Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2125 There is another good news

Malashenko's answer undoubtedly satisfied Vatutin, or as long as Malashenko said this, Vatutin was convinced that he would be able to do it, just like in the past. Google search reading

"I will coordinate the issues of equipment supplies and personnel replenishment as soon as possible. In fact, I have already started preparations before you came. When I received the telegram, I knew you would need these."

"There is also good news to tell you. Your old friend Kotin, the outstanding heavy tank master of the motherland, sent a telegram to the front army headquarters. Just three days ago, when you were fighting in southern Poland."

"He said that a batch of agreed-upon items will be delivered soon. This is specially prepared for the leader division. I hope you will be satisfied with using it. In addition, he will prepare an actual combat feedback report for him. Subsequent equipment improvements and large-scale production will require "

"The original text of the telegram is here. You should read it. Maybe you should call him back or something. In short, it's up to you to decide."

It’s been a while since I’ve been in contact with Kotin, and of course Morozov. Malashenko doesn’t know how the two brothers, who used to dislike each other and were competitors, are doing well in their cooperation now, but he wants to go through it. After my last matchmaking, I should be doing pretty well now.

As for the "agreed things" mentioned by Kogin, Malashenko can remember what they were.

Except for Shashmulin, who had just received his actual combat feedback report, the only thing that could be regarded as "agreed" was Kotin's side, but Malashenko was not sure yet. How will this kind of thing that does not exist in the existing history actually appear after his own description and guidance and Ke Jin's "fiddle".

I guess we won't know until the things are actually delivered to us.

"I think I roughly know what it is. He and I have made such an agreement, Comrade Commander."

He held the telegram and read it quickly while still answering Vatutin's words. Seeing that Malashenko knew that this was the case, Vatutin simply didn't ask any more questions. Anyway, it is well known that there is a tacit cooperation between Malashenko and the military masters in the rear.

From design masters such as Kotin and Morozov to the new master of individual weapons and rifles Kalashnikov, Malashenko seems to be able to tinker with and give guidance on anything. , and it has really received unanimous praise from all the design masters, and they will come to Malashenko to "work with" them every once in a while.

In other words, Malashenko’s main occupation is the well-known Red Army tank hero of the motherland. This priority is irreplaceable and must be guaranteed.

Otherwise, Vatutin estimated that Malashenko would have been drawn into the military industry system long ago, and he would have followed the design masters to plan the future development of the national defense and military industry of the motherland. Such an all-round talent would definitely not be willing to let go. Missed.

After chatting and talking, in short, Malashenko finally cleared up the affairs of the Front Army Headquarters. He was able to receive some documents and written orders from Comrade Chief of Staff of the Front Army and then set off to return. There is a lot of things waiting for you to deal with.

"Well, we have to make another trip the day after tomorrow. The front army headquarters will hold a combat meeting. Commanders above the military level and political commissars must be present to participate. You will have to be the driver for another trip the day after tomorrow. Remember to be prepared."

Malashenko, who was sitting in the passenger seat, was flipping through the written order document he had just received regarding the actions in the next few days, while chatting casually to Iushkin, who was swaying in the driver's seat and driving. A mouthful.

After hearing what Malashenko said, Iushkin, who was suspicious, spoke without thinking too much.

"Above the military level? We are at the division level. Are you sure we need to participate in this meeting?"

Malashenko, who stopped flipping documents in his hands, glanced at Iushkin, and realized that this innocent and cute guy really looked serious. He didn't seem to be pretending to be stupid. He just shook his head with a helpless smile. Co said casually.

"Then just think of us as military-level, and just treat us as such. The rest is not important."


Iushkin, who didn't quite understand what Malashenko meant, was still a little confused, but he didn't think about it any further. Anyway, he wasn't a teacher, he just drove a car and worked as a driver for others. This is something that the big guys should worry about, so I just ask it casually out of curiosity. If it really has something to do with it, what does it have to do with me? There is no need to be serious.

Malashenko, who directed the convoy back to the train station, still had things to do.

Political Commissar Petrov commanded the field division headquarters, which was set up only 2 kilometers away from the train station. This was also done to facilitate the coordination of the mobilization of command troops, receive additional supplies, equipment and personnel, and to be closer to the transportation hub. It will always be more convenient, that is inevitable.

Malashenko, who first arrived at the train station and then at the division headquarters, had just entered the door to rest. He threw the documents he had brought back on the table and threw them to the political commissar. The next thing he did was to pick them up from the table like a cow. The jar filled his throat with tons of water.

"I said, can't you bring a kettle with you next time? Is your kettle welded to death in the tank and can't be taken out? I've never seen you use it outside the car."

After drinking it all in one breath and swiping his mouth, Malashenko threw the empty bottle on the table and finally quenched his thirst. He lit a cigarette for himself, pulled up a chair, sat down and said.

"Don't mention it, pigs are always forgetful. Every time they say to take it out, they forget to hang it on the seat of the chair. On the way back, I told them to drink something from someone else's bottle. It's so cold that it fills my teeth. Drinking it will cause diarrhea, so I just I can bear to go back to the division headquarters and have a hot drink.”

He reached out and flicked the ashes into the ashtray of the can on the table. Malashenko, who was still feeling fairy-like in his mouth, began to speak seriously.

"Comrade Commander has promised to give us priority in dispatching replenishments. We will have all the replenishments and make up for whatever is missing. The highest priority will be in place as soon as possible. He will personally be responsible for coordinating and dispatching."

"But we have to complete the rest and recuperation of the troops within three days. The commander only gave me three days. After three days, he will come down to inspect the troops in person. This time is a bit tight. We have to call all the key personnel over for a meeting. ”

Before Malashenko finished speaking, the political commissar behind the desk who had just finished correcting a document and signed his name and put down his pen was also about to speak. Unexpectedly, the phone on the desk suddenly rang rapidly at this moment.

"Hey, political commissar of the division, please speak."

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