Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2160 Where is your dean?

Chapter 2165 Where is your dean?

"This way! Carry the seriously injured here. Stages 3 and 4 will be free immediately. Prepare for surgery immediately. Hurry!"

"Plasma, go get some plasma! There's not enough here, Sharapova, go quickly.

"Another batch of wounded has arrived, still from the 267th Division. Is there room on the operating table?"

To say what Malashenko's first feeling was after arriving at the field hospital, it can probably only be described as "chaotic, very fucking chaotic, just a complete mess."

But don’t get me wrong, this kind of chaos is just the kind of chaos where people are crowded, loud, and very noisy. It belongs to order in chaos and cannot be confused with the headless chaos. These are two completely different things. .

He was wearing an ordinary and wrinkled tank soldier's combat uniform, and in his hand was a black tank cap that he had taken off his head. It is really difficult to attract people's attention in the way Malashenko is dressed. If you look at him from a distance in a crowd, he is just an ordinary soldier who will not make people want to take a second look. People who recognize their comrade will behave differently.

"Hello, Comrade Commander."

"Welcome to inspect, comrade division commander."


Everyone in the field hospital has their own busy work at hand, and they only passed Malashenko's salute and greetings in a hurry for a second or two, and there was no one on Malashenko's side. With exception, everyone returned the favor, and soon someone came to receive them.

"Comrade Commander, you are here. I'm really sorry. We are really busy right now and have kept you waiting here for so long."

The person who came was a middle-aged man over forty years old. Malashenko was quite familiar with him. He was Karachev's deputy and the second-in-command of the field hospital, Comrade Vice President.

"It doesn't matter. The leader does not engage in formalism and bureaucracy. I am also a soldier on the battlefield. Just treat me like an ordinary soldier. There is no need to be special."

When others say this, they may be lying and shouting slogans, and they may even be stabbed in the back behind their backs and scolded for being hypocritical and pretentious.

But what Malashenko said is different. Anyone who leads a division must know that comrade division commander can really "walk the talk". Not showing off as a general has always been one of the greatest characteristics of comrade division commander. This is true.

However, Malashenko did not come here specifically for instruction and guidance. This is indeed one of the responsibilities of division leaders, but it is not the time to do it now. Malashenko has more important things to do. To do.

"Where is your dean? Where are the others, Karachev?"

"Oh, Comrade Dean is performing an operation. He has been in there for a while. It should be over soon. Do you want me to go and inform you?"

In fact, just by looking at Comrade Vice President's hands wearing a pair of bloody gloves, you can tell that the current state of the field hospital is that the president takes the lead in the charge, and all the medical staff will copy you, regardless of whether you are the director or the deputy president. Even if I can’t fuck you, is it possible that you are better than the dean? That's what healthy leadership does.

"No, life is at stake and saving people is important. I will inspect the wounded first and tell him to come to me after he gets off the operating table. Oh, by the way, there is one more thing."

At this point, his words suddenly stopped, and Comrade Ma, who had been speaking fluently and fluently just now, suddenly became a little awkward, as if he didn't know how to speak for a moment. In fact, he had never seen Comrade Ma, who had always been calm and composed, become like this. The deputy dean looked at him with big eyes and small eyes.

Although it was a bit difficult to say, to be honest, it was not something that could not be said at all. After thinking for a while and organizing his words, Malashenko quickly spoke again.

"Is Anya busy at the moment? I want to meet her."


When Comrade Vice-President heard this, he blinked twice and was confused for a moment.

How can a person who might become a vice-president be an ordinary person? What's more, it's a place like a field hospital where love stories in the military are easy to happen. Comrade Vice-President, who came back to his senses, quickly showed an expression that all male compatriots would understand, and then smiled and spoke.

"Comrade Anya is operating together with Comrade Dean. He is a seriously injured patient with extremely serious injuries. Burns, internal injuries, severe blood loss, internal bleeding, fractures and gunshot wounds can't be worse. He was still conscious when he was brought here. It’s a miracle. Comrade Dean called on the most capable people to personally lead the operation, and that’s what happened, Comrade Commander.”


It's not an accident at all. Malashenko had already guessed that Anya might be busy on the way here. It would be difficult to see Anya on call, so after hearing this, Malashenko's expression was... Not that unexpected.

However, the situation described by Comrade Vice President aroused Malashenko's interest, and Malashenko, who could probably guess who the wounded man was, spoke again.

"Is the wounded person from the 267th Division? An artillery second lieutenant?"

"Yes, Second Lieutenant Damir Islamov, this name is written on his ID card. How come you know him, Comrade Division Commander?"


It was indeed the first time Malashenko heard this name, but the key point of "a seriously injured artillery second lieutenant of the 267th Infantry Division" was enough to determine his identity. After all, a combat hero who could survive such an injury was It was really rare, not to mention that this person had just delivered the stretcher himself.

"I have no other requirements. We must save him. He led the entire anti-tank gun crew to fight against the Faschist tank cluster. In the end, only he survived, and the rest all died. At least let him survive on behalf of their heroic gun crew. Go down and give him the best post-operative recovery resources, and I will come to the hospital to learn more about his condition."

We try to save every comrade, but sometimes we cannot save everyone.

After bidding farewell to the vice-president, Malashenko was still savoring what the military doctor of the 267th Division said just now. Combining the situation in front of him, he seemed to be able to taste a different flavor.

If it weren't for him, would the artillery lieutenant have survived?

Will he create miracles with his tenacious willpower? Or was he unable to hold on and sacrificed while waiting for a surgical bed?

Malashenko didn't know the final answer to this question, but in line with the principle of saving every one he could, Lieutenant Damir still clutched the hand tightly in his blood-filled hands until he was carried on the stretcher. With the photo of the little girl, Malashenko can be sure that everything he has done must be worth it.

Heroes should always have the right to live, and all that is left to them should not be sacrifice.

"I hope you can survive and win the final victory just like the battle you stood at."

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