Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2180 Our Comrades

Chapter 2185 Our Comrades

How to tell the workers about this was the most important thing that Malashenko had been thinking about on the way there. 6̳̳

As part of the defenders of the motherland, these dedicated workers are just fighting on a battlefield without gunpowder smoke. What they do with all their strength in the rear is no different from what the Red Army on the front lines fight for their lives. In terms of importance alone, it can be said to be equally important. We cannot simply say that workers are inferior because they do not have to risk their lives in the rear. This is obviously inappropriate.

However, the problem lies precisely here.

In any case, the rear area responsible for military production is not like those on the front line, where they have to risk their lives all the time to fight with the fascist enemies.

The job of these comrades workers does not include bloody battlefields. Although their loyalty to the motherland and their sense of honor as builders of communism are unquestionable, Malashenko cannot guarantee that they are really willing to put their heads in their belts. , follow the troops to the front line and fight bloody battles.

What if someone doesn’t want to?

Can I still force others to recruit me by force?

This is obviously unrealistic.

Being willing to help you go to the battlefield is a sign of love, and it is your duty to only help you guide the use of teaching equipment but not to use it on the battlefield. Malashenko, who understands this, is still unwilling to take any coercive measures. The worst result is nothing more than the lack of TOS-1 The crew is unable to participate in the battle. In terms of the current overall situation, it can only be regarded as the "icing on the cake" missing.

Without the addition of TOS-1, the next battle can be fought without fail and the victory is guaranteed. However, although he clearly has a very powerful weapon in his hand that can definitely reduce his own casualties and win the battle faster, he has been unable to use it. This makes Mara Shen Ke felt somewhat imperfect in his heart, but that was all.

"You don't look right. Are you worried about what if the workers don't agree?"

Comrade political commissar can always guess his own thoughts, which is not surprising to Malashenko.

But Iushkin, who was holding the steering wheel and driving next to him, actually hit the mark and guessed the right thing. This somewhat surprised Malashenko in the co-pilot.

"Okay, you kid, you can guess me right. Tell me what you think and say, if you have any."

Iushkin is one of those people who "don't talk until he has no work, and only starts to talk when he has a job", except when he is looking for trouble. However, Malashenko thought that this situation should not be considered as looking for trouble. If he wanted to make trouble, Iushkin should find another topic to talk about instead of talking about such serious matters.

As for Iushkin's next answer, it was just as Malashenko expected.

"I think you are thinking a little too much and worrying about things that you don't need to worry about."

"Think about it, these workers are willing to come to the front line. Who can be unprepared? The front line is not a park, it is a battlefield. Even if it is not a copycat and a German, it is very dangerous. Who knows that artillery shells have no eyes? And whether the bomb dropped by the plane will suddenly fall on their heads, I even bet that each of them should have written a suicide note.”


Malashenko said nothing. He knew that Iushkin had not finished what he said, and he just waited quietly for Iushkin's next "high talk".

"You are usually quite busy. Except for being with your brothers during battles, you are always busy with things at the division headquarters."

"Don't get me wrong, I don't mean anything else. I just want to say that your understanding of Artyom is definitely not as good as mine."

"You also know that Artyom is a man who joined the army halfway. Before the war, he was just an ordinary Ukrainian worker, working as a fitter in shipbuilding in Odessa."

"Based on what I know about him, I would say that there is no difference between a worker and a soldier. Artyom himself said that he could hardly feel the change in status, but the tools in his hands changed from pliers, wrenches, and hammers to long guns, short guns, and cannonballs. , I just changed into different work clothes. No matter how much I loved the motherland and worked hard for the country in the past, I still have the same original intention after joining the army. "

"There are still comrades everywhere around us, and everyone is fighting for the same goal and uniting under a red flag. Except for the different fields of expertise, there is no fundamental difference between us Red Army soldiers and military industry workers."

"So let me tell you, you just need to explain your needs to those worker comrades and explain clearly the current war situation and difficulties that the leadership division is encountering. They will definitely understand that they need to stand up for the motherland now, just like what I just said , this kind of non-forced front-line mission can only be taken by those who are well aware of it. Now that they are here, I believe they will make the right choice and understand better what kind of choice to make. correct."


Malashenko, who was holding his chin in his hand, was still looking out the car window. The final destination was not far away. After thinking for a while, Malashenko finally slowly spoke to Iushkin.

"Did you sum up all this yourself? It sounds different from your usual self."

Malashenko's tone was not joking but serious, and Iushkin's answer was naturally the same.

"Everyday is normal, but I also have times to think."

"I thought a lot after Kirill left. Sometimes I can even see Kirill's outline in Artem's back."

"Although one of them is a top music student who graduated from Moscow State University, and the other is just an ordinary Odessa shipbuilder, I can always feel that they have something similar in common, which is enough to make their backs and feelings overlap. Together."

"Later I realized that it was the overlapping figures of both of them striving for that ambitious goal and common ideal. Kirill and Artyom both have passionate hearts, are willing to give, are selfless and fearless , has been passed down to this day as the loader of the No. 177 car crew. This is also a precious spiritual wealth shared by our entire crew and this small group.”

"I also believe even more that this spirit and this inheritance are by no means unique to the two of them. I have never worked in the military industry, but I can see this kind of brilliance passed down from generation to generation from Artyom. Just like us, they are Red Army soldiers with hammers and wrenches in their hands, but no guns. They fight on the production line without seeing the smoke and flames of war to help us win this Patriotic War. "

"So you just do what you should do. I have this confidence, and you must have it too. Shouldn't it be natural to believe in our comrades? What do you think?"

I don't know when Malashenko rolled down the car window and was blowing the cold night wind outside the window. The words that followed him also reached Iushkin's ears like the sound of wind. He was engraved in his heart for a long time until a few years later. The future will never be forgotten.

"Of course, we will trust our comrades not only today, but also in the future."

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