Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2142 The Art of Giant Cannon (Part 1)

Chapter 2142 The Art of Giant Cannon (Part 1)

Before the group attack started, they were subjected to a round of artillery fire to prepare for the counterattack. The newly assembled troops were blasted by the dense rain of fire from the sky, leaving their bones flying and being crushed into ashes.

The Red Army has done things like this a lot in the past, and they can often catch the Germans at the critical moment before they attack and deliver a heavy blow. A round of artillery fire can cover the Germans' first wave of groups. The wave of attacks disintegrated on the starting position, and it would take at least an hour or two before a wave of meaningful attacks with sufficient offensive energy could be assembled.

Theoretically speaking, this wave of artillery fire coverage does have such suddenness. But whether they can actually kill so many Germans is anyone's guess. No one can say whether the Germans will change their habit of remembering to eat but not to fight, and will have a better memory. After realizing that they may be exposed, they will suddenly withdraw their attacking troops, and then It escaped the Red Army's artillery fire counter-preparations, at least most of them.

Malashenko has always been accustomed to thinking about the enemy in the strongest assumptions and being lenient when predicting the enemy, so Malashenko does not expect this seemingly earth-shattering surprise artillery fire to completely disintegrate the first wave of the Germans. The attack wave postpones the enemy's attack time from dawn to early morning when it is dark.

I don’t know why, maybe it was an illusion, but it might also be some kind of premonition that Malashenko had that worked.

All in all, Malashenko always had a vague feeling that the Germans might have something up their sleeves, some trump card that he didn't know about, or a sudden attack he was preparing to use. This uneasy feeling lingering in his mind was always lingering, like a shadow. , and at the same time, it is really unclear and unclear.

"You don't look good"

Holding a telescope in front of the brigade observation post, he was watching the "artillery feast" lighting up the night sky in the distance. Kulbalov, who had been following Malashenko, suddenly said this out of the blue, it was really It gave Malashenko a little surprise.

Subconsciously, he wanted to say that he was fine, but when Malashenko turned around and saw the determined and concerned expression on Kulbalov's face, he knew that what he was thinking and his face could not be hidden from his old subordinate. Rashenko just sighed and then changed his mind and poured out his true feelings.

"The current situation is beyond our control, Kurbalov, you know this."

"Your brigade has now assembled a regiment that can move. Varosha has just arrived with two battalions. They are still building the brigade headquarters and cannot enter the battle for the time being. Calculating based on the best situation, our division now has a total of In total, there are only one regiment and two battalions, a total of five battalions, which can barely be put into battle. You know the wear and tear of equipment and personnel. "

Malashenko did not clarify his words directly, but of course Kulbalov could understand the hidden meaning behind his words. Of course, he also knew that what Malashenko said was indeed what the leader must face at the moment. The bad truth.

"But we still have rich combat experience and high morale, comrade division commander. All the commanders and fighters of the Leadership Division have always been fearless of strong enemies and will fight every enemy. We will definitely defeat any Fascist enemy who dares to invade. "

Malashenko does not deny Kulbalov's rhetoric or this statement, but it does not mean that Malashenko fully agrees that this is the case, and his calm words blurted out immediately.

"But this comes at a price, Kurbalov, at the cost of the lives of the best commanders and fighters of our leadership division."

"And I have a hunch that it might not be that simple for the Germans to go crazy this time. I don't know what cards they are hiding that they haven't played yet. Our artillery counter-fire preparations have been started for twenty minutes, but we still haven't seen the Germans' retaliatory fire. , just watching their troops being bombed and unable to save them.”

"Are they keeping something? Or are they aware that they are too weak to engage in an artillery battle with us? There are two possibilities, maybe neither. It is too abnormal to see the artillery observation team infiltrate but not see any reaction from the artillery. I have to say that I’m not sure what’s going on in the head of the fascist leader opposite, but he must be a guy who doesn’t play by the rules, and this kind of opponent is often the most dangerous.”

It is obvious that the situation is like this. Even if Kulbalov's analytical ability is not at the level of Malashenko, at least he can understand the basic situation. Of course, he also knows that the fact is that Malashenko That's what Co said.

"Comrade Brigade Commander, come here for a moment. I want you to review some of the latest information."

"I'll go, Comrade Commander. It's not far away. You can call me anytime if you need it."


Kulbalov was called by the chief of staff to study the latest information, while Malashenko still held a telescope at the observation post at the brigade headquarters, looking at the bombing of Fascism in the distance in the distance. , it was a pleasure to watch.

When the sound of artillery fire ceased and the roar faded, the orange-red sky in the distance, illuminated by the explosion of artillery fire, finally returned to being shrouded in darkness.

Malashenko raised his hands to roll up his sleeves and looked at the time. The artillery counterattack preparations had lasted for exactly half an hour.

The duration of this level of artillery bombardment can only be considered a threshold level for the Red Army field artillery, which has always advocated the firepower of giant artillery. The artillery barrage that started in half an hour was a commonplace and basic operation for the Red Army.

This also shows that Vatutin did not attach too much importance to the bombardment, either to weaken the Germans' energy or to order a ceasefire because they were unable to observe the results of the bombardment.

In short, if the Germans really want to do something, now is the time.

"Contact the 267th Infantry Division again and ask where it is."



"Bombardment! Bombardment by the Krauts!"

As soon as the artillery fire from the Red Army's side stopped, a sudden burst of artillery fire followed and resounded, and the roaring direction of the artillery fire was from the rear of the German position.

"Don't panic! Why are you panicking!? The shells didn't fall on our heads!"

After criticizing the two young staff officers who were obviously inexperienced and yelling, he had no time to waste more time on these two embarrassing rookies. Kulbalov, who was standing next to the correspondent, immediately stretched out his hand. A tap on the shoulder and an immediate order.

"Contact the 267th Division immediately to confirm the situation. The artillery fire fell in their defense area. It seems that the movement is not small!"


After giving the order, Kulbalov turned around and came to Malashenko, but before he could say anything, he had already put down the telescope in his hand and raised his hand to point to his watch. Malashenko saw her husband and spoke first.

"Look, it's less than an hour before dawn, and the fox's tail has finally come out."

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