The content of the written part is not much, and it is basically consistent with the situation briefly described by Comrade Political Commissar. However, this unexpected situation really made Comrade Ma laugh on the spot. 6⃞ 9⃞ s⃞ h⃞ u⃞ x⃞ .⃞ c⃞ o⃞ m⃞Google search and read

"Haha, these fascist bastards think they didn't die fast enough or something? They are surrounded by the sea on three sides and they still want to strike first? Well, the courage is commendable, indeed the courage is commendable, but the water in this head is probably Not even a little more than a star, but also”

He hesitated to speak, first took off the cigarette butt hanging from his mouth, put it in the ashtray, and extinguished it. After exhaling a long cigarette, Malashenko then continued to "praise".

"Let's make a bet. This far-fetched cerebral palsy plan is probably the work of that bad-ass hair-washing guy. Only a man like this can order an active attack at this time."

"On the way to the west, the road has been cut off and occupied by us. The south and east are surrounded by us from the land. To the north is the Baltic Fleet waiting for it with naval guns. It can't fly even with wings. The chess can still move like this, what do I think? I can only say that it is too high."

The lukewarm joke clearly expressed what Malashenko was thinking at this moment. Comrade Comrade Political Commissar, who also felt that this was an outrageous move, also laughed after hearing it. It seemed that the comrade, the division commander, had indeed thought of it together with him. .

"But if you think about it from another angle, you can understand some of the reasons. There are more than 800,000 German troops in the encirclement whose numbers have been identified. If you include other auxiliary troops and coerced lackeys, the entire East Prussian group The total strength of the army is estimated to reach the threshold of 900,000. According to the ears of some people in Berlin, it may be one million soldiers. "

"I have millions of troops at my disposal, why can't I take the initiative? Offense is the best defense. Isn't that what those German fascists always do?"

After listening to such follow-up analysis, the division commander and political commissar who "think the same thing as a hero" all laughed in unison.

"Okay, having said that, the principle of despising the enemy strategically and attaching importance to the enemy tactically cannot be changed. We have to study how to fight this battle."

"War? What kind of war? Why don't you call me when there's going to be a war? Why did you become a division commander, Malashenko, and forget about me?"

Before Malashenko could finish his words, a rough and strong voice came through the tent curtain.

Malashenko is becoming more and more convinced by Lavrinenko, his deputy, old classmate, old comrade-in-arms, and good brother. He is showing more and more signs of being "Iushkin" and has no boundaries, like a vegetable market. The shirtless guy selling pork looks more like a deputy division commander, but now is obviously not the time to complain about this.

"I was planning to send someone to find you, and it just happened. Since I'm here, there's no need to bother. Let's come over and study together."

Before he finished speaking, Malashenko, who got up from his chair, had already joined the political commissar comrades and came to stand in front of the war zone map hanging on the side. When Lavrinenko walked up to him, he quietly Open your mouth.

"You have just arrived. Let me tell you the situation first. Wait, are you still missing someone? Where is our Comrade Chief of Staff?"

The entire leadership team of the division had arrived, except for the chief of staff. Malashenko turned around and looked around the division but found no one. Lavrinenko, who had just returned from the troops below, immediately added a suitable sentence.

"He's still having a meeting at Kurbalov's place. The brigade-level meeting needs to have someone from the division to sit there. I thought it would be troublesome to have the meeting, so I came back first after seeing the situation of the troops. He probably has to be there after the meeting. He won't be back until after dinner there, why don't we call him back now?"


Although this meeting was not held at the right time, there was no other good way at the moment. Malashenko shook his head and immediately rejected Lavrinenko's proposal.

"No, just wait until he comes back and let Comrade Political Commissar talk to him alone. The three of us will touch base first. Time waits for no one."

The brief interlude came to an end, and Malashenko, who focused his gaze on the war zone map, spoke again.

"The new information we just received is that the Germans want to play second fiddle and attack us first. It's not clear for the moment whether they want to disrupt our offensive deployment or simply want to annihilate our major counterattack. It doesn't matter, no matter what it is. They won't succeed, as long as their offensive is crushed and these bastards are beaten back, it won't matter what their purpose is. "

"The front army headquarters has judged that the attack may come at any time. It is most likely to come from early morning tonight to early tomorrow morning. Of course it may be later. It may be postponed for 24 hours at the same time the next day, but we all need to do it in advance. Get ready, this is the order from Comrade Commander."

"Get ready? This is a bit of a problem, Malashenko."

As soon as he finished his words, Lavrinenko, who had just finished inspecting the troops below, spoke immediately.

Lavery, who had just returned from the army below, was undoubtedly the one among the three who knew the specific situation of the army the most. Malashenko knew this and chose to listen to what his good brother had to say next.

"You also know that the main force of our division is still on the way to strategic maneuver. Most of the troops are either on the train or still waiting for the train in the hell of Auschwitz. Most of the strategic maneuver that originally took at least two days to complete, It’s less than 24 hours, and now only half of the troops of the Kulbalov brigade, which arrived first, have got off the train.”

"A large amount of equipment still needs to be maintained and repaired, and personnel and supplies also need to be replenished. I am not saying that our leading division is timid and timid, but the reality is that we are indeed not ready at all. If the process continues at the current speed, the Germans will If we call in early in the morning, it will be a miracle that our division can gather half of its full combat power, which is not good. "

Vatutin originally gave Malashenko three days to prepare, but the reality is that the plan cannot keep up with the changes.

The self-righteous "I have the advantage" from the German side disrupted the rhythm. Malashenko must put the troops into combat readiness now and prepare to fight the enemy. No matter what difficulties they have, they must overcome them. This is the pressure on him. The heaviest burden on the shoulders of a major general and division commander.

"Why don't I know about these problems? The bunch of big guys I just brought back are still being thrown there. They didn't even give me any time to get started with training. They are doing these fascist bastards whose mothers are standing on the street. !”

"But no matter what, we have to fight this battle whether we can or not. Even if we only have less than half of our troops, we still have to fight hard."

"Our state is not good, and the state of the Germans is not necessarily much better. A bunch of dogs were driven out of the Soviet Union and then out of Poland like pigs. Where are they going with the massive losses of technical equipment and personnel? Supplement? We are determined to suppress the arrogance of these bastards who have gathered together. Besides, we are not fighting alone. This time, we have many friendly forces from the entire front to cooperate with us. The Germans dare to open their mouths and bite. Just remove all the teeth from it! It will save us a lot of trouble later!”

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