Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2134 Attack first

"Tell him to wait for news of the victory of the war in peace at the rear. After everything is over, I will go back to my hometown to have a drink with him."

The above is what Malashenko entrusted Andrei to tell Kogin, and it is only such a short sentence.

When we came, it was just a small convoy of wheeled vehicles, trucks and jeeps, but when we returned, the situation completely changed. It became a long steel column of heavily armored iron kings crawling all over the ground.

Iushkin, who was holding the steering wheel, looked out the car window. The huge but not bulky IS7 heavy tanks were marching in series on the off-road road, which was a sight to behold. Along with them, there were also those who were also huge, The TOS-1 heavy rocket assault tank has great visual impact. The scene of such steel behemoths marching in series is really exciting.

"To be honest, I can't get enough of this scene no matter how many times I see it. Sometimes I feel like I was born for this. I was destined to be a tank soldier. I almost love them to death. I swear. "

In fact, not only Iushkin, any normal old man will feel excited when he sees these huge war machines rumbling in a single column. Even someone like Malashenko, who comes from the future, will feel excited. Travelers who have long been accustomed to big scenes are no exception.

"Think about it, these are the two most powerful heavy tracked armored combat vehicles in the world today. One is the most powerful heavy tank in the world, and the other is the heavy assault tank with the most powerful firepower in the world, and these are The hard food we prepared for those fascist scum in East Prussia, I can’t imagine how happy those Germans will be when they see them.”

The extremely powerful TOS-1, which can be said to have devastating destructive power, is exactly what Malashenko likes. Every time I think of the German gun struggling and wailing under the cover of 16 rounds of 310mm heavy rockets, it was annihilated by artillery fire. During the scene in the dust, Malashenko always felt that his mood suddenly became much more comfortable, as if nothing could be better than this.

"You're going to whet my appetite. I can't wait to smash up the fascists and show these bastards our new gadgets. It's absolutely impossible to test the power of new weapons with these fascist bastards." It’s the most exciting game in the entire Patriotic War, I mean it.”


Malashenko, who was slightly surprised, was stunned when he heard this, but he quickly returned to normal.

"Okay, it's a game, whatever you say is a game, as long as you're happy."

The road back to the division headquarters from the station is not that far, especially with a fully mechanized march, it only takes a short while to reach the destination.

"Oh my god, what is that? Why is there such a big iron box on the body of the IS2? What on earth is that?"

"I don't know, but have you seen that those are the same type of heavy tanks that Comrade Division Commander's new car rides? This guy is very powerful. Last time I saw it with my own eyes, it broke the German's new Panther into pieces and exploded with one shot. The power of fragments cannot be compared to that of IS6 and IS4.”

"It's good, but I don't know who these things will be distributed to. I guess it must be given to our brigade."

"Your brigade? Pull it down quickly. The foundation of your brigade is the original tank regiment. This is an old elite brought up by the division commander. Don't you think it is too much to give it back to your brigade? Heavy equipment must be evenly distributed. Don't Forget, we are all the troops of the leadership division."

The two battalion commanders who were squatting on the roadside and came out to get some fresh air and smoke a cigarette were talking a lot about the big new equipment that had arrived at the division headquarters.

The soldiers were amazed by the size of TOS-1, which seemed to be even larger than IS7. The commanders and comrades at the grassroots level were looking at the equipment, pointing, and analyzing possible technologies. At the same time as the performance, I also guessed which army these big guys who seemed to be unparalleled in power would be assigned to.

"It seems that the comrades are in high spirits. I just told you that these big guys can boost their morale just by driving back and taking a look. Is that right?"

Iushkin, who was not too talkative, almost kept talking along the way. Malashenko, who had been chatting with this kid all the way, was too lazy to talk anymore. He opened the door before the car could stop and said: Words, Wu Zi walked away.

"Go and park the car, and then go maintain our car with Seryozha and the others. If you dare to be lazy again, I will punish you by cleaning the toilet for a month!"


Iushkin, who was holding the steering wheel with both hands before he could turn off the engine, looked confused. Looking at the back of Malashenko who was walking away, he just blinked and complained a little aggrievedly.

"Isn't it just a short nap? Why did you scare me like this?"

No matter what Iushkin muttered behind the scenes, Malashenko, who had finished his business and led the team back, still had business to do. As soon as he entered the division headquarters camp with a striding meteor, he found the man who was still correcting documents. Comrade political commissar.

"So soon? I thought it would be a while before you could come back."

Pulling out a chair and sitting in front of the table, Malashenko, who had finished smoking, immediately grabbed a pack of cigarettes from someone on the table, took out one, lit it for himself, and started sucking. After taking a sip, he replied to the political commissar behind the desk.

"You should go out and take a look and bring back a batch of new gadgets. A heavy assault tank carrying 16 rounds of 310mm heavy rockets. One salvo can blast all the German Fascists in the target area back into their mothers' wombs. ,I promise."

Malashenko was like a child who had just gotten a new toy, showing off the gains of his trip, quite proudly.

However, compared to the new gadgets Malashenko mentioned that sounded really interesting, Comrade Political Commissar obviously had more important things to talk to Malashenko immediately.

"Wait a minute, I'll go out and take a look later when I'm free, but I have something here that I need you to take a look at right away."

"Immediately? What the hell?"

At the same time that Malashenko, who was holding a cigarette from the corner of his mouth, had not yet finished his doubtful words, the documents in the hands of Comrade Political Commissar were already handed to him, accompanied by quiet words spoken at the same time.

"This is the news that the messenger sent by the front army headquarters just drove over. The plan has changed, Comrade Division Commander."

"The prisoner captured by the scouts confessed that his unit had received ammunition and food, and received the offensive plan. Combined with some other intelligence we have, the enemy may be planning a large-scale counterattack. But It’s still unclear what the enemy’s strategic intentions are. He may want to disrupt our offensive deployment, but it cannot be ruled out that he thinks he has the ability to annihilate us.”

"The specific situation is written in it, what do you think?"

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