Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2145 Once you’re here, don’t even think about leaving again

However, for the ordinary 267th Infantry Division, which is not even a "guard", the Germans' twenty or so Stuka air attacks still caused a lot of trouble.

The anti-aircraft firepower that shoots straight into the sky is relatively sparse that can be seen with the naked eye, especially the barrage of small and medium-caliber rapid-fire anti-aircraft artillery that is crucial for mid- and low-altitude defense. You can't say there is none, but it is indeed sparse to a certain extent. The tracer barrage The gap in the anti-air fire net that was pulled out was so big that even a shaky Stuka with bombs hanging on it could barely get through.

"This anti-aircraft firepower is so thin that even the German Stukas are not afraid. Look, these bastards are still bombing!"

I don’t know if it’s just pure bravery or some mandatory order that must be completed. In short, the Stuka in front of me rushed against the air defense positions deployed at the division level, even if it suffered losses every minute. Scenes of hard blows are indeed rare in 44 years. Even Malashenko can't remember the last time he saw this scene.

"Is there any way you can help them? Even if you send some anti-aircraft vehicles to support them."

The Kulbalov Brigade is quite close to the defense area of ​​the 267th Infantry Division, right on the edge of the rear edge of the 267th Infantry Division's defense area. You can even directly understand that the Kulbalov Brigade is the reserve force of the 267th Infantry Division. No problem, because Malashenko did receive such an order.

Because of this, there are prerequisites for rapid support to arrive. Seeing his comrades being bombed, Iushkin became very anxious and began to make suggestions to Malashenko to send some anti-aircraft firepower to support. For a moment.

It's like a wealthy family who is used to living a rich life suddenly sees a poor fellow who is living a miserable life being bullied, and when they see injustice on the road, they want to draw a sword to help. This is probably such a mentality.

But just when Malashenko was about to say something, but before he could really speak, a sudden whistling sound from behind his own position interrupted the rhythm again.

"There's no need for us to take action, reinforcements have already arrived."

"Team 1 and 2 follow me. Team 3 stays on the alert! Destroy these fascist chickens, hurrah!!!"



The red five-pointed star flutters in the sky on the dark gray-painted wings, and the Guards' logo is clearly visible in the roar of the high-speed propeller on the nose of the aircraft.

Groups of La-7 fighter jets took advantage of the height and swooped down. The energy conversion of altitude in exchange for speed made the La-7 fighter jets like arrows from the string, able to approach the target at the fastest speed and then tear it to pieces.

The two 20mm Schwark cannons at the nose of the aircraft were blasting, and the crimson tracer barrage was like a whip aimed at the Stuka, who was fat and clumsy and had difficulty escaping maneuverably.

The skin was torn, the wing control cables were broken, the main structure of the fuselage was broken, and the fuel tanks were burning.

The Soviets were proud of the "King of Low-altitude Dog Fighting" La7, who had no power to fight back. The Stukas, who couldn't escape and couldn't be beaten, were killed at extremely fast speeds in a matter of seconds. According to the principle of "fair distribution", almost all of the La-7 fighter pilots were slaughtered.

On the ground was the burning wreckage of the Stuka that had exploded and burned. In the sky, there was a Stuka that had just been shot down with broken wings, emitting black smoke and burning. It was screaming in despair as the pilot lost his balance and was unable to parachute to escape. Spin and fall down.

This was a short, one-sided, massacre-style air battle, and it was also a "clearing the record" style of air battle without the participation of any German fighter jets.

No one knows where the German fighter planes have gone, and of course it doesn't matter if they don't know, and they don't care anyway.

Only the pilots of the three squadrons of La 7 who were left on guard at high altitude felt a little regretful, because they did not wait for the German fighter jets that might appear, nor did they get a share of the fat Stukas below. They were really burned. I took a trip to the motherland for nothing and got no results. I was hit so hard that I didn't achieve much. Instead, I was trapped by Vatugin, exposing the hidden artillery positions. The position was exposed to wild and brutal retaliatory bombardment by the Red Army.

The air strikes in the sky also did not have any good results. To say that there were indeed results, they dropped a lot of bombs, but more than 20 incoming Stukas killed all of them, and none of them returned. What's more, The Germans themselves are still poor and do not have many airplanes in their hands, so it is obvious who loses and who gains.

After finishing swinging the first two axes and swinging them very hard, it was really a bad job. Malashenko felt that if the Germans had a third ax, it would be time to use it. If not, it would really be the Red Army's turn to speak. After all, everyone knows the truth "If you don't come for communism, then the Red Army will definitely come for you."

"There's movement! The German tanks, direction eleven o'clock, look!"


Malashenko, who was looking towards the one o'clock direction, immediately turned around when he heard Iushkin's reminder. He saw that in the field of view of the telescope pointing in the eleven o'clock direction, the Germans' broken tractors did indeed appear, and That’s a lot of damn numbers!

"Ten, twenty, thirty, forty, fifty, good fellows, the pomp is big enough. There are more than fifty and almost sixty vehicles coming in this wave! It's really amazing that we can gather so many just after being bombed. It’s the fascists’ fault.”

Gamblers who are blinded by losses often have a common problem. They like to put all the remaining chips in their hands, whether they are borrowed or scraped together, even if they are obtained from selling their wives, in the hope of making a comeback and taking back all the lost money. Get it all back, as the saying goes, "The bigger the bet, the greater the reward."

As for gamblers, have they thought about what they would do if they lose again? Malashenko didn't know and didn't care. The only thing he was sure of doing was to make this gambler who had lost his eyes completely lose his fortune and leave the last steel in his pocket in this place called "East Prussia". "The luxurious gambling table.

You raise that much in one go? Good thing! Malashenko is also afraid that the Germans will be timid and make the attack fizzle out, so he doesn't dare to bet more chips. The bigger your bet, the happier I, Malashenko, will be!

"Kurbalov, follow the second plan. You are responsible for commanding the left wing, and I am responsible for the right wing. We will go up and eat all the Germans! We can handle this number. Let's start taking action and attack!"

Yes, it is indeed an offense rather than a defense.

The current situation has well proved which of the dual combat plans prepared by Malashenko is suitable.

The defensive plan specially prepared for the Germans to have an absolute numerical advantage is unnecessary and too pedantic in the first place.

For Malashenko, whose fighting style has always been bold and wild, since everyone’s numbers are about the same, and you are slightly more than me but not enough to cause a qualitative change, then I will simply swallow you all in one breath. Once you're here, don't even think about leaving.

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