Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2132 More IS7

Strictly speaking, the power of ammunition has the same effect on one's own people as it does on the enemy. The high-energy explosives loaded in the warhead do not care whether you are a German or a Soviet. As soon as the explosion sounds, everyone within the killing radius will die or be disabled. There will never be any exceptions because of your identity.

Therefore, if this 310mm heavy rocket, which seems to be extremely powerful against Germans, explodes in the formation of friendly forces, Malashenko estimates that at least a whole squad of people will be taken away after a loud bang. If he is unlucky again, he will It may be possible to kill or injure many people, but the power of 16 310mm heavy rockets exploding at once is truly unimaginable.

"Yes, it is indeed worthwhile to sacrifice a little mobility to increase the necessary armor protection. I never think that using streaking protection in exchange for higher mobility is a wise choice. We need to balance firepower, protection and mobility. Finding the most appropriate balance between factors is the best choice.”

Seeing that Malashenko was able to understand the slight increase in weight and support the laying of additional armor protection.

Andrei, who also devoted a lot of effort and energy to the TOS-1 project, immediately smiled. Receiving recognition from Malashenko was the best result he could think of.

"Thank you for your recognition, Comrade General. This is an honor for me and the entire design team. Our efforts have finally been in vain."

Although TOS-1 is the protagonist of this equipment delivery, TOS-1 is not the only heavy equipment that arrived with the vehicle at the same time. Malashenko quickly handed over and accepted the equipment handed over by Andrei. On the list, I saw something equally worthy of joy.

"Huh? There are still 9 IS7s? If I remember correctly, this thing should not have been officially finalized and put into production. Besides, wasn't it born at the Kirov Factory in Leningrad? How could it be shipped from you?"

The list clearly stated that 9 IS7 heavy tanks were to be handed over at the same time. This made Malashenko feel a little confused, but he was indeed happy about it.

Malashenko did indeed follow the original agreement with Shashmulin. On the night when IS7 entered the actual battle, he summarized his feelings and experiences during the day's battle in a book, and then sent an airmail. Sent from the front line of the war to Leningrad.

It has indeed been a while since the email was sent. Of course, Malashenko is convinced that Shashmulin should have received his actual feedback report and began to make improvements to some of the minor problems that have been discovered.

However, being able to deliver another batch of IS7 so quickly, and from Kotin instead of Shashmulin, really surprised Malashenko, and he was eager to get it. Know why.

Under the circumstances that he could understand Malashenko's doubts, Andrei answered the question without much thought.

"It is true that the construction and research and development work of IS7 was presided over by Comrade Shashmulin at the Kirov Factory, but you also know, Comrade General, Comrade Shashmulin came from our bureau after all. Even if he went to Leningrad, In charge of the work of the Kirov factory, I still maintain close contact with my hometown. The design work of IS7 actually also included Comrade Kogin’s suggestions and ideas.”

"After the delivery of the prototype vehicle, which is the one you picked up from the Kirov factory last time, we immediately started preparations for the construction of subsequent trial production vehicles. However, there was no official finalization and production tasks issued, and the construction speed was indeed It’s a bit slow. From the last time you picked up the car to now, a total of only 9 cars have been produced.”

"As for why it was not shipped from Leningrad, this actually involves another matter."

"After the prototype test in Leningrad, the superiors' attitude towards the IS7 gradually became clear, and it was developing for the better. Basically, they supported using the IS7 to replace the IS4 heavy tanks and install the Guards. of the Tank Corps.”

"There were some feedback issues on IS4 before, such as there is a clear gap between mobility and IS6, it is easy to be unable to keep up with the rapid attack rhythm and fall behind, and the firepower proposed by some deployed troops has no advantage compared to IS6. Take "elite heavy" "Tank" has some problems with its inappropriate definition and unclear tactical positioning, which have been well solved on IS7."

"With this positive premise in mind, we began to actively prepare for the establishment of the IS7 production line, at least to ensure that we will not be pressed for time and rushed when receiving the production task."

"As for the location of the production line, Comrade Kejing thought about it for a long time and had enough communication with Comrade Shashmulin. Finally, they agreed that it would be more appropriate to build the production line in his hometown with stronger accumulation and foundation."

"After all, the entire Leningrad is still in a state of exhaustion. The reconstruction of the Kirov plant is very fast, but it is not easy to build a new production line. Many key equipment are still missing. And IS7 is different from For any type of heavy tank we have built in the past, its construction time and cost, as well as the technology and equipment required, are unprecedented.”

"All in all, if the new production line is located in the Kirov factory, time will be very tight, and it can even be said that there is not enough time to complete the scheduled production tasks on time and with high quality and quantity. The most lacking thing now is time."

"We have all the equipment we should have here in our hometown. We just need to gradually replace the IS4 production line. This is undoubtedly the best choice in terms of large-scale mass production. That's why you will receive this batch shipped from your hometown." The IS7 that came over is the first phase of our initial mass production work.”

As Andrei said, Shashmulin was able to lead the entire team to build a prototype car at the Kirov factory, which was in desperate need of development. This was actually the least difficult thing. After all, every component can be carefully polished and trial-produced almost regardless of time and cost. If a prototype is built slowly and meticulously, it is of course unhurried.

But if you want to talk about large-scale mass production and build a new production line, this is completely different from building a single prototype car.

Equipment, team, personnel, technology, time

You have to consider many more issues than when building a prototype alone. At this time, you will face the reality that "the more established a place is, the more suitable it is to build a new production line and carry out large-scale mass production." question.

In the face of this practical problem, Leningrad, which was almost destroyed in the arduous siege, did not have an advantage. Many things had to be transported from outside and newly built. On the contrary, it was the hometown of Kotin who took command. After such a long period of operation, they already have a solid foundation. If they say they want to build a new production line, they can start working on it immediately. There is no such embarrassing situation as "people waiting for equipment". It is actually obvious what choice should be made in the end. .

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