Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2181: General achievements not worth mentioning

Chapter 2186: General achievements not worth mentioning

"Yes, the fire control system is a simplified version. The initial batch time is tight and needs to be produced as soon as possible, so it only has the most basic but reliable enough optical sight. It has not many functions but can meet the basic needs. Google search to read updates is better The matching sights are still being designed, and they may be put into use in cars in the next batch. At the moment, we can only make do with it for practice.”

"Don't worry about the power. This is the most powerful of all the ground equipment of the Red Army. Yes, it is the most powerful in the literal sense. 16 rounds of 310mm Andryusa rockets can destroy anything within the field of vision. Whether they are people, tanks or even solid bunkers and buildings, you can wipe out those German fascists with just a flick of your finger.”

"I still have a question. Can we only maintain a short combat time and have to retreat immediately when we run out of ammunition? Can this thing only allow auxiliary vehicles to come up and reload from the outside? It doesn't seem to be durable enough."

Although no combat missions have been assigned yet, the newly established divisional rocket assault tank battalion is already conducting parallel equipment mastering courses with theoretical learning and actual vehicle operation.

Commanders and soldiers are discussing equipment-related matters and intensifying their studies with the workers and technicians who arrived with the equipment on the train. The equipment was unloaded, the train left, but the people stayed.

With the assistance of these comrades workers and technicians, as well as the equipment manuals and other teaching materials compiled overtime before leaving the factory, the old tank soldiers who conscientiously acted as the leaders of good students, but also under the careful guidance of the teachers I quickly learned and mastered it, and gained more and more understanding of this new configuration and new concept of heavy armored assault tanks that I had never been exposed to before.

Malashenko, who was busy with combat-related matters, did not pay much attention to the formation of the new unit. From the initial establishment of the new battalion to the personnel dispatch and arrangement, it was basically handled by the political commissar comrades, and Malashenko was just a After reading the new troop formation report, he signed it with a swipe of his pen, and the matter was completed and approved by the division office of the leading division.

Seeing the scene in front of him, Malashenko, who was seeing the latest hotly launched force of the Leader Division for the first time, was very satisfied.

If you don't say anything else, just the teacher's spirit of leading students, stepping up to learn new equipment technology and performance essentials, striving to master the equipment as soon as possible, and stepping up to form actual combat effectiveness, that is full of positive energy. No matter which leader came to conduct a surprise inspection of the troops, he would have to nod with satisfaction. It is not easy to study so seriously on the frontline battlefield where artillery fire is flying.

"Do you want me to go ask you who the battalion commander is, and then call you over to talk?"

Iushkin volunteered to run errands for Comrade Commander, but Malashenko immediately waved his hand to indicate that he would not use it for the time being.

"Wait a minute, I want to take a walk and see for myself. It's not common for a group of people to learn how to master equipment in the open in the middle of the night on such a cold day."

When Malashenko said this, Iushkin took it for granted that he followed Malashenko's wishes, and then planned to follow Malashenko's pace and move towards the crowd.

But at this moment, a figure suddenly appeared from the tent on the side and met Malashenko. The two of them stopped in their tracks, and finally Or when Malashenko was about to speak, he was beaten to the punch.

"You are General Malashenko, comrade division commander, right?"

Comrade Lao Ma, who was too lazy to change his clothes, was still wearing the worn-out tank soldier combat uniform that he had worn during the day. The tank soldier major general's regular uniform that he should have worn more often turned out to be a "travelling lover" whose upper body was not seen once in eight hundred years.

The comrade who wore glasses adjusted his glasses and checked again and again before he finally confirmed that the face in front of him was the one he had often seen in various places before. The propaganda materials are even the man seen in the pictorial - the symbol of victory of the Red Army's front-line tank troops and the number one tank hero of the motherland who has won two Hero of the Soviet Union awards: General Malashenko.

"It's me, Commander of the Leader's Division and Major General of the Tank Corps, Malashenko. Who are you?"

The person in front of me has a strong scholarly air at first glance, but this face that is over thirty years old has a mature and profound look besides the bookish air. He is probably the kind of person who is constantly learning new things and at the same time. People who can also go down to the front line to do actual operations.

Generally speaking, if this kind of person is placed in the military industry system, he should be a big boss, or at least a practical front-line leader. Malashenko, who dealt with Kotin, Morozov, Kalashnikov and others all day long, was quite convinced of this sense of déjà vu.

"As expected, it's you, Comrade General, I've really admired your name for a long time."

"I am Konakov, the squad leader of the technical training class, responsible for leading the team to complete the guidance and teaching tasks of this new equipment. On behalf of all the comrades of the technical training class, I would like to thank you for your outstanding contributions to the motherland. Your name is in our design No one in the office knows it.”

"Comrade Kotin advocated at several overall meetings that all comrades should learn from General Malashenko, carry forward the spirit of "leadership division" on the rear production line, and use the necessary papers and tools in their hands to resolutely fight against the fascist dictatorship. Fight, you are the hero who makes the best use of the equipment we designed and symbolizes victory.”

Although there were a lot of beautiful words piled up at the beginning, Malashenko did not feel that this was intentional flattery.

Look at the excitement on Comrade Konakov's face, and even the hand that is tightly held with Malashenko is trembling, you will know that this guy belongs to the kind of sincere feelings, not false, you It can even be said that this is a bit close to a personality cult, because that is exactly what it is.

But there is a saying, one code is the same, the old man Ke Jing has praised himself to this extent by his subordinates, and also tossed out the "leader spirit" for the first time I heard such a saying. This is indeed Comrade Ma is a bit confused and unexpected.

"Mediocre achievements are not worth mentioning. Comrade Konakov, you are also the unsung heroes fighting on the rear military and industrial lines. You are the most tacit partner and capable comrade-in-arms of our leading division."

That's enough of the necessary carrying of sedan chairs and exchanging strategic blows. Now it's time to get down to business.

"Tell me about the specific situation, Comrade Konakov. Are these soldiers in our division still qualified students? In your opinion, how long will it take to form actual combat effectiveness, so that these big guys can really go to the front line and go to war? Conquer those German fascists.”

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