Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2172 Scored twice

Chapter 2177 Scored twice

It cannot be said that the German army deliberately failed to lose and did not offer any resistance at all. From a literal point of view, these German armored soldiers who can really be regarded as "brave" tried their best, but the final result was just that they were beaten. Brother, "Be obedient and let me see."

Don't want to see it? I don't know who can be blamed. After being released from the seal by Comrade Lao Ma, he was knocked down with a single punch using his father's iron fist. This was the result as it should have been, no surprise at all.

The only remaining German armored soldiers surrendered. With the fear of death and the hope of surviving, they held up some local materials in this or that way, and even pulled out their white shirts and temporarily picked them at the end of their submachine guns and tore them into pieces. A white flag poked out from the open turret hatch, signaling a ceasefire.

Immediately behind them were the German armored soldiers who were pouring beans out of bamboo tubes one after another, tremblingly getting out of the car and raising their hands in surrender.

"We have laid down our weapons and have no intention of becoming enemies with the Soviet army anymore. We have ceased fire! We are the armored forces of the Wehrmacht. Please give us reasonable and fair treatment as prisoners."

Some of the German armored troops who came out to surrender spoke Russian. Although it was not standard, their voices were very loud. The words they shouted floated far away in the northwest wind, enough to be heard by many people.

"Then what are the Germans shouting? They are holding white flags and dancing.

"I don't know, he probably called his mother and ran away with the wild man. If he has a mother, hahahahahahaha"

"Where does he have a mother? He is a pure fascist bastard. Even his wild father doesn't know where he jumped out of the toilet."


The radio channel was full of veterans who had experienced many battles, joking and laughing at the words that made them unworthy of their opponents. Malashenko was not interested in joining this tea party and just picked up the radio transmitter in his hand. Bring it to your mouth and then calmly give the order.

"One platoon of infantry is left, and the infantry fighting vehicles are also left behind. The remaining units continue to move forward. Our mission is not over yet."

The short and rapid armored encounter was indeed won, but the tactical goal of "complete the roundabouts, cut off the enemy's retreat, annihilate or force the enemy to surrender" has not yet been achieved, and this is the most important thing.

Malashenko, who knew this clearly, was just asking the soldiers to continue moving forward as usual and not to be hindered by the small results in front of them.

The brigade of Red Army tanks continued to advance under the eyes of the enemy who had ceased fire and surrendered. The German armored soldiers with their hands held high and holding white flags did not dare to act rashly at all. The black hole visible to the naked eye and the muzzle of the giant cannon could tear apart even the armor ruthlessly. What's more, they are all mortals, and the Russians can kill all of them instantly with just a flick of their fingers.

"Are they going to kill us? Run right over us???"

The words of panic and trembling are not just the thoughts of one person, but the common thoughts of almost all the surrendered German armored soldiers, but there are still a small number of people who are trying to cheer up their comrades.

"If you want to kill us, you have already killed us. Those medium tanks are faster and closer. Why do we have to wait for the heavy tanks to rush up and crush us into mincemeat?"

"Maybe you're right, I hope so."

What the real result will be will be revealed soon. The three infantry fighting vehicles, which were faster and had indeed received the order to move forward quickly, were the first to rush in front of the German armored soldiers and brake to a stop. .

"Get out of the car and move quickly! Catch those fascists!"

"You, raise your hands higher! Don't lower your wrists below your head, now!"

"Throw the gun away, don't use it as a flagpole! It doesn't work without the magazine inserted, throw it away immediately!"

The mechanized infantrymen who spoke Russian dispersed their formation as soon as they got off the vehicle and shouted orders at the surrendered German armored soldiers.

Most Germans don't understand Russian, and that's okay. There are people among them who can understand Russian who will translate for them.

"Do as they say, throw away the gun quickly! Don't keep the knife, this is your final warning!"

This German armored soldier who understands Russian is obviously a master. Not only can he understand and speak, but the translated orders he relays are also effective on the spot. Those German armored soldiers who are pointed at the black hole of the gun are counted one by one. Do it all immediately.

"Yeah, that's it. Hands up, line up now, get over there, hurry up!"

The German soldiers who did not dare to move and only dared to follow the instructions shakily tried to line up in a row, but some people blocked the way while raising their hands to move, and they happened to stop the soldiers who were rushing forward. The heavy tanks were nearby and getting in the way.

"Get out of the way! Get away! I don't have time to get out of the car and capture you personally, so get out of the way!"

On the only special heavy tank that was larger in size and obviously different in shape from all other tanks, a tall man with half of his body leaning out of the turret was speaking fluent German to those who were looking at him. The German armored soldiers who were about to block the way shouted loudly, but this made the other German armored soldiers who were not blocking the way to watch the fun and not think it was a big deal.

"Who is that person? Tanks are special."

"I don't know. I do recognize the words written on the turret. It's about revenge for so and so, someone. It should be."

"Shut your mouths and stop mumbling! There are Russians everywhere. If you want to die, don't hurt others!"


Malashenko couldn't hear the whispers of the German prisoners who were not too far away. The working noise of the super powerful Red Navy torpedo boat engine of IS7 had covered everything up. All the thoughts of the division commander were already focused on He had no time to worry about closing the detour as quickly as possible.

"Very good. If no new Germans come to die, the Germans will no longer have mobile troops available and fast enough to stop us."

"The detour closure point is just ahead, and the progress on Varosha is going well. The cage is basically closed, and now it's time to kill the pigs in the cage. Get the knife ready."

Taking advantage of the relatively free time at this moment, Malashenko quickly took out the small map of the war zone he carried with him and took a look at it. He found that based on the speed of advancement and the time consumed, the distance between the troops and the pre-marked mark on the map was The closing point of the roundabout is only a stone's throw away.

In other words, if the Germans cannot draw out new troops to die within two or three minutes, Malashenko's predetermined tactical goal will be achieved: to complete high-speed roundabouts, using the frontal battlefield and weak defenses on the left and right wings The way of attacking from the side and behind directly into the weak point formed a three-sided attack on the Germans, with enemies from the front and back.

To put it bluntly, this is actually an enlarged and enhanced version of the dumpling-making battle in front of the position just now. The tactics are similar, but the results are the same: the German army, which has almost no resistance to the powerful technical and tactical capabilities of the leader division, will usher in a repeat as usual. The version was destroyed once again.

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