Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2140 Exposed

The Germans sneaked over to clear mines in the dark and blew themselves up?

Malashenko had calculated a lot and failed to predict that the result would be like this. He had even thought that the lack of security might be caused by an accidental explosion of the ammunition depot, but you have to say that the Germans are stupid enough to do this themselves. He was blown up to the sky, but Malashenko really didn't expect it.

"Okay, mine clearing itself is a life-threatening job. It's not too outrageous to be able to blow yourself up if you think about it. But if you do this, some situations will be interesting."

Malashenko, who was muttering in his heart, had obviously realized something. The Germans could come to clear mines in the dark in the middle of the night. This in itself was a special situation that was enough to illustrate the problem.

You have to say that the Germans did not take any special actions and did nothing the next day. They came here in the dark just to clear mines in the middle of the night.

Malashenko felt that such criticism would be deceiving even the ghosts would not believe it. Opening up minefield passages would be extremely risky no matter in the current World War II or in the modern wars of the future, even if the future world has extremely advanced technologies. With the help of mine-clearing equipment, it is also common to see engineers being killed and injured while clearing mines in minefields.

To do such an extremely risky and easily exposed thing in the middle of the night, there must be a corresponding reward, so that the Germans have the desire to achieve it and are willing to take the risk. risk.

Based on the current situation and comprehensive analysis of the situation, Malashenko feels that there is only one reason why the Germans can do this: to prepare for the upcoming attack in just a few hours.

This preparation may be to open a minefield passage for the armored troops, of course, it may also be to open the minefield passage in advance and then send in a small team to feel the defense situation of the Red Army position to find out whether it is true or not, or it may be to prepare for the artillery fire that will come later. Calibration coordinates.

No matter what the reason is, Malashenko can be sure that the Germans are not good at clearing mines in the middle of the night after such a dark day, and they can use this to be more certain that the Germans will launch an attack at dawn later. , at least that was the German's original plan.

As for why the entire offensive plan was abandoned because mine clearance failed and the target was exposed, Malashenko thinks it is unlikely.

The Germans mobilized more than 800,000 to 900,000 troops to carry out a group strategic offensive, and the cost of manpower and material resources must be quite high. To cancel the entire strategic operation because of a small tactical failure, Malashenko felt that this was not so outrageous.

Now that something like this has happened, judging from Malashenko's past experience of repeated confrontations with the Germans, Comrade Ma thinks that the Germans will probably continue to attack recklessly.

If the demining fails and the surprise attack fails, then I will resort to the second best and implement the preparatory plan and play hard work. During the Battle of Kursk, the Germans often did such hard work. The armored group forced its way into the minefield and attacked the Germans. It seems that it is a daily routine that has long been familiar with the road.

Now that the situation has been basically understood and the above prediction and analysis results have been obtained, the answer is obvious as to what Malashenko should do next.

"Inform the troops to prepare for battle. The Germans may go crazy after being exposed! It is not impossible to attack early. They have lost the suddenness of surprise attacks now, and it is impossible to secretly sabotage reconnaissance intelligence. They cannot I don’t know what we can analyze from it, and I believe these German guys will definitely know what to do after the secret is exposed.”

Strategically, we despise the enemy, but tactically we value the enemy.

Malashenko has never pinned his fate and the outcome of a battle on something that cannot be controlled by himself, such as his opponent being particularly weak and unstoppable.

Malashenko hates the feeling of being out of control when fate and victory are not in his own hands, so he always arranges combat plans based on the enemy entering the battlefield in the strongest state and the worst situation for his own side, and enjoys it all. It feels like everything is expected and can be dealt with calmly and with ease.

This was true in the past, and of course it remains the same today. Counting on the enemy's crotch and waste to win the battle is completely stupid-style command. Malashenko would not do such a thing in the past, will not do it today, and will not do it in the future. Same.

After receiving the order from Malashenko, Kulbalov immediately raised the combat readiness level to a state of readiness for combat at all times, in which "the enemy may attack at any time".

This is not a warning of a possible coming battle, but a preparation for a battle where the enemy is sure to arrive soon.

Time passed by minute by second. Malashenko, who rolled up his sleeves and looked at his watch, estimated that there was not much time left. After arranging everything, he left Kulbalov's house. Brigade Headquarters, set off to return.

"Go back to the division headquarters! When you get off the bus at the station, you immediately tell Varosha to prepare the train. I will go to the division headquarters and say a few words and I will be there soon. Then we will go kill those fascist bastards."

Holding the steering wheel, he had already driven the car on the way back to the division headquarters. Driving in the sub-zero snowy cross-country in the middle of the night, Iushkin couldn't help but be careful, not to mention that this "Walker Happy Car" was a convertible. Yes, if the car really overturned and fell into a ditch, it would become the "Malashenko Happy Car". This is no joke.

"Kill those fascists? Hey, wait! I don't even know what happened yet. What happened with that explosion just now? Have the Germans already come?"

Iushkin, who was holding the steering wheel and focusing on driving, still kept talking. Malashenko, who knew that this kid was so pissy, didn't bother scolding him for criticizing too much, and just said a short and cold sentence. The order completely blocked Iushkin's reasonably sensible mouth.

"Drive your car carefully. I will explain it to you in detail when you get on the tank. Now shut your mouth and focus on the road."


Just as Malashenko said, as soon as the car arrived at the station, Malashenko immediately jumped out of the car and got into the division headquarters camp.

As for Iushkin, he parked the car and immediately ran away, heading straight towards the "Avenger IS7" heavy tank parked not far away. He knew that Malashenko rarely What does it mean when you don't accept his "criticism"?

"Quick, quick, quick! Let's start the train, Seryosha, hurry up and get on the train! Artyom Sergey, you two, get on the train quickly. Comrade the commander will be here soon. We have work to do! Hurry up!"

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