Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2161 “Just like Stalin”

Chapter 2166 "Just like Stalin"

Compared to the noisy and busy surgical waiting area and the severely injured area where most of the injured were unconscious or unable to speak, Malashenko found that it was much quieter when he came to the lightly injured area. It was indeed different. In another scene, the nearest bandaged soldiers were sitting on the edge of the tent, laughing and chatting.

"I really envy your leadership division, comrade. You use the best equipment, fight side by side with the best comrades, and have such good medical conditions. There is a reason why so many people are rushing to sign up and want to lead the division. "

"These are all secondary, comrade. The important thing is that we have the best comrade, the division commander, who leads everyone in our leadership division to unite. Whenever we charge into battle and risk our lives to fight the German Fascists, I You will remember that Comrade Commander is with us, fighting side by side with us to kill the enemy, which will give you infinite strength and an indescribable feeling."

"Oh, by the way, your division's equipment is like a tank with a small head that can hold many people in its belly. What on earth is that? Is it the latest equipment? Why have I never heard of it before?"

A group of soldiers who had just come off the line of fire gathered together, and they were talking about nothing more than the things that had just happened on the battlefield of life and death, which were all similar to the soldiers.

The few soldiers of the Leader Division in the lightly wounded area have almost become stars. The vast majority of soldiers of the 267th Division are full of curiosity about these elite friendly comrades.

Not only are there those "legends" about the leader, but there are also things that a soldier never leaves his hand even if he is injured and staying behind: the gun in his hand. These new rifles that have never been seen before are really better than human beings. An absolute star that also catches the eye.

"I have never seen this kind of gun. It looks like a German guy's new gadget, but ha, it must be made in our motherland. It feels powerful when you hold it in your hand! It's not like the German guy's crappy gadget, which is bloated and flashy. , it feels unreliable in the hand.”

The German STG44 has been on the battlefield for a long time. It is not unusual for the soldiers of the 267th Infantry Division to know or have seen this thing, but this is the first time they have seen their own AK.

The reason involved is also very simple. AK adopts a large-scale collective change route and uses them intensively to maximize combat effectiveness. The STG44 of the Germans is like spreading beans. This division is equipped with two companies, and the division is equipped with a battalion. The equipment changes are more scattered, and the chances of encountering them on the battlefield are naturally more, but the amount of encounters may be very small.

From trial production to now, AK has not really made a drastic ramp up of production capacity. The reasons involved are relatively complicated, but the result is that many front-line Red Army troops do not even know about it, let alone seeing or using it. I still have this new gun in service.

The low output and the priority given to elite units such as the leader division for trial use will naturally lead to a situation where "soldiers do not know how to use guns", which is not surprising.

The first wave of troops ordered by Malashenko to attack the German infantry on the left and right flanks and waist were all purely mechanized infantry riding on infantry fighting vehicles and following the medium tanks that opened the way. In the infantry combat sequence, apart from the tough guys of the combat engineers, the best AK is to replace the Mosin Nagant and popularize the whole class. It is the basic operation, and the SVT40 semi-automatic rifle and DP light machine gun can produce very good results.

After all, what the mechanized infantry pursues is the firepower advantage at the final assault distance starting within 300 meters. Beyond this distance, tanks and infantry fighting vehicles will escort you, and the main guns and machine guns will roar to clear the way. You don’t need to use your guns, and the firepower is not that good. It is natural that the Mosin-Nagant, which has useless range, is replaced, and there is nothing surprising about it.

Even in the rare cases where long-range light firepower is required to engage the gun, the long-range firepower of two SVT40s and one DP per squad is sufficient. This is just to prevent accidents and rare situations. The reality is that most of the time there is no need to shoot at long range. The Germans will be smashed into pieces by the AK within 300 meters, or they will be bombarded and swept into pieces when they are further away.

Watching everyone chatting enthusiastically, playing with the borrowed gun with great joy, Malashenko, who walked forward with a smile, also joined in. Joining the ranks, I began to personally understand the soldiers’ most intuitive and real feedback and battlefield feelings.

At the same time, on the other side, completely different from the situation of Malashenko's "observation of the military situation", the German command headquarters had just suffered a wave of super embarrassing defeats that "shocked Germany for a whole year" , but it looks like a scene of mourning for a deceased mother.

Even now, Major General Reinhard has not figured out why he confidently prepared the first wave of heavy troops for the attack, with up to 4 infantry battalions, 2 armored battalions, and a borrowed heavy tank destroyer. How the company's troops were able to defeat the Russians on the opposite side in such a short period of time was incomprehensible.

What's more, the whole army was actually annihilated in front of the enemy's position, and all their dignity was completely lost.

I can’t understand it, I really can’t understand it at all!

What the hell is wrong with this? Did the Russian guys across the street take some kind of super potion and do it? !

"We have eight staff officers and one chief of staff standing here. Why can't any one of them tell me what kind of evil the Russian guy opposite has been possessed by? What tricks did he use to defeat us in half an hour? so?!"

There is really nothing to say about asking a staff officer for battle situation analysis and post-war summary. It is the job of the staff officer.

However, as a military chief, being incompetent and furious at a time like this, commanding the troops to defeat the battle, and then yelling at a group of staff officers with loud noises, is somewhat contemptible.

If you have the guts, why don't you go quarrel with the Russian guy opposite? What's the point of leaving your own people alone? Let’s see if the Russian guy doesn’t give you any credit!

It's just that such words can only be muttered in the mind and will not be said directly. After all, this man is angry at the moment and no one is a fool.

Seeing that none of the staff officers standing in a circle in front of him said a word, Major General Reinhard became even more angry at this moment. With a roar, he rushed to his forehead and put the two drawing pencils in his hands on the table. The war zone map on the screen was slammed down hard, and another round of spittle and stars flying around began.

"Waste, a bunch of losers! No sense of honor! You only learned how to eat with a fork in the staff school. Pre-war predictions and post-war summaries are still waste. Your staff skills can really make the Russians on the opposite side laugh to death. ! Why didn’t someone pull all of you losers out, like Stalin did?”

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