Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2128 Destructive Firepower (Part 1)

"310mm bullet diameter? Or a 2x8 layout? Interesting, this old guy Ke Jing is quite capable."

Malashenko remembered that he and Kotin had emphasized the design idea of ​​"stacking as much firepower on the platform as possible", but he did not expect that Kotin would go ahead and increase the diameter of the projectile to 310 mm. The heavy rockets were lifted up and placed in the launch box. Such power is not just as simple as "destruction" for the German gun.

However, since it is the confirmation of the 310mm heavy rocket, this has also given Malashenko some ideas and inspiration.

With such a short time to finalize the design and complete the modification, it is unlikely that this is the product of mass production of a brand-new weapon system. If it is left to Kotin in such a short period of time, Malashenko feels that he has no way to improve the design. At the same time, there will be enough time to tinker with, test, and finalize a new heavy-duty rocket for production.

If this is the case, the result will be obvious.

The diameter of this heavy rocket is large enough to blow any German target on the ground back into its mother's womb. It is 80% the same as the 122 Heirloom main gun and the 130 main gun on the IS7, which is what the opponent has at hand. The off-the-shelf products adhere to the "use principle" and can be used directly.

With a bullet diameter of 310 mm, it is still a ready-made shelf product.

After combining these two elements, Malashenko felt that he could probably guess where Kotin took the rocket and packed it directly into the IS2 chassis to create such a powerful creature.

Moreover, the next words of Comrade Andrei, the weapons technician in charge of the explanation, were exactly what Malashenko expected, and it was as expected.

"As for the ammunition she used, Comrade General, I think you may have guessed it."

"In order to shorten the design finalization time and simplify the logistical versatility burden of the equipment as much as possible, while ensuring that it has sufficient power. We finally chose the 310mm caliber rocket among a variety of different design options, which is directly taken from The current ammunition of the BM31 Andryusha rocket launcher has achieved common ammunition between two equipment with completely different design functions.”

"We believe this can greatly simplify the logistics burden. First of all, she is rebuilt using the body and chassis of the IS2 heavy tank. We are sure that the Leader Division still has enough redundant IS2 parts. Even if it is not enough, it can be replenished at any time. , there are a lot of them in various storage nodes on the front lines and in rear warehouses.”

"Furthermore, the 310mm rockets that are common to the Andryusha rocket launcher are also convenient to replenish, and there is no need to worry about ammunition consumption. If the frontline fighting is fierce and the ammunition consumption reaches the bottom too quickly, you can also go to the nearby rocket artillery unit to get ammunition supplies. Immediately add, Comrade Kejing thinks you will be satisfied with this universal design, is that right, Comrade General?"

Andre is right. Even today, when IS2 has long been eliminated from combat units, there are still many remaining IS2 body and chassis parts in the logistics parts warehouse of the leading division.

There is no other reason. Even if the combat troops no longer use the IS2 to fight, Karamov's logistics support troops are still active in a large number of tank repair vehicles that use the IS2 heavy tank chassis to remove the turret and then replace it with a crane.

Before a doctor can heal someone, he must first ensure that he has the ability to heal himself. If a tank repair vehicle cannot save itself and cannot move due to lack of repairs and replacement parts, then how can we talk about repairing armored vehicles of combat troops? Therefore, it is very necessary to leave enough parts for this "Nanny Starling" to support daily use and maintenance.

In short, it can be said to be a coincidence. The maintenance and support parts originally prepared for "Nanny Stalin" by the leader are now just enough for these TOS-1 heavy rocket assault tanks. I touched my nose. Comrade Ma, who had a silly smile on his face, felt quite lucky when he thought about this.

As for the versatility of ammunition, it is a bit of a problem at the moment. Malashenko feels that he needs to explain it on the spot. Comrade Andrei cannot just leave it alone to talk.

"The Andlyusa rocket launcher does have an equipment plan, but our division was too busy before, traveling north and south on the Polish battlefield and fighting here and there. We didn't catch up with the equipment change when we did the synthetic adaptation earlier, and we didn't have time when we arrived in Poland, but this time The temporary rest should be enough. The relevant replacement plan has been submitted, and the equipment should be on the way now, so I think the versatility of the ammunition should not be a big problem. "

There were no Andlyusa rocket launchers available in the past and now, but that doesn’t mean there won’t be one in the near future.

Malashenko had already seen the equipment list for the leader's short break from Vatutin. Except for this mysterious new type of heavy equipment that was not named on the list, which is the TOS-1, the remaining The equipment that is already in active service has its name clearly written on it, including Katyusha's good sister: the BM31 "Andlyusa" heavy rocket launcher.

Malashenko has wanted this Katyusha upgraded version of the heavy rocket launcher for a long time. However, he either didn't rush or didn't have time before. Now that he has the opportunity, he must equip it this time. Two whole battalions of Andryusha are currently on their way to deliver them. The quantity may be a little less, but it is better than useless. Not to mention that it can be used as ammunition with TOS-1, which is a double blessing.

Hearing the answer from Malashenko that "ammunition versatility is not a problem", Comrade Andrei, who was sincerely happy for this, grinned cheerfully and continued to speak.

"There is one more thing, Comrade General, that I need to explain to you here."

"According to the design ideas you provided us, TOS-1 should be a frontline heavy-armored assault vehicle capable of performing low-parabolic, small-angle fire at enemy targets within the visual range within a two-kilometer range, or direct-aiming fire. , so her range requirement for rockets is not high.”

"In view of this, we have also specially improved the ammunition design and tried to improve and design a counterpart ammunition specifically tailored for TOS-1 based on the existing shelf products."

"This ammunition only needs a moderate range, and the rocket engine only needs to be able to send it to a direct strike distance of two kilometers. So we removed the redundant rocket fuel section and designed the extra internal space into The warhead is lengthened and the charge of the warhead is greatly increased to further enhance its power.”

"Compared with the traditional Andlyusa rocket ammunition, the high-explosive rocket warhead specially designed for TOS-1 improvement has a 35% increase in charge, and the power increases linearly and is exponentially improved. Here is the range test report , if you are interested, you can take a look for yourself, Comrade General, the damage effect on any known ground targets has been greatly enhanced."

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