Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2149 Destruction in Progress (4)

In fact, just as Malashenko had planned earlier. Google search reading

When the attacking German troops attacked the 267th Infantry Division's defense area and almost pushed forward through the minefield, and even sent part of the infantry into the enemy's position, they found that a high-speed charging Soviet armored force appeared on both sides of them almost at the same time. , while maneuvering furiously, it was too late to run away even at this time.

"Piece your pockets with me! Don't let the Germans escape! Turn around, keep the distance between the vehicles in the attacking formation, and charge!"

When the attacking German troops were focused on rushing into the 267th Infantry Division defense position, Malashenko personally went into battle and commanded the Kulbalov brigade, just as planned, split into two columns and passed through the left and right flanks of the friendly defense position at high speed. , and quickly formed a larger peripheral arc, heading straight towards the rear of the attacking German troops to encircle them.

The German army is certainly not blind. You can definitely see the scenes of large groups of tanks and armored vehicles, especially heavy tanks, maneuvering wildly on the vast snowy fields, as long as their strength is good.

But being able to see doesn't mean you can react, especially if something happens suddenly and you're unprepared, it's even more difficult to do so.

The battle on the frontal front was at a critical period. The German infantry who rushed into the position and the Red Army soldiers who had already fought to the death were fighting at close quarters, with no outcome determined.

The security is not complete, or it can be expected that the Russian reserve team will definitely invest in it again. Fools all know that the main position must not be lost unless it is absolutely necessary. If the German army wants to secure its position, it must stabilize its position and continue to invest its strength in fighting. It is simply impossible to completely withdraw from the left and right wings immediately.

If the main force can't get out, then part of the armor's direct firepower should be allocated to intercept the two Russian armored forces on the left and right that are rapidly passing through and exposing their flanks, right?

Sorry, that doesn't work either.

The extremely cunning Russians accurately controlled the distance between the enemy and ourselves. The Germans who wanted to stop the enemy immediately discovered that the two rapidly advancing Russian armored units on the left and right were at least three kilometers away in a straight line from their own side. This is equivalent to directly erasing the possibility of German tanks and tank destroyers firing and intercepting on the spot.

If you want to intercept and block, you have to move and maneuver.

But is there still a chance to maneuver now?

There is only one answer, almost no, or the time point when the Russians complete their tactical maneuvers is definitely earlier than the time point when the Germans complete their tactical maneuvers.

To put it clearly, the speed at which the encirclement is stretched into shape is definitely higher than the speed at which the German armored forces are dispatched to intercept and enter the effective range to start firing.

"Damn it! How could this happen?! Where did these Russians suddenly appear from? The reconnaissance intelligence did not mention that there would be such a large heavy armored force in this area. Those idiots who engage in reconnaissance intelligence should really Shoot them all!”

You are manic, angry, complaining, and anxious, but it is true that your incompetent rage will not have any effect at all. This is a fact. (っ◔◡◔)っ

The unwilling Major General of the National Defense Forces did not think that he had lost just like that. He put down the poor-looking telescope in his hand at the forward observation post, and blurted out the order that followed immediately.

"Tell Steheim to set off immediately! The second batch of troops will be put in now! We can't let those Russians get what they want, cut off their encirclement and push them back, and then immediately support the frontal battlefield, and we must capture the enemy's position! The attack must not fail!"

Of course, the German army has prepared more than one wave of attacks. The second wave of attack troops for subsequent consolidation of victory results and tactical support are ready and ready to go.

This is the basic quality that any qualified commander should have when commanding an attack on enemy positions. You can't put all your treasures on a wave of attacks. People who dare to do this will often die without a burial place if they fail.

"Comrade division commander, another wave of enemies has begun to take action! They are directly behind us, with groups of tanks and large groups of infantry coming towards us!"

The Krauts are not blind, and neither are the elite leaders.

He heard such news when he had just completed the turn and was about to shrink and close the encirclement. It cannot be said that Malashenko was not surprised at all by this, but apart from the slight surprise, more reactions accounted for the vast majority. It was still that smile with the corners of his mouth raised on his face.

"I am Malashenko, fire according to the predetermined coordinates, the first starting position of the Germans, block the shooting! All artillery fire is used, let the people of the 3rd Close Artillery Division help! The support given by Comrade Commander is not in vain! "

Yes, it’s just that if I don’t use it, it’s in vain. Malashenko, who has experienced how great it is to be given fire support by the Guards Artillery Division, thinks this way. If I don’t use it, I’ll be really at a disadvantage! But I never thought it was embarrassing to request friendly fire support.

Whoever answered the message on the other end of the radio could be guessed without saying it. Malashenko believed that after his words came out, the expected overwhelming rain of fire would come soon.

"Approaching shelling, very close to you! Be aware of the danger!"


That is to say, at the moment when Malashenko had just finished replying and before he had time to put down the radio transmitter in his hand, the overwhelming rain of rockets with a shrill roar had already risen from the ground. Indeed, just as Malashenko As expected, it rushed towards the battlefield from the far horizon.

During the second round of counter-artillery preparations, he was in a reloading state and therefore failed to catch up. When Malashenko called for artillery support, the ferocious Katyusha and Andlyusa rocket launcher clusters of the Third Guards Artillery Division , everything was ready, the launcher pointed toward the sky, and densely packed 130mm and 310mm rockets fell on the enemy's head in an instant like a heavy rain.

"Keep bombing! Don't stop! Extend the artillery fire from the first starting position to the second position. There are fascists in motion! Send them all to the sky! Give us half an hour, my side It will be over soon!”

Counting from the early hours of the morning, this group of German troops, who were facing the enemy in person, had been bombed for the third time in less than half a day. They were bombed by at least the first-level artillery fire of the Guards Artillery Division. .

Compared to the description of being blown crazy, the description of being blown numb may be more appropriate.

The overwhelming rain of rockets was in front of them, and the heavy artillery barrage that shook the ground beneath their feet was behind them.

The second wave of German offensive troops that had not had time to actually enter the battlefield were completely covered in it. This time they were suddenly bombed in broad daylight without any chance to escape. It was not a midnight bombardment that was unclear about the specific effects of the bombardment and the location of the enemy. .

There is no need to say more about what it feels like to have less than half of the artillery firepower in the hands of Malashenko, coupled with the combined efforts of a three-division artillery division specialized in artillery, to hit the enemy hard on the head.

Malashenko didn't care or care how badly the Germans behind him who wanted to disrupt the battlefield were bombed.

With the rapid penetration of the troops, the troops divided into two groups, one on the left and one on the right, to surround the left and right rear of the first wave of German offensive troops. Malashenko, who had completely formed the encirclement, wanted to do one thing now: Shrink the encirclement as quickly as possible and at the same time use the most powerful firepower to pin down these fascist scum who dare to make trouble in front of the 267th Infantry Division's position.

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