Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2170 Going to the Dead Gladly

Chapter 2175 Going to the Dead Gladly

Malashenko has no time to care about other things now. He doesn't even have time to look back at how the battle for the position behind him is going. Google search reading

Compared with the almost no-suspense battle in which the overall situation has been decided and only a moderate amount of more troops need to be invested, the fat will be swallowed up. What Malashenko really cares about is that he must not let go of the German thugs in front of him. Run.

As long as the rear retreat has not been cut off, the German army's defeat can be a rout rather than annihilation, and the meat in the mouth may be a gecko's tail instead of a whole fat pig.

Malashenko didn't want to spend so much effort and use all the existing troops of the division to go into battle. In the end, he only got some shredded meat stuck between his teeth and beat the teeth as a sacrifice. This was not what Malashenko wanted.

The best result is to completely kill this group of Germans who dare to dance with guns and sticks in front of him, and send all those who are unwilling to surrender to him physically. Of course, this is also the ultimate goal of Malashenko, who is in a hurry and leads the team in roundabout ways.

"Every vehicle crew should keep up the speed and keep up! We have crossed more than half of the distance. We must annihilate this group of fascist thugs here!"

After a series of actual combat performances, I understood that IS4 is the biggest shortcoming that affects the attack speed of the troops in high-speed maneuver combat. Malashenko, who holds the power of equipment selection for the leader division, promptly stopped the installation of more IS4 heavy tanks and changed all new supplementary tank requirements to IS6: the most cutting-edge second batch of standard improved IS6 Heavy tanks.

This is not to say that IS4 is not a good vehicle. On the contrary, IS4 has the mobility to fully meet the basic combat needs of heavy tanks, and its firepower is sufficient to cope with most combat situations it can encounter. As for armor protection, it is even more important. It is an absolute ceiling level that makes people have no choice.

There is only one most important reason for IS4 to stop receiving equipment and be eliminated from the leader division's new equipment receiving sequence: IS6's mobility performance is much better.

As the battle continued to advance and deepen, Malashenko increasingly discovered that the leader had learned from the past of putting out fires and plugging leaks, and began to deepen and develop towards high-speed penetration, pursuit and interception operations.

If we look specifically at equipment attributes, it is that in the past battles focused on firepower and defense, but now the battle requirements are beginning to tilt towards mobility attributes, and the demand is getting bigger and bigger.

Therefore, IS4's maneuverability is not unqualified. Its biggest problem is that it cannot keep up with the battle rhythm of IS6, which occupies an absolute majority and is the backbone of the leader division.

Of course, the lack of an overwhelming performance advantage compared to the IS6 is also a secondary reason. The slightly better protection is difficult to cover up the "flaw" of greater mobility shortcomings. What Malashenko wants is more Quickly and fatally intercept German sticks on the battlefield, preferably without leaving the enemy a chance to escape.

"Fast" is not up to standard, and "deadly" is not outstanding enough in comparison. Then IS4 is indeed "tasteless to eat and a pity to discard" at least for the leader. Therefore, keeping the existing IS4 on hand and stopping subsequent new installations is the best way that can be thought of at present.

The brand-new "Elite Premium Car" is the IS7. As a superior replacement, it can completely replace the IS4's equipment positioning. Compared with the IS6, it has an overwhelming and absolute performance advantage in all aspects.

As a "leader teacher trial transitional exploration equipment", IS4 has indeed completed her mission outstandingly and can gradually fade away in glory.

One of the final results of this is that IS4 can rarely be seen in the equipment sequence of the leader division nowadays. IS6s lined up in groups and galloping wildly on the snowy fields are the most popular ones at the moment. A real sight.

"Damn! Those Russians are too fast! Their heavy tanks are as fast as our medium tanks. We must stop them!"

The Germans did not sit back and wait for death. They mobilized all the remaining armor forces on hand to intercept and block the enemy horizontally. This was the German army's final response to the leader's division's high-speed penetration and roundabout.

"The German armored forces! Ten o'clock direction, coming towards us! Prepare to fight!"

Those newly arrived IS7s are not able to immediately deploy troops to form combat effectiveness, let alone participate in the current battle. This is probably Malashenko's biggest regret at the moment.

After all, it would be too unrealistic for you to put a new gadget on the battlefield that can't even be driven straight and whose equipment performance you haven't mastered at all. It's not like a tank like Red Alert that can charge everywhere immediately after it's built.

But regrets are regrets, and regret does not mean weakness. There is no inevitable connection between the two and they cannot be equated. For example, if a large group of IS6s fight against a patchwork of Black Panthers and No. 4s, it will still be the same. It is a sure-fire way to smash a walnut with a hammer, without any ambiguity.

"Armor-piercing ammunition reloading!"


"Keep it locked!"

"Armor-piercing bullets are good!"



To deal with the weakly armored but fast No. 4 No. 4, there is no need for high-explosive grenades. Full-caliber armor-piercing grenades with better accuracy, higher muzzle velocity, and the ability to absolutely take away a truckload of German guns once hit are obviously a better choice. .



"Cars 112 and 113 were destroyed, damn it! 114, get out of the way, the Russians are aiming and bombing,"

"Ferek! Oh my God, Ferek!"

"This is pure massacre! The Russians' vehicles are much better than ours, and most of the tanks will be lost before we get close!"

"Shut up! Keep going! If we stop here, everything will be over! Go around to the side of the Russians, we still have a chance!"

With asymmetric firepower and protection advantages, it is natural for the heavy tank troops of the Leader Division to be the first to stop during simultaneous maneuvers between the enemy and ourselves, enter the combat firing position, and fire first.

One after another, the No. 4s and Panthers were penetrated through the armor one after another, their heads were blown off, and everyone was turned upside down. The entire radio channel was filled with the German army's noisy words of anxiety, panic, and even trembling and timidity.

Serious equipment disadvantages gave the German medium tanks a speed advantage in the air, but they were unable to fully utilize this advantage to seize the firing position and fire first. A single shot was useless and the sound was useless. When they saw the Russians on the opposite side. When using IS6, you should have such a clear understanding and stop doing useless work.

The armor is not enough to withstand the powerful and ferocious firepower. Once hit, as long as the bullet does not ricochet, death is certain. Stopping and firing head-on with the enemy becomes a pure act of seeking death. Behavior.

The only way for the Germans was to use their meager mobility advantage to face the enemy's powerful direct fire and try to get around them.

But the situation of the next battle is still not satisfactory.

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