Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2162 Send

Chapter 2167 Send

There are always things in this world that you can get mad at at will, but after you go crazy, you will find that it is of no use. At most, it will make you work in vain to relieve your anger.

Major General Reinhard is not a fool. Although he temporarily loses control of his emotions, he can recover quickly.

He also knew that there was no point in arguing like this. The anger was not gone but Major General Reinhard, who was always forcing himself to calm down, quickly calmed down the volcanic eruption of anger, and then turned around again to face behind him. This group of "foodies" spoke slowly.

"Have you found out the serial number of the Russian guy opposite? We can't figure out the pre-war estimate and post-war summary, so we should be able to find out the serial number of the Russian guy, right? Huh?"

Although he said this, in fact, even if these staff officers still didn't know everything, Major General Reinhard also admitted that the situation was already terrible, so making it worse is not unacceptable at all, right?

But fortunately, at least this group of "gibberish" who were being sprayed were not useless. The chief of staff quickly stepped forward and replied to Major General Reinhardt, who was waiting for an answer.

"This is the interrogation report of the prisoner of war captured last night. A Russian guy with a very tough mouth used all kinds of methods after waking up and has been interrogating until now, and he finally found out something valuable."

"He confessed that his unit number is the 267th Infantry Division, but this is not the point. The point is that their division's defense area has been reinforced by a heavy armored force. As expected, it should be the one we just encountered. branch. And the designation of this unit is also very special, it is the First Stalin Guards Division."

"The Stalin Division? That Iron Butcher's army!?"

Reinhardt's first reaction after hearing the chief of staff's briefing was shock, nothing more than shock.

The movement of his hand was also very simple. He quickly adjusted the prisoner of war interrogation report in his hand and quickly read it at a glance. After confirming that the words recorded on it were the same as those dictated by the chief of staff, he really had a look on his face. of helplessness.

"He turned out to be that Iron Butcher's army."

If the Major General Reinhard just now was still angry and furious because of the stupidity and incompetence of his subordinates and the unexpected defeat.

So at the moment, Reinhard's heart no longer had any of the emotions he had just now. It would not be an exaggeration to say that all that was left was a shiver down his spine and even a secret feeling of rejoicing.

Why are you happy, you ask?

Of course, he was lucky that the steel butcher didn't kill him and let him go.

Going back in time, the tragic destruction of the Grossdeutschland Division II was eventually leaked. Not only did it become known to the top brass in Berlin, but it even made it known to the German army on the front line. Everyone in the army knows and knows about it.

The mere destruction of the Grossdeutschland II was actually not too surprising. After all, up to this point in the war, there had already been a long list of German field divisions that had been annihilated by the Russians on the opposite side, even with their serial numbers. There are also a lot of wiped ones.

The Grossdeutschland II is certainly elite, but being elite does not mean it is invincible. Although being annihilated by the Russians will damage morale, it is not a shock.

But the key to the problem is that this time the Russians did not mobilize several times the number of troops to encircle and encircle the elite German field divisions as they did in the past, and then launched sieges from all directions to beat the Germans to death.

This time, the Russians used a division of troops to engage in a one-on-one battle with the Grossdeutschland Division II. Neither side had any supporting troops to join, thus destroying the balance.

But in this fair duel where the Germans seemed to have the upper hand, the so-called elite Grossdeutschland II was defeated completely and was completely helpless. It failed in a very short period of time, even within a day. It's too outrageous to not be able to survive it.

Moreover, the Grossdeutschland Division was not only defeated, but also suffered such a tragic end that the entire army was annihilated. It was a complete defeat, and even the pants were lost.

An elite field division of the National Defense Force was defeated by a Russian division in a one-on-one confrontation. It took a whole day to defeat them completely, and they could not even escape.

If it hadn't already happened, and if it hadn't been widely spread, most of the German soldiers and commanders would have thought it was some hellish joke.

But this is the fact. Whether you want to believe it or not, the fact is the fact, and this is independent of human subjective will.

And when the German soldiers who "shocked my mother for a whole year" learned which Soviet unit was responsible for this, their attitude towards the matter took a 180-degree turn. I thought, "Oh, that's it, that's not an accident, it's more normal."

After all, whether it was the "Iron Butcher" or the "Stalin Guards", the illustrious names were so loud that many front-line German soldiers heard that the culprits were Malashenko and him. After joining the army, they actually changed their attitude and felt that this matter was no longer so outrageous and abnormal. After experiencing the battle in which the "Viking Division" was completely wiped out, everyone can more or less accept this kind of "scoring twice" more easily.

What's more, the Grossdeutschland Division was completely wiped out by this group of Russians last time. At that time, it was still called I, and it was the peak period of its greatest strength. After that, the Grossdeutschland Division II, which was reorganized and put together from here and there, was destroyed again by the same group of people. If you can reason with your conscience, isn't this quite normal?

"Malashenko can actually be that Malashenko, that steel butcher!?"

Major General Reinhard was a little flustered. He turned his back on the group of subordinates behind him and walked a few steps away, muttering in a low voice. He kept mumbling to himself. He was really confused.

In fact, you can't blame Reinhard for this. Even if such a group of four SS soldiers appeared in Prokhorovka, they could not be wiped out. Later, they single-handedly destroyed the Viking Division, the Grossdeutschland I and the Grossdeutschland II. The evil spirit Maozi who had all been destroyed stood in front of people and said that he was honest. He was just burning newspapers on the grave - he was fooling the devil.

His own troops had already suffered a heavy blow. The first wave of attacking troops all rushed in. Before the second wave of attacking troops had time to enter the battlefield, they were paralyzed by the Russians' insidious interception fire. The losses of troops, especially the losses of precious technical weapons, have been very heavy.

Not to mention continuing to attack in this situation, the more he thought about it, the more Reinhard felt a chill running down his spine. He even began to worry. If the Russian fierce god opposite thought he was provoked and annoyed, the guy would take him with him without saying a word. What should I do if the ruthless people under my command come to kill me? Can the three melons and two dates left in my hand be able to stop it?

I can only say one word: send it.

??Brothers, it’s Friday. I went out to have a drink with my buddies in the evening. I’ll leave this post here first and add another one the day after tomorrow. I wish you all a happy weekend.



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