Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2150 Tightening the Noose (Part 1)

The second wave of German troops behind him was temporarily blocked by the barrage of artillery fire, but Malashenko knew that this situation would not last long. Not to mention that once the artillery fire stops, the Germans will definitely seize the time to pounce on them and continue to act like a monster. Even if the artillery fire does not stop, the first thing the Germans react after being briefly stunned by the bombing is to try every means. Evacuate from gunfire.

So what will the Germans who escaped from the barrage do next?

This matter may be a little suspenseful, but the Germans will never escape and then sit on the position and watch helplessly while their own people are buried alive. Malashenko believes that as long as the first wave of German attacking troops in front of the position have not been If it is completely wiped out, then the rest of the Germans will try their best to save people and save this precious armored group.

It may be better to mobilize other troops to rescue people, or to escape from the artillery fire and then circle up from both sides.

No matter what strategy the Germans adopt to save people, only the basic principle that "the Germans will definitely come to save people" is what Malashenko firmly believes.

After all, as a qualified military commander, you cannot place your hopes of victory on non-subjective and controllable things like whether the enemy will die or not. It is an even more stupid and incompetent thing to pin the victory on the enemy's stupidity and incompetence. This is not the case in the past, present, or even in the future world of 2022.

Malashenko has never committed such a stupid thing in the past, and he will not do it now.

Maximizing the unfavorable situation in predicting the outcome of the battle and forcing himself to use all his strength to end the battle in the shortest possible time, this is Malashenko's true thoughts at the moment.

"Each vehicle crew is in combat position and prioritizes the heavy tank destroyers targeting the Germans! Concentrate fire and kill them!"

The target with the strongest anti-armor firepower has always been the priority target of tank soldiers on the battlefield. Because you have to kill the enemy that threatens you the most and ensure your own survival first, and then you can consider other things and even assist friendly forces. This is a battlefield truth that has remained unchanged since the birth of armored combat units such as tanks, and it will continue to be true in the future. It will be the same.

Compared to those who mostly stayed closer to the position, the Black Panther II was located at the rear of the first wave of German offensive troops. Relying on the accuracy advantage brought by the high-magnification long-barreled artillery, it was conducting long-distance operations. Those tank destroyers providing fire support must be prioritized.

Not only because their current position is extremely unfavorable for the entire formation, but it is difficult for the troops led by Malashenko to move in a short time when facing the roundabout. It's even more because the extremely strong anti-armor firepower threat of these steel nobles is ranked first. In the absence of the Jagdtiger 128 cannon, those Long 88s are the strongest anti-armor firepower of German guns.

"Aim at 11 o'clock, the Russian heavy tank! Load armor-piercing shells!"

"Armor-piercing bullets are good!"




The enemy is moving and we are still. For the German army, the precious opportunity to fire first is the only thing that can be called an advantage at the moment.

Those Russian tanks that were rushing over with great speed wanted to enter the real firing position and completely stop the vehicle from high-speed maneuvers. This process would take at least a few seconds to more than ten seconds. This is indeed the last opportunity that must be seized for the turretless German tank destroyers that have completed the course steering of the vehicle body.


call out--


"Garbage fascism! The Kraut's armor-piercing bullets are weak, taste the warm greetings of communism!"

The IS6 heavy tank is designed with a steeply inclined nose to meet bombs. The entire front armor of the tank is completely indestructible based on the firepower level of World War II.

Not to mention that any known vehicle-mounted artillery kinetic energy armor-piercing projectile cannot penetrate. Even if you lift the iron fist with chemical energy armor-piercing and apply it on the head, it will only make a black smear and listen to the sound. Nothing can be done. Even the 130mm high-caliber naval gun of Malashenko's vehicle, the IS7 heavy tank, is in vain when it fires armor-piercing projectiles at the bow of the IS6 at a horizontal firing angle.

It was almost a violent advance with the fierce bombardment of German armor-piercing shells. The armor was beaten and the ping-pong ball kept ringing. Sparks and lightning were all the way as it rushed to the firing position and began to turn the turret.

The Kulbalov Brigade is the most elite veteran team in the entire leadership division. Naturally, it has the largest proportion of veterans who have experienced various high-intensity battles and survived to this day.

These veterans are familiar with the performance of their weapons and are proficient in all the necessary skills that a tank soldier should master in his career. At the same time, they are also more aware of the weaknesses of the weapons in the hands of the enemy that they have fought against more than once, and they also know what to do to optimize the solution. to respond efficiently.

The direct-aiming shooting distance of 800 meters is already quite far. If a traditional full-caliber kinetic energy armor-piercing projectile fires at this distance and hits the target, it will lose a lot of kinetic energy and thus the penetration depth will be greatly reduced.

But that's okay.

To deal with those thick-skinned German scrap metal men who couldn't hit even if they were close to the face, the tank soldiers knew that the shell of the Fascist turtle was not easy to chew, and they never thought of using armor-piercing bullets from the beginning. Taking advantage of the caliber and using high-explosive shells to hit the face is definitely the best choice in the current combat conditions.

"Good high-explosive bombs!"




It's not polite to reciprocate. If you Germans serve me with armor-piercing bullets, I will respond with communist 122 grenades.

Boom boom boom——


The 122 high-explosive grenades that hit one after another in the wind were like heavy punches, hitting the faces and bodies of those valuable German armors, and even missing the ground near their feet, causing near-misses.

It does not rely on kinetic energy to penetrate deep but relies on chemical energy blasting to cause damage. Even if it is fired from a long distance, it will not cause any power attenuation. As long as you can hit the target, you can deal full damage and ensure damage.

Large-caliber grenades with low muzzle velocity and low accuracy have both advantages and disadvantages. It is true that some of the grenades missed the first launch and flew over the head of the German car or hit the surrounding soil and exploded. However, The damage caused by the grenade that hit the target accurately and exploded instantly was truly shocking.

The huge explosion impact not only broke the tracks, shattered the surface-hardened armor, blew away the muzzle brake, and tore the gun barrel, but also drilled into all the small gaps and gaps such as the observation window gap and the heat dissipation window gap. The overpressure impact entering the vehicle caused extremely serious damage to everything inside the vehicle in the blink of an eye.

The optical sights were shattered, the power system was paralyzed, and the fuel tank was on fire. What was even more terrible was that the corpses that had been blown to death by overpressure had their facial features distorted and deformed, and their seven orifices were bleeding to death. They just slumped in their seats and remained motionless. .

After the two people at the front of the car were killed instantly, only the German soldiers in the fully enclosed fighting room at the rear of the car were in slightly better condition and were still lingering.

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