Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2139 Ascension to Heaven Late at Night

Malashenko, who was chatting with Kulbalov while walking, raised his hand and looked at his watch in the moonlight. It was almost one o'clock at night, and there was still time left before the possible attack wave at four o'clock in the morning. A little over three hours later, the smell of gunpowder floating in the air seemed to get stronger.

"I have something to tell you. Varosha just got off the train with the vanguard of their brigade. They should have left the station and are on their way here."

"However, it takes time for their brigade to be deployed to combat status. Most of the heavy equipment and main troops are still on the train, so once the battle breaks out, you still have to help me move forward. The first brigade is the starting force that I single-handedly led, and it is our As a leader, I asked you to get off the train and rush here just to deal with emergencies. Now is the time for you to go on stage and perform, do you understand?"

As Malashenko said, if the history of the First Heavy Combined Brigade commanded by Kulbalov can be traced back to 1941, it can be traced back to the independent heavy tank breakthrough battalion under the command of Malashenko himself. That was the official The essence of Erbajing’s leadership division is the old foundation unit led by Malashenko.

Now that Malashenko has such a heavy burden on his shoulders, Kulbalov, who had known this before, immediately made a firm promise.

"Don't worry, comrade division commander, if I can't kill those Fascist scum, I will lead my troops to attack them. There is no Kulbalov who was defeated, only Kulbalov who died in the battle. I have written my suicide note long ago, and I am just waiting for After I die, I have nothing to say to these fascists. Either you die or I die!"

Such a guarantee is naturally very encouraging, but the issues that need to be reminded must still be reminded in place. Malashenko does not want to see Kulbalov lying flat on a stretcher with his head covered with a white cloth. He needs to cultivate and bring out a Qualified brigade commander is too time consuming.

"I'm very satisfied with your courage, but you should be more careful when fighting. Don't rush forward with a commando to be an infantryman. The leadership division needs a living Soviet hero brigade commander. Don't get carried away just two months after receiving the award. Play steadily and pay attention to safety. This battle is different from the past. Remember it."

As part of the climax of the entire Bagration operation, the interspersed annihilation battle of the Leader Division against the Grossdeutschland I was brilliant enough to go down in history.

It was also in that battle that Kulbalov led the elite troops under his leadership to conduct ambushes, repeatedly performed extraordinary feats, and finally completed the complete annihilation of the Grossdeutschland Division in one fell swoop.

Malashenko promised to personally apply for the Hero of the Soviet Union award for Kulbalov as a reward, and later Malashenko did so.

The application for the award was transferred step by step. First it reached Vatutin, and later it was reviewed and signed by Vatutin and sent to Moscow.

Regarding the application for the Soviet Hero Award submitted by this "little Malashenko" to his capable general, the loving comrade, who was in a great mood because the Grossdeutschland Division was annihilated by the reorganized system, did not hesitate at all and directly approved it in batches. The leader Since then, the division has had another Soviet hero besides the division commander.

Kulbalov was so happy to receive the highest honor for a soldier that snot bubbles almost came out of his nose.

Unlike Malashenko who doesn’t value personal honor, Kulbalov dreams of one day getting a golden star on his chest. How glorious that would be. His face feels like it’s shining when he walks. After such hard work and hard work, this dream finally came true. How could Kulbalov not be extremely excited?

In this way, Kurbalov and I walked, got in the car, and wandered around for more than an hour, talking about business and reminiscing about the past.

Malashenko, who had basically inspected the entire brigade's defense area, finally felt relieved. Kulbalov, who was not afraid of death in fighting and led troops with dignity, was indeed worthy of Malashenko's trust. The lame brigade commander with wooden prosthetic legs made everything perfect and impeccable. Malashenko, who was relieved after finishing his business, felt that it was almost time to go back.

"Okay, I don't see any obvious problems. If that's the case, I'm relieved. It's indeed pretty good."

"If nothing else happens, I will go back first, keep in touch at all times, and report to the division headquarters as soon as possible if there is any situation. If I am not here, I will follow the orders of Comrade Political Commissar as usual, and I will find a way to contact you again."

Kulbalov, who was bidding farewell to the division commander, was standing beside the car. Malashenko, who was sitting in the passenger seat of the Willys Jeep, was about to leave. Iushkin, who was holding the steering wheel, was even ready to leave. Good start.

But just when Kulbalov was about to say something last, and Malashenko was about to listen before leaving, a violent explosion came from far away in the wind and suddenly tore through the darkness of the night. Sky.


"What's going on!? Where did the explosion come from!?"

Malashenko, who was startled, subconsciously looked down at the watch on his arm and realized that the time was only 2:40 in the middle of the night. No matter how early the Germans attacked, it would not be possible. At this time, the forecast of launching artillery fire at four o'clock in winter and preparing for a dawn charge was honestly enough to praise this group of poor beggars who had suffered serious losses in technical equipment.

So there was something really wrong with the explosion that came at 2:40. Malashenko, who had given up the idea of ​​leaving just now, jumped out of the car and immediately raised the telescope that had been hanging on his chest and looked towards the sound of the explosion. Looking in the direction you came from.

"It's so dark, you can't see anything. It's not like a German artillery barrage. No fool just fired one shell. Go find out what's going on, quick!"

There was nothing but endless night in the field of view of the telescope. Malashenko, who failed to see the artillery barrage that lit up the night and lit up the sky, immediately gave an order to Kulbalov to find out the situation and followed him. Kulbalov and his team immediately went to the field brigade headquarters not far away.

"Hello? Leader's Division 1st Brigade, 267th Infantry Division? The explosion came from your defense area. What happened?"

"What? Landmine trap? Got it, got it, I'll report it right away."

The communications consultant put down the phone and immediately reported the latest situation to Malashenko and Kulbalov, but the answer was somewhat unexpected.

"The 267th Infantry Division reported that the German minesweepers mistakenly touched the mine traps in their division's minefield and detonated a pile of explosives that had been planted in advance. All the dozen German engineers who were clearing mines in the dark were blown up into the sky. I don't know what the Germans were doing. Is there any next move? Their division has entered full combat readiness."

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