Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2163 The girl will be sad

Malashenko doesn't know what the situation is like on the German side now.

However, it is not easy for the Germans to gather a decent offensive and make a comeback after suffering such heavy casualties. After all, the first wave of attacking troops was wiped out by people who made dumplings in front of their positions, and the second wave of supporting troops were bombed without even touching the battlefield, ending up with their own dead eggs. The Germans also had to consider whether they still had the ability. Then deliver it.

"Comrade Commander, are you looking for me?"

Immediately after getting off the operating table, I immediately rushed to where Malashenko was. "Comrade Commander is waiting for me." In this case, you had to run all the way and rush over.

After a few words and a few more words, it came to an end. Seeing Karachev coming off the operating table without even having time to change his clothes, Malashenko also immediately said goodbye to the lightly wounded soldiers and began talking to Karachev. Walking out of the field hospital in step with her husband.

"How is the situation? Can the existing resources and manpower at hand still sustain it?"

The casualties of the 267th Infantry Division were quite large. The wounded were carried down one after another. Malashenko, who knew the seriousness of the situation, first asked about the situation of medical rescue.

Of course, regarding his own job, Karachev, who even had his mask hanging on his chin, answered without hesitation.

"Medical resources are sufficient, human resources are barely adequate, and surgeries still have to be queued up. I have summoned all the surgeons from our division's field hospital, but we still cannot fully cope with the situation."

"The good news is that the queue time is not long, and you can get to the operating table within 15 minutes on average. So far, it is still bearable. If we grit our teeth and hold on, more comrades will survive. If you keep your life, the hardships and hardships are nothing.”

The cost of casualties caused by competing with the Germans for the main defensive position was so great that even if the two divisional field hospitals of the 267th Infantry Division and the Leader's Division were combined together, they would not be able to arrange surgeries for all the seriously wounded at the first time. . The surgical schedule can only be fully and reasonably optimized according to the different injuries, priorities, and time factors.

Under such premise, although there are still injured people who have to wait for the operating table to be free, the time has been compressed to an average of fifteen minutes. For the casualties after a bloody battle between infantry and infantry for positions and trenches, this speed of treatment is already quite impressive. After hearing this answer, Malashenko also nodded with satisfaction. .

"Well, just do your best and don't put too much mental burden on me. In the past, I believed in your ability and sense of responsibility, so I handed over the field hospital to you, and it still remains the same today."

Although he is extremely responsible, talented and capable, Kalachev is still a young man. Malashenko understands that the pressure on Kalachev will not be less than his own.

He is responsible for the lives of the entire division's commanders and fighters, while Karachev is responsible for saving the lives of any commanders and fighters sent to him.

The trust of life is more important than Mount Tai. The feeling of having your trusted and familiar comrades and comrades put their lives in your hands, and the sense of responsibility to live up to the trust that is always engraved in your heart. Malashenko is convinced that the relationship between himself and Karachev can feel the same.

After knowing each other for so long, Malashenko has already understood what kind of person Karachev is and knows that he will never give up easily on any fighter who can still be saved. So even though Kalachev is still an American, Malashenko has long regarded him as his close comrade-in-arms and comrade.

"By the way, I heard from the vice-president that you are looking for Anya, right? I have already told her, but it will take a while. The nurse on the operating bed next door is a novice, and that group of people is too busy. Anya originally followed I came along, but when I saw the situation, I left halfway to help her. How about you wait for her? The operation is already halfway through, I guess she will be here in less than half an hour."

Kalachev, who grew up in the United States, is still different from a real Soviet, even though he is of Russian descent.

For example, he is more accustomed to chatting and joking with Malashenko as a friend. He is not always more or less respectful to his division commander and comrades like most people, but this does not mean that Karachev has feelings for Malashenko. It is simply the environment in which he grew up that shaped his character in working with others.

It just so happens that Malashenko is also a "rough man" who doesn't stick to trivial matters. If he is served by people all day long and engages in formalism, it will make Malashenko deeply uncomfortable. , feeling uncomfortable all over.

So after hearing Karachev's light-hearted suggestion, Malashenko also changed his mood and spoke with a smile.

"No need, I'll just come back some other time when I have time. You can say sorry to her on my behalf. It's really not the right time to see Anya at this time. I was just acting on a whim."

After hearing this, Karachev smiled, and in the United States, he fell in love with the daughter of a pharmaceutical company boss, and he still maintains a stable cross-border relationship, which makes the wealthy daughter miss Karachev across the Pacific Ocean all day and night. , that is a first-class love master.

Even if Malashenko's experience was based on two memories from his past and present lives, he would probably be tied with Karachev at best.

Malashenko had known for a long time that this boy had a lot to spend when he was in college. He had targeted the daughter of a big boss of a pharmaceutical company in order to help him develop his career in the future, but something unexpected happened in his life later. Came to the Soviet Union.

There's something to be said for him. His foresight in life investment at such a young age has completely blown away countless heads of young men in heat. It's not bragging to say that Karachev has both high EQ and IQ.

"You will make the girl sad. You have just stirred up her emotions, and you ran away. From what I understand, Anya may cry again tonight. This is no joke."

Of course Malashenko knew what he meant to Anya. His first love was a hero whom he admired wholeheartedly. For a young girl in Huaichun, that was 500% critical damage. Speaking of happiness and satisfaction, that was true. Yes, but it also means having to endure more that is hard to predict. There is an equal sign between what you get and what you endure.

I also know better that what Karachev said about this situation is probably true and he is not lying, but there are many times when he is so helpless and has no choice.

"The division headquarters is still waiting for me to return. It's been long enough since I went to the battlefield and then came to the field hospital. I have no other choice."

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