Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2143 The Art of Giant Cannon (Part 2)

Chapter 2143 The Art of Giant Cannon (Part 2)

As Malashenko thought, the "crazy game" prepared by the Germans was indeed not that simple. Google search reading

The German artillerymen, who seemed so cold-blooded and ruthless that they didn't even save their own people, started to speak now. This bombardment came at the point where the Red Army's shelling had just ended and they were beginning to replenish ammunition and urgently inspect and maintain the artillery. You want to say that the Germans are not interested. It was just a coincidence. Malashenko thought it was burning newspapers on the grave - to fool ghosts, even ghosts wouldn't believe it.

"Come, let's chat in front of the map."

Malashenko, who felt that he had probably guessed some of the situation, did not waste any more nonsense. He snapped his fingers and motioned for Kulbalov to follow him and talk to the map of the war zone. Kulbalov, who did not dare to neglect, also immediately Following Malashenko's footsteps, he stepped forward.

"The scouts reported that the Germans' nearest forward starting position is less than three kilometers away from the 267th Infantry Division's forward position in the defense area, which is right here, right here."

"I don't think the German artillery was willing to do anything to save their bombed comrades. According to the worst-case scenario, our artillery counter-preparations may not have bombed at all. Whether the news leaked or the Germans were aware of it, What happened? In short, their first wave of offensive troops may not be assembled at the forward departure position we expected in advance, but here, near the second position farther back. "

"In this way, many things can be explained. Our artillery fire did not cover most of the German troops. The bombing of a small number of forward troops is not worth the Germans exposing their artillery positions at a disadvantaged range. They know that artillery battles are not our opponent, They lost nine out of ten artillery battles, and one time it was because the Red Army did not manage enough artillery shells.”

"If I were the commander of the Germans, I would put the precious artillery, which is likely to become disposable after exposure, to the most critical moment: artillery preparation during the attack."

"Our artillery counter-fire preparations have just stopped. In theory, it is the most difficult time to start an artillery battle immediately and the reaction time is the longest. It is difficult to predict that the Germans will suddenly open fire at this time. There is a considerable sudden performance guarantee. Unexpected.”

"Look at this time, it's less than an hour before dawn, and counting the ten or twenty minutes at dawn when you can charge in the dark, this is enough for the Germans to prepare for a round of basic artillery fire in half an hour. This is also the current situation. It takes the longest time to prepare for artillery fire. If we choose another time to fire, the Germans will lose half of their ammunition base in the artillery battle. "

"The Germans have a long memory and know that the attack waves cannot be assembled too far forward. They draw a straight line in front of their second position and the 267th Infantry Division's forward position, which is only less than ten kilometers away. Once the armored cluster is launched, it will It’s just a matter of stepping on the gas.”

"So you don't need me to tell you what the situation is now. The Germans are about to go crazy. As soon as their artillery fire stops, it's time for us to take action. We can't let the 267th Infantry Division face it alone. They are not even guards, they are front troops. The weak point of the defense area named by the headquarters. Comrade Commander asked me to guard this key point. And I give the task to you. Even if you put on your head and unarmed weapons and personally lead people to me, you can't let the Germans from it. Break the opening here!"

Malashenko was busy poking and making gestures with a pencil in front of the map for a long time. He also figured out what the situation was and understood that Kulbalov, who knew what the division commander wanted to express, just stood at attention.

But before the heroic words of establishing a military order could be uttered, a figure suddenly appeared outside the camp door, and a familiar voice shouted at the top of his lungs, which immediately drew Malashenko's attention and interrupted Kull. Balof didn't have time to say anything.

"Comrade commander, comrade political commissar radio, hurry up, I need you to pick it up in person!"


The silent gesture of patting the shoulder was the last thing Malashenko left for Kulbalov. By the time Malashenko stopped running again, he had already arrived in his car and picked up the The posture of the enhanced radio transmitter dedicated to the command vehicle.

"I'm Malashenko, please speak."


"A bombardment immediately? How many artillery pieces do we have in place?"

"Okay, okay, I understand. Then follow the order and you are responsible for the arrangements. Start firing all the guns that can be used. Use as many cannons as you can. We will contact you if there is any situation. The call is over."


Malashenko hung up the radio transmitter in his hand and put it back on the radio stand. Iushkin, who was like a curious baby next to the gun block, was just staring at him with wide eyes. Comrade the commander then spoke.

"Are we going to have a bombardment?"

Not only Iushkin, but also Seryosha, Artyom and Sergei were all in the car. The entire 177 crew was gathered in silence, as if everyone knew that Comrade Commander was about to speak next. And waiting for the results.

"The second round of extended artillery fire, this time with stronger firepower, will start immediately on the second position of the Germans whose coordinates are the bombardment. The artillery of our division has also been mobilized, because we are directly under the front army."

"But our division's artillery isn't there yet?"

Boom boom boom——

Boo hoo hoo——

Iushkin hadn't finished speaking in the middle of his words. The roar of artillery fire in the air above his head that had just stopped for a while started again, and this time it was even closer. As long as there is no watt in the head, you can definitely guess. The artillerymen of their own division were speaking there, and the artillery position of the leader's division was not far from here.

"I thought the shelling just now was fierce enough. It was a front-level artillery preparation. Didn't the group of Fascists on the opposite side die completely? Are we blasting ashes and corpses?"

Not only the artillery firepower of the leading division, but also the barrages of more heavy artillery that rose up from the ground and rushed into the distance at the same time, there were also more heavy artillery barrages that continued to join in. Only the rain of rockets flying in the sky will probably have to wait for a while, and the firepower is much smaller than before.

After all, the reloading time of both Katyusha and Andryusha is not that fast. This is probably why the German artillery chose to fire after the Red Army artillery made a speech.

"It's not that we are blowing up the ashes and corpses, but the Germans may not have had this big meal at all. Now we are just giving them a supplementary meal, and by the way, teaching those monkeys who dare to claim kingship in front of the tiger a lesson. Our division At most, it can only be regarded as supplementary firepower. In terms of artillery firepower, our artillery firepower is not as good as that of the Guards Artillery Division. The main event depends on them. "

Together with Iushkin, he leaned half out of the turret and watched the second round of rain of fire pouring down from the sky.

The Germans may be a little taller, but Vatutin is obviously a little taller.

You can hide from the first grade of junior high school but not from the fifteenth grade. No one stipulates that artillery fire counter-preparation can only last one round.

You expected that I would use artillery fire to prepare your first starting position, but did you expect that I would cover your forward starting position with artillery fire, and then move my troops to the second line of position? Are you still going to make some fuss and play tricks on the preparations for offensive artillery fire?

Who doesn’t know how to have colorful intestines? You can deceive your artillery position by just pretending to blow it up. Don't make a premature conclusion about who will lose and who will gain. The real artillery counter-preparation has just begun.

This wave, this wave is Comrade Vatutin in the ionosphere. As for the Germans, I'm afraid they haven't even reached the stratosphere yet.

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