Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2131 Heavy Armor Protection

If you want to say that a leader is arrogant, then he is indeed very arrogant, not the ordinary arrogant one.

How arrogant exactly is it?

Many front-line Red Army tank units are still using IS2 heavy tanks as precious main force and have not been replaced by IS6 which is in the process of increasing production capacity. They are only suitable as nannies for their subordinates and play the skunk Kailu head-swapping game for others. , the turret was removed and replaced with a heavy-duty crane to be used as a heavy-armor crane.

Our Master Ma calls it "waste utilization" to ensure that the IS2 heavy tanks that have been retired from front-line combat units are not wasted and can be put to full use, so as to continue to give full play to their residual value.

I just don't know how an ordinary Red Army tank division commander would feel if he heard about this "waste utilization". Anyway, our commander Ma doesn't know and doesn't care.

Even though he spent all day in the factory dealing with various heavy equipment, this was the first time that technician Andrei, who claimed to be well-informed, had heard about the transformation of the IS2 heavy tank into a heavy crane. After hearing this, Malashenko After saying this, I couldn't help but be speechless for a while.

"Comrade General, please forgive me, but are the number of such heavy-duty crawler cranes sufficient? If you are close to the fire line, battle damage will inevitably occur. I am wondering if this happens will it affect the other equipment support of the leading division? No. Just consider it for TOS-1 alone.

It is somewhat taboo to ask a military officer how much special equipment he has under his command, and it is suspected of inquiring into military secrets.

But whether it was because of his quick words or because he didn't take this into consideration, Malashenko ultimately ignored the situation very generously and chose to trust the technician comrades sent by Kojing. After all, he had gone to Kojing several times before. Kyo has seen this guy following Kojin every time. If he was not a core member of the team, Malashenko believed that Kojin would not be like this.

So, since Kogin chose to trust this buddy, Malashenko naturally chose to trust him, and the answer came out with a smile.

"Don't worry about this, Comrade Andre. It's not convenient to state the specific number, but what I can tell you is that it is no less than a battalion. Except for a small number of IS2 heavy tanks that were handed over to friendly forces, the number will be replaced in the middle and later stages. Most of the IS2 heavy tanks that came down have been modified by us.”

"As you know, the Leader Division is a very large heavy-duty synthetic field group. We need a sufficient number of field maintenance and support vehicles to maintain the basic operation of the army's combat effectiveness and heavy equipment. There are only a few heavy-duty cranes like this If necessary, the leader division can also apply for more from their superiors. After all, the IS6 replacement work is also ongoing in other friendly forces, and it is not difficult to obtain some IS2 that have been retired. "


Although Andre had long heard about the rumored and unique leader's arrogance, it seemed that the Major General did not take it seriously when he simply digitized precious heavy equipment while chatting and laughing, let alone seeing it with his own eyes. Even if I heard about it, it was the first time in history.

After taking a short breath to calm down the excitement in his heart, Andre, who still had some information to introduce, decided to turn the page here. It would be better to save the shock in his heart to savor it slowly on the way back.

"As for the driving and control systems, Comrade General, we have tried our best to retain the original IS2 design. This is to reduce the difficulty of the transformation and shorten the time-consuming transformation project, so that the equipment can be delivered as soon as possible and the troops can use it as soon as possible. Form actual combat effectiveness.”

"So, the driver control system of the new TOS-1 is exactly the same as the original IS2. It can be said that as long as the driver can drive the IS2, he will definitely drive the TOS-1. There is no need for any retraining. All the details and processes are the same. of."

"In terms of the weapon system, because the original IS2 heavy tank has a front-mounted turret design, if the huge launch box is also a front-mounted design, the center of gravity will be too far forward, and most of the box will protrude forward."

"So we closed the original turret seat but retained the steering gear. We used a rigidly connected flat plate to lift the huge and heavy launch box, and fixed the center of gravity of the launch box farther back in the middle of the car body. We used electric power The height machine and steering machine perform the pitching and steering of the launch box, and the operation can be completed in the car.”

"The entire vehicle crew is configured as a three-person vehicle, because the 122 mm propellant cartridge ammunition rack in the vehicle body is removed, which frees up a lot of space in the vehicle, allowing the gunner and commander to sit in rows on the left rear and right side of the driver. Rear, near the front of the car body.”

"The commander and gunner have their own independent sighting systems, located on the left and right sides of the vehicle body. But compared to the original IS2 heavy tank, this sighting system can only be regarded as a simplified version. After all, the TOS-1 The way of fighting determines that it does not require precise aiming, it only needs to be roughly aimed at the enemy's location, and then the German fascists can evaporate. "

"In addition to this, there is the launch box part. It is not just a simple empty box, Comrade General."

"Because the launch box itself and the launch stand are of a separable design, the launch box is not hoisted and loaded together. Instead, only the pre-loaded launch stand needs to be hoisted. Therefore, the weight of the launch box will not be affected by the lifting capacity. There is no bottleneck, so a certain tonnage of armor protection can be installed on the launch box.”

"The entire launch box adopts a relatively thick armor design. The left and right sides are wrapped by 45 mm thick homogeneous steel armor plates. It can completely withstand the shooting of those small-caliber armor-piercing weapons of the German Fascists. It can not only withstand light weapons. "

"The armor plate on the top of the launch box is not that thick, only 20 mm. If there are surviving Kraut aircraft strafing, it can ensure that it will not be penetrated, unless it is those equipped with large-caliber aircraft cannons and using armor-piercing projectiles."

"After completing these armor protection enhancements, the total combat weight of the TOS-1 when fully loaded with 16 rounds of ammunition has increased compared to the IS2 heavy tank, reaching 48 tons. After evaluation, we believe that this is slightly higher The weight increase is still within the acceptable range, and the power system and running gear can still be effectively carried.”

"Although mobility has been slightly reduced due to the increase in tonnage, compared with the improvement in battlefield survivability brought by armor protection, it is worth it. After all, no one wants to see such a powerful frontline mobile ammunition depot explode, then It is simply unimaginable that we must do everything possible to protect those fragile heavy rockets, and Comrade Kotin believes that this must be done.”

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