Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2144 Howling at Dawn

The overwhelming artillery fire was bombarding the German positions indiscriminately. Even though Malashenko was a few kilometers away, he felt that he could feel the violent movement like the ground shaking. Google search reading

If it fails to explode, that's fine. But if it does, the army-level artillery firepower of this scale will definitely blow up any troops who dare to assemble into rubbish. Oh, maybe even to the point where there are no rubbish left. Maybe.

"I just love watching Krauts get bombed. I always have."

There was more than one person who felt very happy after witnessing this scene. Iushkin simply expressed his true thoughts. Malashenko, who was also watching the western view in the distance outside the turret, heard this. A smile.

"Who isn't? Besides, it's time for you to shave."

Indeed, his handsome face was not very clean, especially the lower half of his face, which was completely unshaven and unshaven. Iushkin, who didn't care much about this, touched his chin and just smiled.

"What is the name of the most important city in East Prussia? Königsberg? That's it. Take this place and I'll shave my beard again. I will never shave until I conquer this evil Fascist city!"

There is still a long way to go to attack East Prussia, and taking the important town of Königsberg will not happen overnight.

However, it is definitely a good thing that Iushkin has such firm determination and ambition. Malashenko would not say anything more and just let him go, but this unkempt bearded image does have that "Middle Eastern flavor" .

"It's starting to dawn, and it won't be long before it gets bright. Be prepared."

Just as Malashenko said, the sky, which was originally shrouded in thick night, changed color at some point.

The night is fading away and the day is slowly coming.

The distant sky was glowing with the last hint of fish belly white before the sun was about to rise, which greatly improved the visibility. Now it was almost possible to clearly see the scene of the German position shrouded in a sea of ​​fire.

The fierce and violent shelling was like the continuous eruption of volcanic lava rising from the ground, bringing large pieces of soil and unknown objects into the air, and then sinking and returning to dust.

"It looks like it was hit by an explosion. We didn't see many broken German remains on the first starting position. The attacking and gathering troops should be on the second position. This will be enough for them!"

It had been plowed through by the front's first-level artillery counter-preparations for half an hour, and the Germans' first starting position was completely deserted. But in this desolate scene like the craters on the moon's surface, there were not many German vehicles and weapon wreckage scattered everywhere.

You have to say that the Germans were so busy last night, even using the artillery firepower that they had been careful not to expose, but in the end they did nothing and did not do any work. Malashenko felt that anyone who did not have a brain Neither would believe it.

In this case, there are no corpses on the first position, so the answer obviously points to the second position not far behind, which is still being bombed at this moment.

It's a pity that the general's telescope in Malashenko's hand has a limited magnification. He can barely see the first starting position which is not too far away, and it's a bit blurry, but if he looks at the second position, then You can only see the scene of shelling and flames shooting into the sky, but you can't see the specific details at all.

"That's almost it. The artillery fire should be over. It's been forty-five minutes since the second round. Including the first round, it's been one hour and fifteen minutes. It's time for these artillerymen to take a rest. "

The Battle of East Prussia was a crucial one. The Third Belarusian Front, which had prepared well in advance, prepared a very sufficient amount of ammunition to ensure an absolute victory in the battle and to unleash destructive firepower on the enemy.

But even if the shell tube is open enough to fire, artillerymen always have limits. No matter how strong the loaders are, even if there are three groups of people working in shifts, there will always be a limit if they work for more than an hour at a time.

Indeed, it was just as Malashenko thought. There was a brief pause in the middle. The first half hour and the last fifty minutes, the one hour and twenty minutes of shelling that could be connected almost without interruption, finally finally cleared up when the sky cleared. Ming, just a short moment before the sun rises, turn off the engine and stop.

"Come on, let me see what you fascists are going to do next, just come here with full force."

Malashenko, who had hooked eyes, was staring into the distance with a telescope in his hand, waiting for the Germans to play an unknown card next. Even if a group of German tanks suddenly appeared in front of them like wild beasts, it would still be fine. Accepting it, Malashenko was sure that he was ready.

But what Malashenko was waiting for in the end was not the Germans' ground attack. To be precise, the buzzing of mosquitoes from the distant horizon was the first "appetizer".

"Damn! Plane! How could it be a German plane!?"

The brief shock did not last long. Malashenko, who had not been bombarded by the German planes for a long time, just felt a little strange. He did not expect that the first card the Germans threw out would be like this. Damn it, I thought the German air force had been so beaten that it didn't even dare to launch large-scale active air strikes.

"Would you like to hide for a while? But it doesn't seem like he's coming for us."

Indeed, just as Iushkin said, those Stukas in the distance who have been descending in altitude, changing into a dive state and entering the attack channel, based on the distance, do not look like they are swooping towards us. , obviously heading towards the 267th Infantry Division which is further ahead.

"Take another look, don't worry, the 267th Division's air defense positions are already firing, look."

Looking at the end of 1944, the threat of German air raids is no longer as serious as it was when the war first started, when Malashenko was almost bombarded with constant bombs in the back.

To put it bluntly, Malashenko is really not afraid of these Stukas whose performance has long been outdated.

Not to mention that the target of those pregnant seagulls is not himself. Even if they fly towards their own side, the air defense firepower already deployed on Kulbalov's side is enough to ensure safety.

After all, the number of these Stukas is really not too many. Malashenko’s rough calculation estimates that there are only more than 20 Stukas in total.

What could more than twenty tactical dive bombers do in a front-level battle like this? To be honest, it's nothing.

This fucking German guy is so poor that he has settled down and stretched his hips. He just cobbled together an air raid to come up with such an outdated and shabby plane to fool people. Malashenko really had to say "It's embarrassing enough" after seeing it. .

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