Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2171 A roundabout attack

Chapter 2176 A roundabout attack

"Every unit maintains its firepower output and focuses its fire on high-threat targets first! Oskin, it's your turn to take the stage. Stop those Fascists!"

Alexander Povlovik Oskin, this is the "treasure" that Malashenko named, and he is also a supplement to the few important people who did not ask for equipment. Google search reading

This Slavic superman who once drove a T3485 bicycle to kill three German King Tigers in the existing history, and then escaped unscathed and ran away after pretending to be forced, was transferred by Malashenko in a "demand" manner. After joining the leadership division, he is now the captain commander of the medium tank battalion of the 1st Guards Heavy Combined Brigade.

That's right, Comrade Lao Ma was promoted, and he was promoted directly from lieutenant to captain as soon as he was transferred.

"Don't worry. I think you can do it, so you should do it. Give yourself some confidence. I, Malashenko, rarely make mistakes. This applies to you too, so do your best."

There is no unnecessary criticism. The reason for promotion is so simple and crude. The promotion from lieutenant to captain is made by the division organization that leads the division. There is no need to ask for instructions from above. In other words, it is Comrade Ma’s own words. thing.

"The last time he said this to someone was probably to Comrade Kalashnikov. Comrade division commander has a bold personality and always speaks his mind. It may take you some time to get used to it, but it doesn't matter. It's right to lead the troops entrusted to you. His greatest reward.”

The words Comrade Deputy Division Commander said to him are still echoing in the mind of Comrade Oskin, who sticks to his position as commander. The sweat beads on his forehead unknowingly fall down again, leaving a longer trail of sweat. .

"I have to prove myself and prove that I have the ability to lead this army. I didn't get all this through a backdoor relationship!"

He does not mean that.

A newcomer who was transferred to lead the division was directly given the position of battalion commander as soon as he arrived. He was also favored by the division commander comrades and sat calmly. It must be false to say that the person involved was not under any psychological pressure, even if it was someone else. Even if you don’t tell me, you have to wonder: Behind the scenes, I don’t know how many people are questioning whether we are using a back door or a trust relationship. It may be a lost relative of our teacher comrade.

Comrade Oskin, who was quite uneasy, went to carry out Malashenko's order with such a state of mind.

But don't think that this will disrupt his thoughts and affect the battle. A fierce man like him who can fight from 1941 to 44 in one breath and survive with all his body parts is a ruthless character.

Oskin, who has been favored by Malashenko and entrusted with important tasks, certainly knows what he should do now.

"Go at full speed! Go along the lowland reverse slope, don't give the Germans a window to shoot, don't stop without orders, charge!"

The terrain of the battle is indeed an endless snowfield, which is extremely suitable for large groups of armored soldiers to spread out and engage in decisive battles on the plains.

But the plain does not mean "leveling it to the bottom". If you really want this effect, you should build a concrete platform covering an area of ​​100 square kilometers to fight. That is the real "leveling it to the bottom", you can play whatever you want.

I had been observing the terrain as I followed the large troops forward. Although I was a little confused that the division commander did not ask the medium tanks to lead the way, I couldn't fully understand the tactics of the leading division, which were completely different from traditional tank troops. , but Oskin has always felt that sooner or later there will be a time when he will play, and it is always right to observe the terrain and keep it in mind.

Now, it happened that his previous terrain observation came in handy.

It is not the best choice to head towards the German interception direction, nor is it a wise move to stand in the middle of the line of fire of your own heavy tanks against the German car.

Oskin, who was directing his medium tank battalion to advance at full speed, was rushing along the undulating slope of the reverse slope.

There was no other purpose, just to avoid the Germans' line of fire and vision.

Even if the Germans could see something in their panic, they would at most see enemy tanks racing forward behind the incline at high speed, rising and falling erratically, with the corner of the turret exposed from time to time. If you want to seize this kind of shooting window to complete the kill when the direct hit is in progress, the German guy really wouldn't be able to do it if he wasn't an Aryan superman.

The heavy tank group led by Malashenko maintained strong fire suppression in place. The German troops who tried to make a side attack were still maintaining relatively high-speed horizontal maneuvers. It seemed that they were about to achieve success. After suffering huge losses, they were almost ready to gain something. time, but sudden surprises are always unexpected.

"Tank! Another Russian armored unit, oh my gosh, that's our Panther??? Red stars painted on the turret???"

The white IFF stars are too inconspicuous in winter. Since we are going to use captured vehicles, we need to avoid accidental attacks by friendly forces and make the IFF stars more eye-catching. So on the basis of the white and green winter camouflage, I directly applied a red star that would slightly destroy the camouflage effect.

With the white and green camouflage background, the huge red star is indeed quite eye-catching, but it is the huge red star on the turret that really shocked the German armored soldiers.

"Black Panther II, so many Panther IIs! Behind them is the Russian T43, what's going on?!"

"Shut up! Attack quickly, that's the Russian's captured car! We're about to be flanked by two sides!"

"I was hit! Fire and abandon"


Suddenly leading the team to accelerate from the reverse slope to the uphill position, Oskin fought his way out without giving the enemy a chance.

The moment it stopped, it was the opportunity to fire. The Black Panther 2's super-long fishing rod barrel sprayed out flames. This full-caliber armor-piercing projectile, which was not so confident, finally accurately hit the target. At a distance of less than 500 meters, the leader of the vehicle was killed. Two dozen German Panthers of the same model blew up the car on the spot, bursting into flames.

"Each vehicle crew is in combat position. Quick! Attack the flanks of Fasis immediately and open fire with armor-piercing shells!"

One after another, the Panther 2s came out of the reverse slope to stop, and together with the slightly slower T43 behind them, they responded with maximum firepower output towards the enemy who was absolutely sure of hitting it.

The German tanks, which were still maneuvering at high speed and pointed their turrets in the direction of Malashenko's main force, were completely unprepared for the surprise attack coming from the opposite side of the vehicle body behind the turret. They were killed on the spot by a knife in the back. He was caught off guard and suffered heavy casualties.

Using the medium-tank-level maneuverability of the IS6 to carry out high-speed penetration was only Malashenko's first move.

Of course, Comrade Lao Ma knew that the enemy Germans still had remnants of armor in their hands, and he also knew that the Germans would not just sit back and wait for death, but would definitely try to resist death.

The IS6's high-speed maneuver is enough to force the Germans to use armored troops to intercept it. This is the only way to keep up with the IS6's high-speed penetration rhythm and implement an effective rather than fatal attack.

But if you use inferior troops to intercept my superior troops, that's fine. I will disperse another unit with higher mobility on the basis of interspersed detours, and then carry out a second detour of nesting dolls on your intercepting armored force. Double teaming, this is the battle plan planned early in the morning.

If you have the ability, you can disperse your inferior troops and try to intercept them a second time, but Malashenko can bet a box of vodka and said: This will only make your German guy die faster.

Of course, a frontal attack can destroy the Germans' remaining armored force, but double-teaming on the left and right can make the Germans enter destruction faster. This is in line with Malashenko's combat philosophy of striving for a quick battle.

The only unexpected situation was that Oskin's troops were not noticed by the Germans because of their meticulous observation of the terrain and because they were at the back of the main force when the fire was exchanged. He chose a very concealed roundabout path on a slope and reverse slope, and finally, without encountering any fire resistance, he hit the German's other flank with a straight shot and dealt a heavy blow.

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