Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2159 The sweetheart is guilty

Chapter 2164 The sweetheart is guilty

I’m not bragging or being arrogant. Of course, Malashenko knows what he means to the Red Army and what his future value is. But frankly speaking, Malashenko has never thought it was anything special. Just simply do what a person in this position should do in this position. Google search reading

Malashenko does not intend to continue working in the army. He has said this to his closest comrades in the past, and it is still the same even now.

When the Patriotic War, which burned blood and steel, was over, if he was still alive at that time, Malashenko planned to pack up his things, pack his luggage, submit an application for retirement, and hand over the leadership division to Kulbalov or Who else is the leader? He retired from old age and returned to his hometown, went home to farm, built a small yard, raised animals, cultivated the land, and lived a comfortable and ordinary rural life with his family.

Malashenko has had enough of the hustle and bustle and death of the war, and it’s time to spend time with his family to make up for what he has missed in the past. His influence on the future development and reform of the Red Army will end here, and everything in the future will depend on the Red Army. Your own creation.

Malashenko, who has no intention of participating in politics, let alone wade into the muddy waters, just wants to live a quiet life. At most, he can retire as a farmer at home and write memoirs when he is over 30 years old. No matter how bad things are, you can chat with people like Gu Bushuai and Manbuqun who are good at blaming the blame and are also writing memoirs. Isn't this nice?

So to put it bluntly, Malashenko, who has made plans for his future, is now in a state of "being a monk and hitting the clock every day." It's just that this monk is regarded as a competent and outstanding person, while Zhong Yechang is regarded as a conscientious and advanced individual.

So many people mistakenly believe that a young man like Malashenko, who has risen to prominence, will definitely show off his ambitions in the Red Army, make great achievements, and have infinitely bright prospects. If he had known that he planned to do so so early Just retire and go home to take care of yourself. It would be shocking and unbelievable.

Of course, Malashenko doesn't intend to tell everyone that "I plan to retire and go home to retire after the war." There are some things you don't need to be so flamboyant about. It's always good to be low-key. Wait until the big news is about to come. It’s not too late to do something about it when it happens.

"The follow-up troops of our division are still arriving continuously, and Comrade Commander also ordered me to assist in the defense. The next battle will be faced by the 267th Division and the Leader Division together, let us fight side by side, 2 Comrade, if you have any questions or situations, please speak up in time and keep communicating. I’ll excuse you for now.”

Malashenko, who still had a lot of things waiting to be done, left. Malonovsky, who had been wandering around the position for less than two minutes with Malashenko, and his chief of staff Stare at the back and speak quietly.

"As in the rumors, this man really has no airs. He is so approachable that you feel like something is wrong. He doesn't even wear a general's uniform. This is the first time I have seen a tank corps major general dressed like this."

The chief of staff took the lead in expressing his most intuitive feelings. Malonovsky on the side also pondered for a moment and then spoke silently.

"But maybe this is the reason why he is special. When I was his age, I was scolded by the company commander all day long. I couldn't even manage the platoon under me. I had a headache fighting guerrillas with the spearhead soldiers all day long. But he was in charge of the largest division-level field force in the entire Red Army, and it was still an experimental synthesis. Even thinking about it now is still incredible. "

"But I heard that his political commissar comrade is very powerful. Previously, he took the initiative to step down from the position of actual power in the Ministry of Internal Affairs and asked to return to the front line. Such a number one must not be easy. Many people say that the leadership division can be what it is today without the contribution of this person. , not just Malashenko.”

No matter what the purpose of the chief of staff's words is, is it because he doesn't quite recognize the other person's ability and feels that "I can do it, but I just don't have the opportunity."

Malonovsky, who is older than the young chief of staff who parachuted down from the General Staff Headquarters, and has certainly experienced more human experiences, feels that he still has to say some things that should be said, and to some extent, they should be given to his young partner. A little guidance, whether you listen or not is beyond your control.

"But to be able to serve such a legendary figure who is much older than yourself, don't you think this is an ability that is difficult for ordinary people to possess?"


This time, it was the speechless little chief of staff's turn to be speechless.

Malonovsky, who guessed that this might be the result, just smiled, patted his partner on the shoulder and walked away, doing what he should do. As for whether he could figure out what he would do. , then it’s not something you can decide.

After bidding farewell to these two friendly comrades, Malashenko planned to visit the field hospital. Although the leader's division only suffered negligible casualties of less than a hundred people in this rapid annihilation battle of making dumplings in front of the position, Logically speaking, we should not let the division commander and comrade who are busy with many things go down to inspect it in person, but Malashenko does have his own little calculation in mind, which he cannot yet explain clearly.

Counting it all together, Malashenko remembered the last time he and Anya were alone together, even if they just sat on the grass and talked without doing anything, it was at least half a year ago. In these few months of constant busyness, the little girl had almost completely forgotten about her.

This is not to say that our Comrade Ma is a scumbag, lying to Malashenko, who deliberately hangs on the relationship and true love of a little girl, and is burned by the war running around all day long. He really doesn't care. These sons and daughters love each other for a long time.

Not to mention chatting with Anya, but just writing a reply to Natalya, who regularly writes home letters every month and expresses love and longing for her constantly. Malashenko reminds himself every day that "I must write tonight" and insists on procrastinating. After more than half a month, I finally found an opportunity, filled a piece of paper with eloquent writing, stuffed a few recent and unclassified battlefield photos into an envelope and mailed it back.

If you really want to say why Malashenko can care about this girl Anya, then we all have to rely on the kind reminder of our political commissar.

"I said you should take some time to see the girl when you are free. The stinking dirty clothes on your body have been kindly washed for you four or five times. Several times when I left the headquarters camp, I saw the girl far away. Look here, I spent all my precious rest time standing guard just to take a look at you from a distance. Don’t you feel embarrassed that your sweetheart has been cheated? "


Walking on the road to the field hospital, recalling the above comments made by Comrade Political Commissar, Malashenko still felt uncomfortable, and he could not help but hold the small items he had prepared in his pocket tighter.

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