The brief meeting between the three of them to discuss the battle situation ended, and the combat meeting that was held immediately afterwards and attended by all the military and political commanders above the regiment level who had arrived in the division also ended.

When Malashenko, who had been busy with all this, could finally take a break and take a breath, the hour hand on his watch was already pointing to a position close to 10 in the middle of the night, the first time the front army headquarters had predicted that the Germans might launch an attack. At the time, there were only a little over 6 hours left.

"Damn it, it seems I won't be able to sleep tonight again, these stupid fascists"

Although he cursed a lot, Malashenko, who basically got enough sleep on the train, is actually in good condition at the moment. The young man is also full of energy and in good health. This kind of staying up late when he is almost in full condition has a negative impact on Malashenko. Shenke is just a trivial matter, at most it can be solved by smoking an extra pack of cigarettes.

"Lavri has gone to the station. Two of our military trains will arrive at 10:30 and 12:30. Varosha and the first vanguard of their brigade will arrive by car, and Lavri is responsible for meeting them."

"I plan to go to the troops below to check on the situation. How about you keep an eye on it here? There must be a commander to take charge. It doesn't work if the three of us are not at the division headquarters."

One chief, one deputy, two military commanders plus a political deputy commander. If the "big three" who lead the division are not at the division headquarters, it is indeed not a problem to retain only the chief of staff, especially in this situation. When a war is imminent, you cannot act recklessly, you must be cautious in everything you do.

"It's better that you stay here and I'll go down and take a look. I'm good at military matters. You just need to stay here to coordinate the command. You are better than me at this aspect."

Comrade Political Commissar is in good health recently, and his condition is relatively stable without any major problems. However, this does not mean that Malashenko will feel that in the middle of the night when the temperature is minus ten to twenty degrees, Comrade Political Commissar should be allowed to go out to blow the cold air. It's just a no-brainer.

Kalachev had already warned Malashenko that the political commissar's cancer had metastasized to his lungs, and his lung function was now not as good as before and he rarely smoked cigarettes. If bronchial diseases such as colds occur again, the damage to his already riddled body will be magnified exponentially, so be careful as much as possible, and be sure to keep your political commissars warm.

It was not until Malashenko's intention was to make such an arrangement that the political commissar who understood this did not argue with Malashenko anymore. He just nodded and agreed, then turned around and took off the clothes hanger at the door. The general's military coat hanging on his body was handed to Malashenko, who was wearing the regular uniform of a tank corps major general.

"Should I change my clothes first and then put on my coat, or should I just wear this?"

Of course Malashenko understood the meaning of Comrade Political Commissar's words. The imminent war meant that he could transform into the identity of the commander at any time. After all, this Major General's regular uniform is not as useful as the tank soldier's combat uniform that was specially designed for combat. Even though the emotional combat uniform is already tattered and wrinkled, you can't deny that it is no matter how tattered it is. Very good fit.

"I'd forget it if you didn't remind me, so I'd better change my clothes first. Wait for me."

Malashenko took the military coat from the hands of the political commissar and returned from a corner of the division headquarters tent a moment later. He was already wearing a tattered tank soldier's combat uniform and a strange attire with a general's military coat.

If outsiders were to see her, she would probably feel awkward and out of place, as if a big-headed tank soldier had picked up a military coat somewhere to keep out the cold.

"If fighting breaks out and you are too late to come back, be more careful and remember to stay in contact at all times. Your guard tank company is ready and on standby. Remember to take them with you if you really need to set off."

Comrade Comrade Political Commissar, who was like an old father, did not forget to tell Malashenko to pay attention to safety. All he responded to was a grin as Malashenko picked up his self-defense AK and carried it behind his back.

"Don't worry, those fascists can't kill me. They will never be able to do so."

The huge IS7 heavy tank No. 177 in white winter paint with the slogan "Revenge for Hero Kirill" was parked not far from the entrance of the division headquarters camp, quietly waiting for her crew to drive her to the battlefield. , but Malashenko, who is only inspecting the troops, cannot use his precious car for the time being.

"Where are you going to go first without letting anyone sleep in the middle of the night? Tell me, the veteran driver is ready."

As usual, Iushkin was dragged in to be the official driver of the division commander, but the car that this boy drove in the middle of the night really puzzled Malashenko.

"Why don't you drive a car with a shed? Why don't you drive this thing out in the middle of the night?"

Iushkin did not drive out the GAZ Jeep that was used during the day. Instead, he drove out the "old toy" of his division commander, the American support vehicle that he had received long ago: the Willys convertible Jeep. On this day It's really exciting to drive this thing out in the freezing cold in the middle of the night.

"I'm terribly sleepy, haha. I'm yawning now. The cold wind will refresh me. Okay, let's get in the car. When I'm about to fall asleep, I'll run up and let the wind blow me to refresh myself. "


Cool breeze to refresh you?

It seems to make sense.

Malashenko, who didn’t say any more nonsense, didn’t have to have a car with a roof. It was just that he was driving this convertible Willys Jeep out in the dark and off-road in the middle of the night. Malashenko felt that this was more or less a bit awkward. The meaning of "Walker's Happy Car", if he, a dignified time traveler, really ended up with that guy, wouldn't it be a big joke in the world?

"Go to Kurbalov's defense zone. I'm going to check on the preparations of the troops. Let's go."

What you think in your mind and what you do in action are two different things. Malashenko, who got into the car of his veteran driver Iushkin, still trusted his brother's drag racing skills. Several other troop transport trucks and jeeps were responsible for protecting the safety of the division commander. , then formed a convoy and set off at the same time.

"I still find it unbelievable. How dare the Germans counterattack us? It's their luck that we don't trouble them. How come they dare to take the initiative to trouble us?"

As Malashenko's "confidant", Iushkin knew to some extent that the Germans were preparing to cause trouble. Fortunately, he always kept his mouth shut on key issues. Marla was a little chilled by the cold wind. Shenke just followed casually.

"After you kill the Germans, go up to them and ask them. I will give you permission to go and show us if the corpse can still speak."

"Pfft hahaha, then I have to ask the hair-washing guy if he is a bad ass and see if the dead man tells the truth."

As long as they get together, there is always nonsense. Malashenko is used to this way of getting along with Iushkin. This guy really criticizes a lot of thieves, especially with people he knows.

The Kulbalov brigade defense area is not far from the division headquarters. It took a short drive to reach the destination. Malashenko got off the "Walker Happy Car" and saw a large group of people waiting in line at a glance. , the figures of busy tank crews in front of the ready-to-go IS6 heavy tanks, it seems that Kulbalov has indeed made sufficient preparations in accordance with the orders of the division headquarters.

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