Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2127 Young man’s first TOS-1

Chapter 2127 Young man’s first TOS-1

Well, with the big square head and the body chassis with a slightly larger outline, neither the long gun barrel nor the outline of the turret is revealed. Apart from being tall enough, big enough, and not small, there seems to be nothing. Other highlights. Google search reading

Iushkin was indeed right, this was like a large "milk truck", and the boxy humpback shape was like the "milk cans" carried on the body of the truck.

Although Iushkin, who didn't know why, had a mouth full of teeth and was chattering, Malashenko, who knew what the thing in front of him, the "agreement" with Kotin, was, didn't take it seriously.

If this thing is really as powerful as he expected, then its terrifying destructive power will give him great battlefield assistance in future battles.

Theoretically speaking, according to the equipment requirements and expected design ideas proposed by Malashenko, this is not a very complex heavy weapon. It can even be called a simple thing for the Soviet heavy industry and military capabilities. Marashenko Kogin is convinced that under his guidance, Kogin, as the motherland's outstanding heavy tank designer and the father of the Red Army's heavy tanks, is fully capable of handling it.

Therefore, even if the camouflage cloth covering them had not yet been lifted, Malashenko was still full of confidence and expectations for these new big guys, and then gave the order with a wave of his hand.

"Come on, start unloading the truck, move quickly, we only have one hour."

As soon as Malashenko gave the order, the soldiers behind him also heard the news. Before they had time to get on the train and start unloading the train, a figure trotting all the way appeared in front of Malashenko at the right time. When they meet, they give a military salute and then speak.

"General Malashenko, I am Andrei Ivanovich. I am here to hand over the equipment to you on the order of Comrade Kotin. I am also responsible for explaining to you the technical essentials and performance of these new equipment. I am very happy to meet you. to you.”

Hearing this self-introduction, he should be a civilian military worker. Of course, this Comrade Andre really wears glasses and looks very elegant and scholar-like.

However, judging from the gesture of the salute, Malashenko did not think that this young comrade, who was a few years older than him, was really a nerd who joined the military industry as soon as he graduated from school. The standard military salute just now There is a strong military style in every gesture, and Malashenko is sure that he will not be mistaken.

"Hello, Comrade Andre, are you a soldier who switched careers to the military industry?"

Many people know their own face, but they can recognize them and call them by name even if they don't know them. This has long been commonplace for Malashenko and is nothing new. It's just that he behaves indifferently. Not surprisingly, Malashenko was indeed quite curious about Comrade Andrei's origins.

"Yes, you are right, Comrade General. I was born as a tank soldier. I served for two years before switching to the military industry. I studied on my own out of interest. When the Great Patriotic War just broke out, I thought about returning to the battlefield, but I was forced to Comrade Jing refused. He said that if I stayed in the rear military industry, I would play a greater role and serve the motherland, and that’s how it has been to this day.”


While listening to this self-introduction, Malashenko, who was reminiscing, remembered something. He had actually seen Andrei before.

In his memory, he was always following Ke Jing, and he was used to taking notes with a notebook. He was always among the companions at the same table who Ke Jing invited him to dinner several times. He is just a bit unknown and not very talkative. Compared with the famous Comrade Shashmulin, Kogin’s deputy and the father of is7, he does have a weak sense of presence.

"Okay, Comrade Andrei, I believe it will be no problem for Kogin to send you here. Now you can talk about these new equipment."

"Understood, this is also a task that I must complete during this trip. Comrade General, please listen to me slowly."

That is to say, at the stall where Andre spoke again, several of the big guys on the flatbed trucks had been untied and removed by the deft Leader Division tank crews, and as the camouflage cloth slipped off, The true appearance hidden underneath was completely revealed.

It's just that it's okay not to take it off. As soon as the camouflage cloth was taken off, Comrade Iushkin was shocked.

"Oh! Fuck those damn fascists! What the hell is this?"

The iconic features of the body and chassis of the later batch of IS2 heavy tank can be seen at a glance and there is no suspense. What really "shocked" Iushkin was the huge "abnormal object" on the body and chassis. "part.

The huge square box wrapped by the armor plate is almost the same length as the is2's body and chassis, and not only is the length almost the same, but even the width is almost the same as the car body, it is really huge.

Iushkin couldn't figure out what was in this big boxy box. He had never seen a heavy-duty tracked armored combat vehicle designed like this before. What was going on with this big guy without even a gun barrel? The one who fired? Could it be that the entire box was launched? Is this box a big bombshell? This is so fucking Suka!

Compared with Iushkin's shocked face, the calm Malashenko showed a mysterious smile, as if he had seen this thing before, and now he was just reliving the feeling of meeting again, without comment. He didn't say anything but seemed to be waiting. Andre beside him also spoke quietly at the right time.

"Please allow me to introduce to my comrades, the most powerful of all tracked heavy armored combat vehicles currently in service in the Red Army: the TOS-1 heavy rocket assault tank. This is the name you proposed to give it, Comrade General."

As Andrei said, as early as the conception stage before the transformation project had begun, Malashenko had already suggested to Kotin that this brand-new concept weapon should be given the equipment name "tos-1".

Malashenko believes that as long as this thing is easy to use, coupled with his influence and Kojin's famous name in the field of heavy equipment design, it will be easy to get this thing to be officially finalized and put into mass production. No matter how difficult it is, it's not a big deal to come up with a good name first. It's better than some people who are too busy to come up with random names later.

Looking at the behemoth parked quietly on the flatbed truck, Andre continued to introduce it with a proud look on his face.

"Since we have said that he is the one with the most powerful firepower, let's start with the firepower."

"According to your request, Comrade General, our design bureau gathered the best and most experienced comrades. After many rounds of design ideas and drawing discussions, we finally decided to use a 310 mm bullet diameter, 8×2 upper and lower rows, a total of 16 The design of the ready ammunition box is what you see.”

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