Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2182 Inviter

Chapter 2187 Inviter

Malashenko's request was very direct and simple, and there was only one request: let these world-destroying war machines enter the battlefield as soon as possible, fight the enemy in battle, and provide a good service to those fascists who don't know how many eyes "Lord Ma" has. a lesson.

But this is really a problem that is not easy to solve, so that Comrade Konakov, who was smiling just now, suddenly became embarrassed when he heard this. After thinking for a while, he finally calmed down his emotions. And spoke seriously to Malashenko.

"It must be admitted that the Leader Division is indeed well-deserved. These soldiers and commanders are the best, the best, or even the best among the tank troops I have ever come into contact with. They are indeed the best, regardless of understanding. It doesn’t matter whether you have ability or learning ability, Comrade General.”

"But I must also point out that as far as the current situation is concerned, we are pressed for time. You have also seen that we are even using the night time to step up study and training. This relatively quiet time without battlefield noise pollution is the best time. It’s a good time to study. Although the sky is dark and the lights are out, we can only use the moonlight, but at least the moonlight is not that bad today.”

"We are not yet ready to put into actual combat immediately. The course is only halfway through, and it is only a theoretical course combined with written textbooks. The equipment practical training course has not even had time to start. If Taken together in terms of overall progress, less than 40% has been completed, not even half.

"According to our estimates when we first compiled the technical manual, even experienced crews would need at least two weeks of training to fully master TOS-1 and form a complete and reliable actual combat capability. Less than this time Something could go wrong."

"Of course, this is just training. Considering the complex conditions such as battlefield running-in, it will take at least three weeks or even more than a month to truly be called reliable combat effectiveness. With the assistance of factory personnel like us, this can indeed greatly improve Increase the speed of training and learning, but not to this level yet, Comrade General, everything needs to follow objective laws and processes, you know this."

Konakoff’s expression is one of visible anxiety. After all, as a front-line, hard-working grassroots leader who is engaged in technology, Konakoff knows very well that if soldiers don’t understand the equipment thoroughly enough and rush to the battlefield before they are fully familiar with and master the performance, On the battlefield, this requires blood and even life to make up for the shortcomings.

Equipment that cannot be used properly is no different from junk equipment. Konakov is worried or even afraid of this situation.

The current anxiety and uneasiness are all driven by his sense of responsibility as a grassroots front-line technician. This is his responsibility and mission. It is his responsibility as the leader of the training class. He must make it clear to Malashenko. The serious complexity of the situation makes it inevitable.

"I understand, Comrade Konakov, but I think you may have misunderstood something."

Malashenko can indeed read something called "feelings" from Konakoff's eyes. He loves his position and is loyal to his duties just as he deeply loves the motherland that raised him. This is his supreme honor and pride as a military worker, and he practices it in every corner of his work, including the use and training of equipment.

To deal with such a dedicated military worker, you cannot use military orders to force him, and just yell at him indiscriminately. Malashenko knows that this is a serious disrespect. It is very necessary to explain the situation clearly, explain the ins and outs and final needs in this situation.

"One of the main purposes of coming to you this time is to invite you to lead a team to join the battle temporarily and form a temporary mixed vehicle crew with our soldiers. You will be responsible for instructing the use of equipment and providing battlefield assistance."

"After all, in terms of familiarity with the equipment, no one is better than those of you who have built it with your own hands. You know TOS-1 just like you know your own children."

"The situation is urgent now, Comrade Konakov. The German Fascists have gathered an army of 700,000 to 800,000 people in East Prussia and are ready to fight to the death."

"Of course we can win the final victory. As the commander of the leading division, I have always believed in this and am willing to lead my soldiers to fight the enemy."

"But this will result in unavoidable bloodshed and sacrifices. I never deny that what we are facing now is a strong Fascist enemy that is firmly entrenched in its homeland and has a tenacious fighting spirit. We must show more strength than any previous battle. Deal with it with determination and attitude.”

"Our motherland has lost too many young people of our own age and even younger. Most of them are outstanding and will be the future pillars of our motherland in all walks of life. They should have their own colorful youth , but was involved in the Patriotic War by those rampaging Fascist invaders and lost his precious life.”

"This war is about to usher in the final victory, but in addition to winning, I, Malashenko, as the commander of the leadership division, I want to preserve more vibrant people for the torch of communism and the future of the motherland. Youth and hope for the future.”

"Once these powerful weapons are added to the battlefield, just imagine how many lives of young commanders and soldiers will be indirectly saved by their unparalleled power. I joined the army to serve the country and never coveted glory, wealth, promotion, or a name in history, but only if I join the army to serve the country. In this matter, I asked myself what I must do to be worthy of the trust and trust of thousands of people."

"I want more husbands, brothers, sons, fathers and comrades to be able to return home with honor and reunite with their relatives in the glory of victory. To do this I need your help, Comrade Konakov, I would like to ask you to lend a helping hand, work together with us and fight side by side, so that the Fascist bandits will fall under the destructive firepower and usher in the most complete defeat."


That’s it for now, no more need to be said.

Malashenko, who was acting on the spot, had almost exhausted all the words he could think of and organize. As for what the next result would be, Malashenko himself was not sure. After "just try your best," he just said We can see what Konakoff’s answer is next.

It's just that Konakoff's next reaction was really unexpected for Comrade Ma.

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