been doing these days. Anyway, I really miss him."

Malashenko does not have to hide his true inner thoughts from the comrades in the political commissar. He can say whatever he wants without any falsehood. The comrades in the political commissar who heard this can also understand Malashenko’s decision. After all, Malashenko and Vanessa It had long been known that Tu Jing had a close personal relationship.

"Okay, let me say hello to Comrade Commander. In addition, our division's personnel and equipment losses since entering Poland have not yet been replenished. Although the losses are not very large, they have affected the combat effectiveness after all. Do you want to Mention this matter to Comrade Commander? It would be best if you can fill it in for us as soon as possible."


That’s not to say that this matter cannot be mentioned at all. After all, what Comrade Political Commissar said is true. This is the objective reality that must be faced.

But the problem is that Malashenko now really gets angry whenever he talks about this matter. For no other reason than he worked for so long for nothing, and in the end he only received supplies once from the old chief, Driver Luo. As for the replenishment of more personnel and equipment, they didn't even see a shadow of them. They treated their buddies like cattle and didn't even feed the horses if they wanted them to run. It really makes me angry just thinking about it.

"I will mention it to Comrade Commander, don't worry. I'm sorry. After all, it's not very kind to ask for something just after I came here, but I will do it. I have been forced to have no choice but to do it. Use my old face to sell it."

Fortunately, he had a good relationship with Vatutin. Malashenko reckoned that if he had left an ordinary commander alone, not to mention whether he dared to say this, and asked for something as soon as he came, he would have said this shamelessly. , people have to decide whether to give it or not. I guess even if they are willing to give it, it won’t look good.

The strategic offensive against East Prussia is still being prepared. The battle cluster with Vatutin's Belarusian Third Front as the main force is currently resting and recuperating. Of course, it can also be said that it is waiting for campaign preparation materials and the main battle force such as the Leader Division. arrival.

All in all, it can be said that Malashenko and the leadership division have arrived at the right time, neither early nor late.

When the train actually pulled into the station and stopped, Malashenko stepped out of the carriage and came to the platform. He looked around and found that the train station in this small town was not that big, and it was still in Poland. Not German territory.

The current platform of the station is just a busy scene full of people. Various materials are being moved and unloaded back and forth. The smell of an imminent war is obviously very strong.

"Then I'll leave this place to you. You set up a contact point at the station. When I come back, I will contact the station directly to inquire about where to go. I will leave for the front army headquarters now. I will finish the fight early and finish it early when I come back. There will be more later. I have other things to be busy with.”

After explaining the final matters and handing over the work to the political commissar who also just got off the car, Malashenko immediately led his entourage and guard troops on the way to the front army headquarters, starting from the flatbed truck The division headquarters jeep that was unloaded immediately, along with several troop transport trucks and infantry fighting vehicles, headed east after exiting the station.

"East Prussia, wow, I get excited just thinking about this place! After so much experience and waiting for so long, we are finally going to break into the German homeland. This time, we want to let them taste the taste of war raging on their own territory. "

Iushkin, who was recruited by Malashenko to be the driver, seemed very excited. Of course, Malashenko, who was sitting in the passenger seat and lighting a cigarette, could understand, and he blurted out the answer while puffing out smoke.

"Just wait a few days, now is not the time. It will take two days just to transport all the jars and jars from our division by train. I don't know when the additional equipment and personnel will be in place. I hope Comrade Commander can help me more." "

There is one thing to say. As far as the current situation of the leadership division is concerned, the only person Malashenko can think of who can count on is Vatutin.

After all, Comrade Zhu, who I haven’t contacted for a long time, doesn’t know what he is busy with now. There is no way Malashenko can ask around for his contact information and then call Comrade Zhu and say, “Hey, brother, my life is hard here. , Do you think we can get some equipment and people to help?" This is not realistic after all.

And when he got off the bus at his destination later, Malashenko, who left most of his entourage and security personnel behind and only brought a communications staff officer into the headquarters, finally saw Vatu, whom he had not seen for some days. In Beijing, Malashenko only felt that the comrade commander, who was already fat, seemed to be a little "stronger". It seemed that he had been eating and drinking well recently. After all, this winter is the time to gain weight.

"Look, our main general is here. Now we can start counting down the death of those Nazis entrenched in East Prussia."

As usual, no matter what Vatutin's attitude is towards others, at least when he gets along with Malashenko, he doesn't have the airs of a commander at all. People who don't know may really think that this is... When the eldest brother sees his younger brother, the hearts of brothers depend on each other.

Malashenko, who was greeted by Vatutin with open arms, also grinned, walked forward in three steps and gave Vatutin a solid bear hug, said hello, and then did this Begin to fulfill your obligations as a loyal subordinate.

"Comrade Commander, Major General Malashenko, commander of the Stalin Guards' 1st Heavy Combined Division of the Third Belarusian Front, is reporting to you. I wish you good health and please give me instructions!"

A bear hug when meeting is a friendship between life and death, and a salute and report are the obligations that a subordinate should fulfill.

Malashenko has always made a clear distinction between personal relations and official matters, without making them completely irrelevant. He can keep them at a certain distance and combine them together to achieve twice the result with half the effort.

Because of this, Vatutin, who felt so proud under the gaze of everyone in the headquarters, naturally smiled even brighter. He patted Malashenko on the shoulder twice and smiled in return.

"Well done! I've heard about the battles on the outskirts of Warsaw and on the southern front of Poland. It was a great fight! It didn't embarrass our front army! Comrade Stalin's telegram of commendation arrived at our front army headquarters before you."

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