Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2183 Problem Solving

Chapter 2188 Problem Solving

"We have long been aware of it. It can even be said that we are ready to join this battle, Comrade General. Deputy Director Andre told us before leaving that if the situation becomes necessary, we will help you fight. Win any battle you may face.”

"There was a misunderstanding when I just heard you saying that you wanted to put TOS-1 into combat immediately. Now it seems that it was indeed a misunderstanding. I thought you wanted to put the Rocket Assault Tank Battalion into combat immediately, but the soldiers obviously haven't done this yet. fully prepared."

"But as you said, if it is to break up, mix and reorganize, I think this should be possible. This is a method and idea that I have never imagined before. Now after thinking about it carefully, it is obviously very feasible. I Think it's worth a try, Comrade General."


There is one thing to say, Malashenko did not expect that Konakov’s answer would be like this.

Comrade Lao Ma was even prepared to be rejected politely, or to do mobilization and propaganda work for the worker comrades again, and he would not give up until his reputation was broken.

But now, Konakov actually said directly, "We have been ready for a long time, just waiting for your words." After thinking about it, Malashenko even had some self-doubt, wondering whether he was here. It's a bit late. If I had thought of this earlier, I might not have been able to put TOS-1 into battle earlier, and then send those German fascists into the sky one by one.

Now looking back and thinking about what has happened, it seems a bit unnecessary. The important thing is to seize the moment and grasp the present. Of course Malashenko also understands this truth, but there is still one thing that Malashenko Not sure yet.

"But the battlefield is different from the rear factories after all. Our enemies are still crazy. This requires not only will and determination, but more importantly, the ability to match it. If I really want to do this, I must deal with your Responsible for life, this is not a passionate act, are you really ready?"

Malashenko had tried to speak as tactfully as possible. After all, strictly speaking, this was questioning his ability to go to the battlefield.

Many times, listening to what others say can lead to different interpretations. The key lies in the self-perception and attitude of the person listening. Malashenko does not want the good comrade in front of him to get the wrong meaning, so he is also ensuring that Be tactful and make the issue as clear as possible.

But once again, what was somewhat unexpected was that the preparations made by Konakov or the entire training class were obviously more than Malashenko expected.

"We were well prepared before departure, Comrade General, and everyone in our training class has received strict military training. Maybe you don't know, but military-industrial units have been paramilitary since the outbreak of the Great Patriotic War. In chemical units, from workers to technicians and even to the chief division officer and even Comrade Ke Jing, we all have to receive military training and assessment on a regular basis.”

"The use and maintenance of firearms, basic infantry tactics, and the use of some battlefield doctrine and technical equipment may not necessarily be used, but in short we have all received similar training and training. Especially after the Battle of Stalingrad, The working class also played a vital role in the fight, which makes it all the more necessary and important.”

"It can be said that, Comrade General, we are not only familiar with heavy equipment, understand and master how to control and use TOS-1, but also know how to protect ourselves on the battlefield. Although most of us have never participated in combat, it is possible to say that It will make you laugh, but we will definitely try not to be a burden to you and the soldiers, and let those fascists see the power of our working class!”

Konakoff is one of those gentlemen who wears round glasses and looks more like a clerk than a technician.

But Malashenko did feel the power from this clenched deep voice, a surging power that could give Fasis a thunderous blow. It was enough to impress people and make them believe in it. We must have the ability to do it, just like these military workers who selflessly dedicated themselves to the country once did when they defended Leningrad and Stalingrad.

It was only then that Malashenko had a deeper understanding and understanding of what Iushkin concluded from spending more time with Artyom.

"They are just like us, Red Army soldiers holding hammers and wrenches but not guns. They fight on the production line where the smoke and flames of war are invisible to help us win this Patriotic War."

The reality he is currently experiencing personally has quietly added a final sentence that is even more profound for Malashenko.

"If necessary, they are also Red Army soldiers who are always ready to take up arms and rush to the battlefield. This has never changed."

It was not too late for Malashenko to come back. The field division headquarters of the leader division was still a busy scene. Even in the middle of the night, there were still many people working in the division headquarters half buried in the earthwork bunker.

"Come back? I thought it would take a while, but it seems things are going smoothly."

Comrade Political Commissar should be in a good mood. After all, he just won a big victory and people are in high spirits when happy events happen. This is what they should be. This relaxed and cheerful tone just fits Malashenko's mood at the moment.

"I even feel that my trip was a bit in vain. The comrades of the workers have long been prepared and waiting for dispatch. I don't need to go. I only need to give an order to get everyone into action. I underestimated their strength." Awakening made me feel very embarrassed, and I was very embarrassed at the time.”

Malashenko lit one for himself before he could sit firmly on his butt. Malashenko always forgot to bring cigarettes when he went out, but he always saw ready-made cigarettes on the table of the political commissar comrade who had just returned. It was really very strange. convenient. But he completely didn't realize that Comrade Comrade Political Commissar had already followed Karachev's advice and quit smoking long ago in order to persist longer. There is still a pack of cigarettes on the table, but it is just for a specific person.

"What's the situation here? What did the front army headquarters say? Don't tell me that Comrade Commander doesn't agree, then my trip will be in vain."

Although he said this, Malashenko knew in his heart that with Vatutin's personality, there was almost no veto or disagreement.

If you really ask Malashenko to tell you why Vatutin would definitely agree, Malashenko himself can't say for sure. He can only say that it is the tacit understanding and familiarity after getting along with the old chief for so long.

As expected, Comrade Political Commissar's next answer directly gave the answer Malashenko wanted.

"Requesting permission, but Comrade Commander asked us to pay attention to one thing. If conditions permit, we must try our best to ensure the safety of these comrades. The knowledge and skills they possess are precious, and they are not real combatants, so there are some things We really need to protect it.”

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