Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2123 Comrade Father is very happy

"Oh? Is there a commendation telegram from Comrade Leader?"

Of course Malashenko was very surprised. In fact, until he left, there was not even a farewell telegram from Konev, let alone a thank you and award. It really made Malashenko feel panicked. It's like working for others in vain.

Now that Vatutin told Malashenko that there was a telegram of commendation from Comrade Stalin, it was completely different. The mood was like riding a roller coaster, making a 360-degree turn and climbing from the bottom of the valley to the top of the mountain.

You, Konev, prefer rewards or not, but I have a loving father to honor and praise you. Which one is more satisfying? Isn’t it obvious that a bald man has lice on his head?

Seeing Malashenko's excitement in the question, Vatutin, who smiled at each other, certainly understood the reason and blurted it out immediately.

"Anyway, the commendation message is for you. You can take it back later to inform the entire division and boost morale."

"In short, Comrade Stalin is very satisfied with the combat performance of your division in Poland, especially the complete annihilation of the rebuilt Grossdeutschland Division and the killing of its commander. This is a great achievement and the political significance is quite high. Look You understand this.”

"This is"

Malashenko took the newspaper that was picked up from the table and handed over from Vatutin's hand, held it in his hand, and spread it out to take a look. Only then did he realize that this was a newspaper that had just been published yesterday. The front page of the Pravda newspaper read "The Nazi Grossdeutschland Division has been wiped out again! Victory belongs to the great Stalinist leader division!" The headline was so eye-catching that it almost took up the entire width of the single page of the newspaper. The intention of doing this is obviously very obvious. 6̾̾

As Vatutin said, this was a battle of considerable political significance.

If an ordinary Red Army unit wiped out the Grossdeutschland Division with superior strength, then to be honest, its political significance is really far less than the beautiful battle fought by Malashenko.

The key to the problem is that this is a one-on-one battle between the leader division named after his loving father Stalin and the Grossdeutschland division that symbolizes the soul of the Wehrmacht and is the second reconstruction of the German Army. It does not involve the intervention of any other forces on either side of the hybrid war.

It was in such a battle that Malashenko commanded the invincible leader division and completed the annihilation battle against the enemy's Great German Division at a relatively small cost and with an advantageous battle loss exchange ratio that could be called a great victory and killed the enemy. Enemy chieftain commander.

What does this symbolize?

To put it simply, this can be regarded as a direct symbol of the fist of leader Stalin, which has the power to easily crush any so-called elite force, even the so-called soul of the Wehrmacht, which Fascism has just rebuilt after painstaking efforts. The same goes for an ace unit that rose up. ɱ

A huge victory requires pen and ink to sublimate propaganda.

As long as such an outstanding record is slightly polished by the journalists and literary and artistic workers of the motherland, and then promoted and publicized, it will be a super victory that can arouse the sentiments of the entire motherland and boost the morale of the entire army. Promoted to foreign countries and even the entire Anti-Fascist Alliance world, this is something that makes the face of the loving comrade feel even more glorious.

This is the reason why Vatugin said "the political significance is quite high". This is far more significant than simply destroying a Fascist ace force. As long as we understand this, it is not difficult to understand why the loving comrade is so happy that he sends a special report to commend the leaders. If the boss is happy, then doesn't the whole company have to report the praise?

Malashenko, who simply read the headlines on the front page of the newspaper, smiled helplessly, shook his head slowly, and then spoke again to Vatutin in front of him.

"But the enemy division commander was not killed directly. He committed suicide. Comrade Commander, when our soldiers got there, he had already committed suicide."

Vatutin, who didn't care about such trivial matters, laughed after hearing this, patted Malashenko on the shoulder and said cheerfully.

"Forced to death counts as killed. This makes sense no matter where you go. Has anyone ever said that it doesn't count? Did I? My dear Comrade Chief of Staff? Comrade Political Commissar?"

Not only did Vatutin enjoy himself, but he also brought the front army's chief of staff and political commissar, who were both at the front army headquarters, into the conversation. This caused the two big guys who were studying the strategic situation at the sand table to stop what they were doing and look at each other with a smile.

"Comrade Malashenko, the commander has been smiling like this since he received the commendation telegram from Comrade Leader. He also told us that even if the leader's division is fighting hundreds of kilometers away, he can still win for our front army. Honor, I must praise you well when you come back."

"Yes, there are not many things that can make Comrade Commander so happy. I guess he will have a lot to chat with you later, Comrade Malashenko."

The two big guys in front of the sand table echoed and agreed with each other, which made Comrade Ma feel quite embarrassed. He just giggled and scratched his head in embarrassment, like a silly boy.

"Okay, don't continue to stand here stupidly. My time is very precious. Let's finish talking about the important things first. It won't be too late for you to giggle when the time comes. I allow you to stand here and smile half-heartedly. Take it as a reward for you.”

He spoke seriously and seriously while not forgetting to joke around and liven up the atmosphere. Otherwise, Malashenko could really piss into the same pot as Vatutin. Once the personalities of these two men match up, it would be really great. Just don't be too happy, and as you develop, you can really dig your heart out. This has nothing to do with the relationship between superiors and subordinates.

Malashenko, who casually agreed, followed Vatutin into the commander's office in the back room. After sitting down on the two plain sofas and drinking the hot tea brought by the orderly, Vatutin spoke first. Kyo then got straight to the point.

"Tell me about the situation of the troops. I saw in the telegram you took before departure that the current situation of the Leader's Division seems to be a bit bad?"

There is no doubt that the telegram sent before departure was political commissar Petrov. At least it had to be sent under the premise that he was watching the proofreading and verification. Malashenko, who knew the political commissar's personality well, was very convinced. this point.

Since it was Comrade Political Commissar who sent the report, there was no need for him to say more about Malashenko's estimation of the equipment wear and tear of the leading division. Vatutin should have a clearer understanding, and he could leave a lot to say directly. Let’s talk about the most urgent needs.

Thinking of this, Malashenko organized his words a little, and then quietly spoke to Vatutin, who was waiting for an answer.

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