Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2158 The Key Person

Chapter 2163 The Key Person

Some things always come unexpectedly. Whether you are prepared or not, it will come suddenly. For example, Malashenko was thanked without any preparation.

"Comrade General, you are really the great savior of our division! If it were not for the assistance of the leading division, or should I say if there was no rescue by the leading division, how many people in our division would be able to stand here and speak, I guess they would all be in vain. A good unknown.”

"Yes, I have long heard that the famous Leader Division is the Guards among the Guards, the most elite of the Red Army! Today's battle is really an eye-opener. To conquer the Fascists in the name of the great leader comrade is indeed well-deserved."


Facing the comrades' commander and chief of staff of the 267th Infantry Division, Malashenko's reaction seemed a little at a loss.

You can't say that what others say is false or that they are deliberately trying to flatter you. In terms of objective reality, what others say is indeed true and is based on facts.

But I don’t know why. After hearing this, Malashenko always felt a little strange. I guess it was because he usually behaved in a low-key manner and was not used to being praised like this. Malashenko always thought it was a virtue. The battle was so one-sided because of the stickman. After a violent beating, he surrendered with a French military salute. This has almost become the same routine of the German stickman after 44 years.

Of course, the two military chiefs of the 267th Infantry Division came to express their gratitude in person, and they were not limited to talking about the leader division and Malashenko. If they came just for this matter, it would be like talking nonsense. , instead of doing practical things, there are also discussions that go down to the specific analysis of the battle situation, such as the following sentence.

"It's really shocking, Comrade General. In less than half an hour, the enemy's entire mechanized heavy armored infantry and tank coordinated battle group was surrounded and annihilated in front of the position, and this was even when the enemy took the initiative to attack. If you hadn't seen it with your own eyes Well, maybe I just can’t believe that this is actually true, the leader’s powerful combat power is truly worthy of its name.”

The chief of staff's analysis naturally won the approval of the division commander, and Malonovsky, who was standing aside, nodded slowly in recognition and spoke.

"I have never imagined that there is such a lightning-fast annihilation tactic, but I saw it today."

"I have to admit, Comrade General, the tactics used by the leading division are something I have never heard of or seen before. It does not seem to be in the battle tactics doctrine of our Red Army. The equipment used to realize the tactics is also Well, you know what I mean, some of the equipment in the battle just now is something I have never seen before, and the combat effectiveness they exerted is really surprising, and I think the same is true for those Germans.”

Indeed, as Colonel Malonovsky said, the addition of the infantry fighting vehicle as the latest main battle equipment has indeed given Malashenko great tactical flexibility and ductility.

In the past, many tactics that were limited by equipment conditions and could only be imagined but not realized have become possible. Combining existing equipment with skillful use can easily double the combat effectiveness, and then easily defeat the Germans. He was killed until he was pissed off.

Comrade Malonovsky and his chief of staff were surprised, but from Malashenko's point of view, this was nothing special.

After all, using a complete set of tactics and tactics that have been proven in actual combat in future wars, plus a synthetic force of various arms specifically built for this purpose, to defeat an old and declining Luther stick that is only at the level of World War II, If we can't win, it will be outrageous.

In other words, having equipment ahead of his opponents is only one of Malashenko's advantages. There are other factors that are more critical to winning.

This is Malashenko's ability to skillfully apply mature, reliable, and combat-proven future tactics and tactics combined with the current actual situation to defeat a World War II army that has just touched the phantom of synthesis and is still far from marginal. A real winning formula.

Regarding this objective reality, Malashenko had no intention of hiding anything from the two people in front of him, and he quickly blurted out his words after thinking for a while.

"Compared with other friendly forces, the most special thing about the Leader Division is actually its experimental nature. This does not only refer to the new equipment. Putting the new weapons into actual combat for comprehensive evaluation and analysis is only a secondary task."

"A more important point than this is that the leading division is responsible for the task of developing tactics and tactics. This means that the leading division must not only resolutely and thoroughly crush the enemy, but also use actual combat as the basis in the process of crushing the enemy to contribute to the future of the Red Army. We will explore a practical and practical path for development.”

"It can be said that the current leadership division that is constantly developing and changing is the prototype of the future synthetic force of various arms of the Red Army. It is our great first step towards practical exploration and the first model force that has withstood the test of actual combat. And leading this Leading the troops to victory is my top priority as the commander of the leading division.”

As said, Malashenko has always had a very clear understanding of the responsibilities and burdens he bears.

This is not only based on Malashenko's own cognitive insights and analytical judgment, but more importantly, the expectations and instructions from superior leaders such as Zhukov and Vatutin.

This tragic and great Patriotic War allowed everyone to witness the rapid transformation of the development of war. Only those who are at the forefront of the rapid transformation trend can be invincible.

The powerful and reliable heavy industry of the motherland can completely solve the troublesome equipment problem. What remains is the exploration of soft power that cannot be seen or touched, but is more powerful than hardware equipment, that is, the exploration of campaign doctrine and tactics. and practical applications.

Battle doctrine stands on tactics and tactics, just like a towering superstructure needs a solid lower foundation to support it.

The results of Malashenko and the leadership division's active exploration and practical application of lower-level tactics will be directly related to the compilation and improvement of upper-level battle doctrines by big guys such as Zhukov and Vatutin, and even the entire army. Promote applications.

It is no exaggeration to say that this is indeed related to the future destiny of the entire Red Army.

Especially in 1944, when the overall situation of the Patriotic War was decided and victory was in sight, it became even more important to seize the last opportunity for actual combat and conduct forward-looking exploration of the future.

The core of all this is neither the exploration and application of a certain piece of equipment or a certain theory, nor can it be solved by Comrade Zhu's group of big guys holding meetings to discuss and compiling a few battle doctrine textbooks.

All the key points converge on one person: Malashenko.

This man who single-handedly planned and led the construction and development of the Red Army's first mechanically integrated field group of various arms, and explored a complete set of existing tactical and tactical outlines, and is actively practicing and improving them, will undoubtedly have a great influence on the future of the Soviet Army. The next stage of development changes will have a significant impact.

From this perspective alone, the derived value of killing Malashenko in the following decades is probably greater than killing the Soviet army in East Germany that spanned the entire Cold War and has been frightening the West. Still big.

It is a pity that the West did not realize this in 1944, and NATO during the Cold War failed to seize the opportunity, that's all.

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