Chapter 2162

"Malashenko? He is General Malashenko?!"

When the military doctor who had not gone far out and was about to bandage the next wounded man raised his head, he could no longer see the face that he had not paid attention to and looked at carefully just now. Only a distant back remained in his field of vision. Google search reading

Malashenko, who was still walking forward in front of the position, did not recognize the second lieutenant comrade just now, but he could see some of the most realistic situations.

The second lieutenant was leaning against a 122mm divisional cannon. His clothes were in tatters and he was covered in blood. The blood might not be all his, but he was indeed seriously injured and could be seen with the naked eye.

Malashenko could see that there were craters of different sizes everywhere around the second lieutenant, as well as the bodies of fallen Red Army soldiers lying on the ground in various postures.

A situation like this is right in front of us. Considering the actual situation on the battlefield, it is actually not difficult to guess what happened here in the battle just now.

It is a great miracle that anyone in such a forward-deployed heavy anti-tank gun battery can survive. The densely scattered bomb craters of different sizes around the area must have been caused by the Germans. Only this kind of heavy cannon, which poses a huge threat and can lower its barrel and fire horizontally, can be worthy of the "such service" of the Germans.

Of course Malashenko understands this truth if he can save one, especially such a brave gunner who deserves to be saved.

As the elite of the Guards, the Leader Division is not only far ahead of ordinary troops and even other friendly Guards troops in terms of material supplies and equipment reception and use, but also has absolutely first-class medical treatment. Field hospital.

In this era when everyone is setting up tents to rescue people, the Leader Division has even issued field ambulances modified from heavy truck chassis.

Of course, this is not mass-produced standard equipment, but the director of the field hospital, Karachev, and the leader of the division, the "general manager" Karamov, these two "rear-line bosses" whose names are only one word different have joined forces. , the final result obtained after field modification according to the actual needs.

The US-aided heavy-duty truck chassis ensures a large trunk volume and strong off-road passing capabilities, allowing it to quickly carry any urgently needed medical supplies as soon as the battle ends. Set up a field hospital in the place closest to the front line where it is most needed, shorten the distance to the wounded and rescue more people. This is the original intention of the design of this modified vehicle.

"Soldiers are going through life and death on the front line, and we soldiers in white cannot survive safely in the rear. The closer we are to the front line, the more people we can save. Comrade division commander, I believe I have the ability to lead all of this. Please allow me to do so. , Comrades are all expecting me to bring good news back."

Perhaps it is difficult for people of this era to imagine that a top Russian-American student could go through life and death for a group of strangers in a "foreign land", even risking his life, but Malashenko can understand, and he also knows Karachev Be serious.

He is not the kind of person who acts just for the sake of pretentious window-dressing projects. He just pushed the field hospital so close to the front line. There has indeed never been a precedent before. This cannot be done by Malashenko, who is the division commander. Don't be cautious.

"Okay, but you can only do this with my order and permission. The field hospital is a unit directly under the division headquarters, and you are directly responsible to me as the director of the field hospital. I can only allow you to win the battle and have another chance. Move forward when necessary, and don’t do anything to disappoint me, do you understand?”

The so-called urgent need does come very quickly. Of course, it does not necessarily have to be the leader's own urgent need. It is also possible for friendly troops to urgently need it.

A battle for position that can be compared to a meat grinder will cause a large number of infantry casualties. It is also the time when the medical rescue capabilities of the party that controls the position are most tested. This is the case in every similar battle in the past without exception. battlefield truth.

There is no such thing as too much medical resources, just take the current situation as an example.

The more medical resources are invested at the same time, the more wounded people can be rescued within the golden rescue time. This does not mean that the 267th Division's own medical resources are unqualified or have problems. Rather, in this large-scale battle for positions in which the entire division is invested, it is inevitable that division-level field medical resources will be overloaded and penetrated, and the wounded will inevitably die while waiting for rescue or surgery.

Even if they can survive if they undergo surgery in time, this is a cruel and unforgiving reality.

The large-scale battle for positions involving the entire division was the most serious battle imaginable that suffered huge infantry casualties in a short period of time. You cannot force all Red Army infantry divisions, especially ordinary non-Guards infantry divisions, to conduct field medical system construction according to the standards that must meet the most serious situation, because this is simply unrealistic.

If we really want to play this way, even tripling the field medical resources of the entire Red Army will not be enough.

Just like the military doctor comrade said: We try our best to save all comrades, but sometimes we cannot save everyone.

This is a war, and if it is a war, there are bound to be casualties. People who could have survived with timely surgery and rescue were eaten alive and left to die. Ultimately, this is only part of the casualties.

When everyone tries their best, the truth is often so cruel.

But fortunately, Malashenko has never been the kind of person who is "good at small things but not doing anything". Malashenko, who came from a peaceful world in the future, values ​​life more than many indigenous people of his generation. Much higher, even for ordinary soldiers in the eyes of generals.

"267th Infantry Division, artillery second lieutenant. Multiple bullet and shrapnel wounds, blood loss, infection, internal bleeding, fractures, and facial burns, all in a terrible situation."

"Prepare the plasma. Position No. 1 will prepare for the operation immediately. I will perform the operation myself. Anya, bring two people to help me and save our comrades from the hands of death!"

Dean Karachev is a very "contradictory" person. It may be rude to say this, but it is indeed the case.

For example, he believes in the religion that his family has always inherited, but at the same time he has been baptized by the new era and new education, and is more able to accept new things, such as the so-called "Death" and "Comrade", the "Cross" and the "Order of the Red Flag" "The coexistence in him and in his mouth has long been accepted by everyone and does not seem strange.

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