Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2138 Comrade Commander has arrived

"Here, the defense area of ​​the friendly 267th Infantry Division. The telegram said that they lack heavy firepower, especially direct anti-armor firepower. Move our troops closer to them. If the Germans rush over from here, within five minutes we will Just support the battlefield.”

"I understand, what about the brigade's artillery fire? Should we calibrate the strike coordinates in advance and aim them at the front of their defense area so that we can intercept the barrage."

"We don't need this for the time being. There are too few artillery in place. The entire division can only add up to one battalion. The division headquarters is prioritizing the mobilization of combat troops instead of artillery. Such a small amount of artillery has no effect and is easily exposed, and it is easy to engage in artillery warfare. We are no match for the Germans now, but they have made sufficient preparations in advance.”

In the brigade headquarters of the 1st Heavy Combined Brigade under the Leader Division, Kulbalov was discussing the deployment plan with his chief of staff. The defense areas of several nearby friendly infantry divisions were their possible support directions, and they were responsible for the frontal width of the battlefield. It’s quite a big thing, so we need to be prepared for everything.

That is to say, just when Kulbalov was about to give some more precautions on the coordination and cooperation of friendly forces, a figure suddenly flashed in in the dark cold night outside the brigade headquarters camp. He was really anxious and walked toward the warehouse as soon as he entered the door. Erbalov opened his mouth to report.

"Comrade Brigade Commander, Comrade Division Commander have arrived and are inspecting the situation of the troops."

"What? Comrade Commander is here?"

He glanced at the chief of staff next to him and found that the other party was completely unaware of the advance notification from the division commander that he had come down to inspect the troops. Kulbalov, who roughly understood what was going on, then handed the document in his hand to the chief of staff.

"Go and deal with the rest. Call those who can, and send messengers to those who can't. Solve the problem in the fastest way. Ask them what else they need and report to me as soon as possible."

"Yes, I'll do it right away."

After finishing explaining the matters at hand, Kulbalov hurriedly ran out of the brigade headquarters camp and saw Malashenko. Kulbalov was quite far away when he saw the division commander leaning against the tank with a few men. A big-headed tank soldier was sitting there, chatting and laughing, and giving out cigarettes to everyone. Being a little further back from the front line, there was no need to worry about fireworks control.

"We are about to break into the Germans' home. The Germans are not willing to clean their necks and wait for our heads. Now they want to fight us first. Are comrades confident that we can win the battle?"

Comrade the division commander has always been very easy-going and unassuming in his treatment of others. This is recognized by the leadership division, from division commanders to ordinary soldiers. Therefore, it is normal for me to talk and laugh with comrade division commander now, so there is no need to think about it. What a psychological burden.

"Of course I have confidence, Comrade Division Commander. Our crew has killed 48 German vehicles, and we are looking forward to the 49th. The heads of those Fascist lackeys are our medals."

"They can launch active attacks at will, but it will only make them die faster. Whatever, no one here cares about the life and death of Fasis. They are seeking their own death."

"Yes, victory must belong to us, we must bury all these fashes!"

From Bagration all the way through Ukraine to Poland and then to the gate of East Prussia, the leader of the division who has won consecutive battles has long been brought out by Malashenko's excellent style of "happy after hearing the battle". It can compete with the Germans It is even more desirable to have elites face-to-face and head-on.

Only by knocking out the most elite fahistans can the power of the leader's division be demonstrated. Instead of looking down on the inferior German garbage troops with cats, dogs and cats, this is what Malashenko is doing with the group in front of him. The approaching commander communicated with the tank soldiers and learned the most gratifying situation.

"Comrade Division Commander, are there any elite Germans in the encirclement? I heard that we have surrounded more than 800,000 Germans this time. There should be one or two elite troops waiting for us to eliminate them, right?"

An unknown soldier wearing a tank cap and sitting on the dome of the IS6 heavy tank asked Malashenko for an answer. Of course, he got an affirmative answer from the division commander.

"If you want to beat the German elite, then I congratulate you, little comrade."

"The news I know is that the notorious bastards of the SS Skeleton Division are in the encirclement, and there may be more so-called Fascist elites. This time none of them can escape, we have to attack them one by one Crush them into powder, grind them to dust, and do to them what was done to the Viking and Grossdeutschland divisions in a more violent form."

"In this way, one more Fascist elite fell to the guns of the leader's division. So far we have completely annihilated the Viking Division and the Grossdeutschland Division. Leader Comrade Stalin is looking forward to us annihilating the third Fascist division in an organic form. Sri Lanka is an elite group, and our leadership division as a collective will not let down our comrades.”

"For Stalin, comrades, crush the fascists! Hurrah!"


It is always a good thing to cheer up the soldiers at the last moment of the approaching war. After understanding the morale of the grassroots troops, Malashenko left for the time being with peace of mind and satisfaction, preparing to go to other places in the Kulbalov brigade defense area. have a look.

That is to say, when Malashenko was about to get into the car, Kulbalov, who had been jogging all the way, finally arrived in time and did not have to chase the division commander's car to eat ashes. This continuous sound was heard before he was seen. The shouts followed closely.

"Comrade Commander, I'm late. Wait a minute, Comrade Commander!"

"Huh? Wait, don't start the train yet, Kulbalov is here."

Malashenko came to understand the situation of the troops through a surprise inspection without any prior notice, so he did not expect Kulbalov to bring anyone over to pick him up. He was able to come over so quickly but let Malashenko Shenke was a little surprised.

"Your brigade is good at transmitting messages. In just a few minutes, you, the brigade commander, have already arrived in front of me?"

When they first heard Malashenko's joking remarks, Kulbalov, who was slightly embarrassed, just scratched his head.

"The war is about to begin. If there is any situation, we must report it as soon as possible. Isn't this what you told us?"

"Well, yes, that's what I said. It was well executed! I also saw the troops. They were happy to hear the battle and their morale was high. You have led the troops for a while. Maybe I can give up the position of division commander in two years. Retire early and go home to retire.”

A man in his thirties was called "boy" by a young man in his twenties. Not only did Kulbalov not feel any inappropriateness, but he thought it was the right thing to do. Soldiers respect the strong regardless of their age. Malashenko, who has led Kulbalov all the way to the east and fought in many battles to this day, deserves Kulbalov's respect.

"The rapid response support deployment for the defense areas of several friendly infantry divisions has been basically completed. Comrade Division Commander, once a battle breaks out, our unit can quickly mobilize to support the frontal defense area in any direction at any time, and we are confident and capable of eliminating any incoming intruders. enemy."

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