Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2173 The Maker of Tough Jobs

Chapter 2178 The Harsh Job Maker

"We have arrived at the intended target area, but there is not a single German stick here. What should we do now?"

You can say that the German guy has no work to do by pulling his hips, and of course you can also say that Malashenko has overestimated the enemy's ability to work. Anyway, these two descriptions have the same meaning: there is indeed no trace of anything at the final roundabout closing point. The organized and organized German army set up defenses to resist. Strictly speaking, not even a German deserter was seen who was so frightened that he raised his hands to surrender. Google search reading

"Continue to the next step, don't stop! The detour is completed, the return is not done yet, now go back and send these fascists on their way!"

Detours and detours are not Malashenko’s stated tactical goal.

Penetrating the front, back, sides and rear of the German army and reaching the predetermined target point can only be considered half of the process. The remaining half is of course to fight back. As for whether to fight until the entire army is annihilated or to fight until surrender, this is not what Malashenko wants. One person can say it, but it depends on whether the German gunman who is nesting in the position with the sound of artillery fire not far away cherishes his life.

It is worth mentioning that Malashenko's roundabout trip did not meet up with the Varosha brigade troops at the other end.

Strictly speaking, this battle is not an encirclement, but a roundabout operation between two forces on the left and right with basically equal strength. The first phase of the mission is completed when they reach their respective roundabout marking points.

The goal of the remaining second phase of the mission is also the same: continue to fight back, use a powerful assault force to penetrate from the weakest defense position of the Germans, and capture all the remaining chips in the Germans' hands that can continue to perform "hard work". fall, and then declare the final victory of this battle.

Compared with a single-direction frontal attack that gathers all offensive capabilities, Malashenko coordinated all the forces in his hands, unified command, and made a combat deployment of three routes, two detours, and a frontal attack. Of course, it makes sense.

Even players who have played a basic FPS game know that you feel more comfortable if you keep a gun line and shoot with one person, or if you are facing someone in front of you, you feel more comfortable if your buttocks are stabbed at the same time or shot from three sides. , this is a very simple question that can be imagined with a little thought.

Furthermore, a leader division with a large force, sufficient strength, and a combat capability equal to that of a corps-level unit cannot deploy all its troops on the frontal battlefield at once while maintaining optimal combat efficiency.

Everyone knows the principle of marginal effect. When the troops invested in a frontal battlefield with a fixed width reaches a certain upper limit, if you continue to invest more troops in this limited battlefield width, you can indeed gain gains and further enhance your offensive energy, but The return ratio between this investment and feedback reporting is very low.

And after the battlefield width reaches saturation, the more you continue to invest, the lower it will be. Continuing to pile up numbers is very meaningless unless it is really necessary. Of course, it is also an easy mistake in high-intensity mechanized operations of large corps. One question, the key depends on what is the optimal upper limit for saturation of this troop input.

This needs to be explored in actual combat after the synthetic adaptation that is completely different from the previous one is completed, at least in theory, this is the step-by-step sequence.

After all, after the completion of fully mechanized support, the combined operations of various arms are very different from traditional operations.

Naturally, the saturation issue of how much troops should be invested in a certain battlefield width cannot be copied mechanically based on previous experience, and everything must be re-explored. In theory, you will have to pay a price during the exploration process, and you will gain experience and make improvements by gaining wisdom or lessons learned. At least in theory, this is the case, but this theory does not work for Comrade Ma.

Malashenko, who has a "collection of cheat codes" from the future in his head, is already familiar with the theories, tactics, essentials and codes of mechanized combined arms combat.

After all, it was a very complete and reliable set of all the valuable exploration experiences accumulated and preserved by the Soviet military in later generations, which spanned the entire Cold War and the decades and generations before its disintegration. s things.

Even some shameful juniors once again used this set of things discovered by their ancestors to launch the eleventh Stalinist assault on the Nazis.

As a result, due to various deceptive reasons such as the leader's lack of determination, hasty preparation of combat plans and underestimation of the enemy, he was branded with a big "bad" character and poor strategic performance. But they can still defeat the Nazis on the frontal tactical battlefield until they dare not leave the city to fight in the field and cannot take care of themselves.

To be honest, if the work on the top is not done well and the bottom is still like this, it is enough to show that some tactical things are really useful.

Malashenko took such a set of things that are still very useful after decades, and if he takes them now and tinkers with them according to local conditions and practicality, then he can really beat the crap out of him and stop it. Keep running thin, this is no joke.

If the frontal battlefield is not wide enough and too many troops are invested, will it be saturated? It doesn't matter, I'll just do frontal strong attacks and penetrations.

No one said that the battlefield width cannot be expanded manually. I will open two more battlefields behind your German sticks. That is also called battlefield width. I can still put the most effective troops into them, thereby maximizing the acceleration of you magicians. Death of a Hiss Thug.

Moreover, I, Malashenko, also know exactly what is the threshold for the highest effectiveness of investing in mechanized heavy troops. What are you Nazi fascist idiots going to do to fight me? Look, I will beat you all back into your mother's womb right now!

The non-stop Malashenko smoothly integrated all the tactical arrangements. The infantry that broke into the front line of the position and the enemies who came over from the front battlefield caused the situation to be in chaos and reinforcements were overwhelmed. The German guy soon made a shocking discovery.

The two heavy Russian troops that had just penetrated the edge of the position and sent in a large number of infantry were now coming back from both the left and right rear directions at the same time.

He was beaten from the front, to the front left, to the front right, and the rear left and right rears were about to be beaten, and they were more vicious than the three directions in front of him, like a spiraling beating from his mother.

The width of the battlefield has been expanded to the point where it is almost a circular encirclement of the entire German defense block. It is almost like where there is a German defensive position, then there is a battlefield, and it is already or will be a battlefield soon.

At the moment when the real battlefield situation was fully understood, Major General Reinhardt in the half-buried command post was like a puppet with its strings cut off. He could not stand firmly, staggered, and instantly collapsed behind him. On the chair, he was still mumbling words that even he himself didn't know the meaning of.

"It's too fast. How could this happen? Why on earth is it so fast? Why?"

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