Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2156 I will find a way to save you, hold on

Chapter 2161 I will find a way to save you, hold on

Some died, some went to the battlefield, and some simply disappeared and can never be found again. No one knows whether they are alive or dead. This is the ending of the story. Google search reading

"No child can come to my class anymore. When those children all picked up guns and fought to defend the motherland, I was the only teacher left, guarding the thick stack of textbooks that I didn't even know where the classroom was. There was no place for me to continue teaching, so I picked up a gun and fought.”

He held the old Mosin-Nagant in his arms, who had followed him on the battlefield for a long time. The grip marks on the gun had been polished and polished. It was obvious that this weapon must have been used frequently for a long time.

"But after all, I am not a serious soldier, and my combat performance is not very good."

"I have been fighting intermittently since 1942, and I have been injured twice. This is the third time. I am either lying in the hospital or on the way to and from the hospital. It is almost half the time of the real battle. Until now. He only killed eight Germans, which is far behind some of my students. I heard that the best among them had killed no less than twenty enemies. "

"What about you, kid? Speaking of which, I think you should also have outstanding achievements in battle. How many enemies have you killed so far?"

The topic was inadvertently diverted as the conversation continued, and Malashenko was a little stunned by the sudden question, but then he quietly answered with a slight smile.

"It's not much, it's just average. If you really want me to give you a detailed number, I can't tell you. I've always been careless, and I still can't get rid of this problem. It's always been that way, hehe."

"Hey hahaha"

Malashenko chuckled, and the veterans sitting in the trenches also laughed. The empathy between comrades is often irrespective of age and only lasts for a moment.

"Good boy! I can see that the battle has been easy for you. The young and energetic veterans are the future pillars of the motherland. The future belongs to you. Work hard and live. Our motherland has lost too many people like you. An outstanding young man.”

"It doesn't matter how long our generation and our old bones can live. What matters is you. You young people are the hope of the future of our motherland. And what we have to do is to sacrifice before you and preserve the future of our motherland." The fire of hope. Not only to win the battle, but also to remember to live bravely and strongly!”

The veteran whose thigh bone was penetrated by a bullet, suffered a comminuted fracture and lost the ability to move was eventually carried off by a stretcher team. At the end of the day, he still had the gift given to him by Malashenko in his pocket, and there were still more than half a box of cigarettes for general officers left. Malashenko still had as much of these as he wanted.

Perhaps it was because of his clothes and the fact that his whole head was covered tightly by a tank cap. In short, the veteran did not see through his identity. Malashenko continued the conversation from the beginning as an ordinary tank soldier, and only Only in this way can Malashenko feel closer to reality, instead of looking down on everything from the position of a superior.

In that case, you will always be able to see the dark tops of human heads, but not the faces. If this continues, life may eventually be reduced to cold numbers. Malashenko did not want to become such a ruthless person, so he did all this with this goal in mind: a general can never be separated from a soldier. This is the bottom line of principle that must be adhered to.

I continued to stroll leisurely between the positions and on the battlefield ruins. From time to time, I had to take a longer step so that I could step over Malashenko, who was stacking corpses at his feet, and came to the side of the stretcher team that was transporting the wounded. He opened the buttons, took off his tank cap and stepped forward one step closer.

"There is an open injury to the left eye and severe burns to the left face. There are multiple wounds on the body, and there are bleeding and internal injuries. We need to lift him down first, and the surgeries will be arranged in sequence."


Before he could do anything when he came to the stretcher team, Malashenko heard a slightly surprising conversation on the side of the position.

Looking back in the direction of the sound, Malashenko saw only a blood-stained comrade without a helmet or hat. He was lying on a stretcher that had not been lifted, showing pain and shortness of breath, but But he resisted not letting himself cry out in pain.

The military doctor who had just finished the examination was writing a note quickly while giving instructions to the nurse. Then he tore it off, stuffed it into the wounded man's collar, and then raised his hand to indicate that the person should be carried off immediately.

Everything seemed to be fine, but to Malashenko's ears, the real problem was the explanation given by the military doctor just now.

"Why do you have to wait in line for surgery? He's already like this, why can't he be put in the queue? It's obvious that one surgery can make him wait for death."

Malashenko couldn't understand, so he took the initiative to ask questions, but the busy military doctor just glanced at Malashenko casually from the corner of his eye, then turned around and walked towards the next wounded person without raising his head and spoke. .

"There are too many wounded people. We try our best to save all comrades, but sometimes we cannot save everyone."


What the military doctor, who was walking away with his back turned and talking, did not see was that Malashenko, holding a tank cap in his hand, had already arrived in front of the stretcher that had just been carried out, and signaled the two soldiers to stop temporarily. , let yourself see.

"Can you speak? Comrade, stay awake and don't faint. I will find a way to save you. Hold on."

Once a person is sleepy and closes his eyes, his life may be over. This is what the seriously injured are afraid of. Strong will is the prerequisite for creating the miracle of life.

"I, I, I'm so cold, comrade, I don't feel good. Who are you?"

This guy was injured like this. His shoulders, arms, chest, and even half of his face were all bruised. Either his skin was torn apart or cut open by shrapnel, or even a bloody wound shot directly into his body. The bandage he had just wrapped was already stained. It's a little bright red, and it's rare to be able to ask yourself clearly who you are at this level.

"It doesn't matter who I am, what's important is that I can save you. Listen, you have to live, there are still people who need you. Cheer up and hold on, I will arrange a priority surgery for you."

After speaking to the wounded, before he finished speaking, Malashenko turned to the soldiers carrying the stretcher in front and quickly gave orders.

"Carry the person to the field hospital of the Leader's Division, which is right next to the field hospital of your division. The tent has been set up, not far from here. When you get there, tell Malashenko to arrange for priority surgery, and ask Karachev to find a way to do it. The people have been rescued, that’s all, go quickly!”

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