Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2126 Large Milk Truck

Chapter 2126 Large Milk Truck

The political commissar holding the phone was talking to the person on the other end of the phone. Malashenko, who was sitting at the table opposite the political commissar, was just waiting quietly without saying a word.

"Has a batch of new equipment arrived? Okay, I understand. Well, yes, first notify the station to arrange a skylight for us. The unloading and loading team will be here soon, and I will arrange the manpower to set off. Yes, it is expected to be within half an hour. Arrival, then let’s do this, okay.”

Obviously, the call came from the liaison officer of the leadership division staying at the station, and the news it brought was that a batch of new equipment had arrived via railway, and now the leadership division needed to send someone to unload the truck and pick it up.

The comrade political commissar who was entrusted by Malashenko to be responsible for this matter certainly fulfilled his duties. In just a few words, he told the liaison officer on the other end of the phone what to do first, and prepared the preparations for unloading the truck and loading it, and then immediately put it down. With the phone in his hand, he stood up from his chair, faced Malashenko and spoke immediately.

"A batch of new equipment has arrived at the station. I don't know what it is yet. I only received news in advance that it was a batch of heavy equipment. Do you want to go to the site? Or should I handle it on your behalf?"

The matter of receiving new equipment is actually quite important, not only for the troops involved, but also for the vehicle handover personnel and station staff responsible for handing over the equipment.

For such a large-scale reception of heavy equipment, the division organization of the leading division would have to send a division-level leading cadre to sign the list. If you just send a bunch of big soldiers there, then the transfer personnel escorting the vehicle will have to decide whether you will be allowed to take the equipment away. Who knows if you are here to pretend to receive the equipment? How to prove that the leader has indeed received this batch of equipment?

Therefore, the documents and written orders must be verified, confirmed, and signed before receiving new equipment. This is a necessary process.

After hearing what Comrade Political Commissar said, Malashenko, who had personally led people to pick up clothes many times in the past, nodded, then stood up from the chair, raised his hand to indicate that Comrade Political Commissar could sit down and rest, and spoke at the same time.

"You stay at the division headquarters, and I'll take people there. If you leave me here to change these documents, it will cost my life. It's better for you to handle it. We each do what we are good at, and neither of us is tired."

Lavrinenko has long complained that in terms of "writing homework" ability, he is better than Malashenko, who always has a headache when seeing homework. In fact, it is true to complain like this, Marashenko I really would rather go out and run for two miles with heavy loads than sit here and do my homework. When I picked up the pen and saw the mountains of documents, I felt very dizzy.

Seeing that Malashenko's character of being a hands-off shopkeeper was still the same as before, the political commissar who knew that the division commander was not good at doing this just smiled, and then agreed without saying much and told Malashenko to go and come back quickly. There was another one in the afternoon. The planned division meeting will be chaired by him.

When Malashenko left the division headquarters and found his "driver", the old boy Iushkin was sleeping on the grass next to the tank, with a gun from nowhere on his head. Wearing a Wehrmacht officer's hat and using it as a parasol to block the sun, with one's legs crossed and basking in the sun, it was such a fun time, and it was almost time to sunbathe on the battlefield.

"Give me your legs. Be careful of the cannonball hitting your legs. If you are disabled, don't come to me."

After getting along for a long time, Artyom and Iushkin have become a pair of close friends. Iushkin is a "scheming" person who is always criticizing and a bit slippery, and Artem always likes to take advantage of Artyom, who is honest and honest. Jom was having fun.

Although Artyom, the stupidest, can never defeat Iushkin, he can always get the situation back at other times and on certain occasions. In short, Iushkin cannot be allowed to take advantage of him, such as now.

"Hey! Can't you remind me in a civilized manner? Why are you kicking my ass? It hurts."

Artyom, who was carrying a 130 mm projectile and was replenishing ammunition in the car, kicked him in the butt. Iushkin, who sat up like a cat whose tail was stepped on, started yelling and irritating. Artyom, who had just handed the huge and heavy projectile to Sergey, the deputy loader on the turret, turned his head and taunted.

"Civilized? Then next time I hit your leg with a cannonball to remind you, this is civilized enough. The best thing to hit is the middle leg."

"What kind of hatred or resentment? I'm just taking a nap. As for treating me like this?"

"Shut up, Sukka who doesn't help with the work and sleeps lazily, hahaha"

Iushkin, who had been beaten on the spot, was no longer sleepy. Artyom, who was laughing loudly, continued to walk to the ammunition pile to prepare to carry the next shell. It was at this time that Malashenko came to his baby seat. Next to the car, he opened his mouth and made a sound.

"Okay, stop talking nonsense, come with me and drive me to the train station. Oh, and Seryozha, please come too. I think there will be a shortage of people to drive later, so let's go."

"I know, hey, hey, be gentle, don't pull my collar, you're strangling my neck, I can't breathe."

The rude Malashenko grabbed Iushkin's collar and lifted it up. Not far away, Seryosha, who was holding a crowbar and tinkering with the road wheels, immediately put it down as soon as he heard the order from the commander comrade. He picked up the work in hand and followed, following the footsteps of Malashenko and Iushkin who were forcibly pulled up to work.

"What's going on? Didn't you just drive back? Why are you driving out again?"

Iushkin, who had just laid down and rested for less than ten minutes, didn't know what was going on and asked questions. Malashenko, who forced the young man to serve him, also answered all his questions.

"A batch of new equipment, heavy equipment, has arrived at the station. They are all big things, and they are new toys."

"If you don't want to go, then I'll let Seryosha drive. He's a professional driver. You can go back and continue to sleep, or Artem will hit your third leg with a cannonball. How about that?"


When Iushkin heard this, he immediately stopped trying. In fact, his face turned faster than flipping through a book, and he suddenly looked excited.

Sleeping is certainly a beautiful thing, but no matter how beautiful it is, it cannot be more beautiful than a "new wife."

No tank soldier can resist the ultimate charm of the new equipment. Even if the new car is not driven by him and he has experienced eye addiction in the past, it is still very good. Iushkin, who was a little reluctant just now, immediately changed his mind to a pippippip. Dian.

"I'm going, I'm going. Isn't it okay if I go? You'd be a fool not to do such a good thing. I'm going to start the train right now."

Because of the foresight of Comrade Political Commissar, the division headquarters was set up very close to the station to facilitate the reception of additional equipment, supplies and personnel.

So Malashenko, who gathered the team and led the team there in person, arrived at the station in just a short while and quickly led people onto the platform. He saw that the train that had just entered the station was full of people belonging to Brand new equipment for your own leader.

Every new wife parked on a flatbed truck is like a young lady on a wedding night, covered with a camouflage cloth, as if her head is covered, and her true face is invisible.

But even so, the outline shape of the equipment under the camouflage cloth still made Iushkin and his wife stare like cow eggs. I am afraid that they have never seen any kind of heavy equipment with such a shape in their previous lives. It is simply unprecedented. .

"Are you sure this is heavy equipment? It looks more like a large milk truck to me."

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